Provide both pythonic Django part and the static assets (angular directives and styles) for the new panel. DEPLOY NOTES: To enable panel itself, copy openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/_9030_profiler_settings.py.example file from the previous commit to openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/_9030_profiler_settings.py and copy openstack_dashboard/contrib/developer/enabled/_9030_profiler.py to openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_9030_profiler.py To support storing profiler data on server-side, MongoDB cluster needs to be installed on Devstack host (default configuration), see https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/#install-mongodb-community-edition for instructions. Then, change net:bindIp: key to inside /etc/mongod.conf and invoke `sudo service mongod restart` for the changes to have an effect. Implements-blueprint: openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard Change-Id: Ice7b8b4b4decad2c45a9edef3f3c4cc2ff759de4
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- A new Profiler panel in the Developer dashboard is
introduced. It integrates
`osprofiler library <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/osprofiler/>`_
into horizon, thus implementing
`blueprint openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard>`_.
Initially profiler is disabled. To enable it the value
``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['enabled']`` has to be ``True``.
This in turn can be achieved by copying files
_9030_profiler_settings.py.example and _9030_profiler.py to
and openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_9030_profiler.py respectively.
Also, by default it expects MongoDB cluster
to be present on the same host where Keystone is located
(say, in a Devstack VM). But it also can be configured
with params with ``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['notifier_connection_string]'``
and ``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['receiver_connection_string']`` values.
MongoDB should be installed
`manually <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/#install-mongodb-community-edition>`_
and allowed to receive requests on interface.