Always try to request and use version 2.40 of the nova api for that particular call, so that we can use pagination. Change-Id: I5890776bb273f6dd20807dc0d315f4c67785fcc4
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# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2012 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import logging
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.functional import cached_property # noqa
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
import six
from novaclient import api_versions
from novaclient import client as nova_client
from novaclient import exceptions as nova_exceptions
from novaclient.v2.contrib import instance_action as nova_instance_action
from novaclient.v2.contrib import list_extensions as nova_list_extensions
from novaclient.v2 import security_group_rules as nova_rules
from novaclient.v2 import servers as nova_servers
from horizon import conf
from horizon import exceptions as horizon_exceptions
from horizon.utils import functions as utils
from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized # noqa
from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized_with_request # noqa
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import network_base
from openstack_dashboard.contrib.developer.profiler import api as profiler
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Supported compute versions
VERSIONS = base.APIVersionManager("compute", preferred_version=2)
VERSIONS.load_supported_version(1.1, {"client": nova_client, "version": 1.1})
VERSIONS.load_supported_version(2, {"client": nova_client, "version": 2})
VERSIONS.load_supported_version(2.9, {"client": nova_client, "version": 2.9})
# API static values
INSECURE = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY', False)
CACERT = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT', None)
class VNCConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_vnc_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class SPICEConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_spice_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class RDPConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_rdp_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class SerialConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_serial_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class Server(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Simple wrapper around novaclient.server.Server.
Preserves the request info so image name can later be retrieved.
_attrs = ['addresses', 'attrs', 'id', 'image', 'links',
'metadata', 'name', 'private_ip', 'public_ip', 'status', 'uuid',
'image_name', 'VirtualInterfaces', 'flavor', 'key_name', 'fault',
'tenant_id', 'user_id', 'created', 'locked',
'OS-EXT-STS:power_state', 'OS-EXT-STS:task_state',
'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host',
'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone', 'OS-DCF:diskConfig']
def __init__(self, apiresource, request):
super(Server, self).__init__(apiresource)
self.request = request
# TODO(gabriel): deprecate making a call to Glance as a fallback.
def image_name(self):
import glanceclient.exc as glance_exceptions # noqa
from openstack_dashboard.api import glance # noqa
if not self.image:
return _("-")
if hasattr(self.image, 'name'):
return self.image.name
if 'name' in self.image:
return self.image['name']
image = glance.image_get(self.request, self.image['id'])
return image.name
except (glance_exceptions.ClientException,
return _("-")
def internal_name(self):
return getattr(self, 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name', "")
def availability_zone(self):
return getattr(self, 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone', "")
def host_server(self):
return getattr(self, 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host', '')
class Hypervisor(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Simple wrapper around novaclient.hypervisors.Hypervisor."""
_attrs = ['manager', '_loaded', '_info', 'hypervisor_hostname', 'id',
def servers(self):
# if hypervisor doesn't have servers, the attribute is not present
servers = []
servers = self._apidict.servers
except Exception:
return servers
class NovaUsage(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Simple wrapper around contrib/simple_usage.py."""
_attrs = ['start', 'server_usages', 'stop', 'tenant_id',
'total_local_gb_usage', 'total_memory_mb_usage',
'total_vcpus_usage', 'total_hours']
def get_summary(self):
return {'instances': self.total_active_instances,
'memory_mb': self.memory_mb,
'vcpus': self.vcpus,
'vcpu_hours': self.vcpu_hours,
'local_gb': self.local_gb,
'disk_gb_hours': self.disk_gb_hours,
'memory_mb_hours': self.memory_mb_hours}
def total_active_instances(self):
return sum(1 for s in self.server_usages if s['ended_at'] is None)
def vcpus(self):
return sum(s['vcpus'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def vcpu_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_vcpus_usage", 0)
def local_gb(self):
return sum(s['local_gb'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def memory_mb(self):
return sum(s['memory_mb'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def disk_gb_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_local_gb_usage", 0)
def memory_mb_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_memory_mb_usage", 0)
class SecurityGroup(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper around novaclient.security_groups.SecurityGroup.
Wraps its rules in SecurityGroupRule objects and allows access to them.
_attrs = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'tenant_id']
def rules(self):
"""Wraps transmitted rule info in the novaclient rule class."""
manager = nova_rules.SecurityGroupRuleManager(None)
rule_objs = [nova_rules.SecurityGroupRule(manager, rule)
for rule in self._apiresource.rules]
return [SecurityGroupRule(rule) for rule in rule_objs]
def to_dict(self):
return self._apiresource.to_dict()
class SecurityGroupRule(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for individual rules in a SecurityGroup."""
_attrs = ['id', 'ip_protocol', 'from_port', 'to_port', 'ip_range', 'group']
def __str__(self):
vals = {
'range': '%s:%s' % (self.from_port, self.to_port),
'ip_protocol': self.ip_protocol
if self.from_port == -1 and self.to_port == -1:
vals['range'] = 'any port'
if 'name' in self.group:
vals['group'] = self.group['name']
return (_('ALLOW %(range)s/%(ip_protocol)s from %(group)s') % vals)
vals['cidr'] = self.ip_range['cidr']
return (_('ALLOW %(range)s/%(ip_protocol)s from %(cidr)s') % vals)
# The following attributes are defined to keep compatibility with Neutron
def ethertype(self):
return None
def direction(self):
return 'ingress'
class SecurityGroupManager(network_base.SecurityGroupManager):
backend = 'nova'
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
self.client = novaclient(request)
def list(self):
return [SecurityGroup(g) for g
in self.client.security_groups.list()]
def get(self, sg_id):
return SecurityGroup(self.client.security_groups.get(sg_id))
def create(self, name, desc):
return SecurityGroup(self.client.security_groups.create(name, desc))
def update(self, sg_id, name, desc):
return SecurityGroup(self.client.security_groups.update(sg_id,
name, desc))
def delete(self, security_group_id):
def rule_create(self, parent_group_id,
direction=None, ethertype=None,
ip_protocol=None, from_port=None, to_port=None,
cidr=None, group_id=None):
# Nova Security Group API does not use direction and ethertype fields.
sg = self.client.security_group_rules.create(parent_group_id,
except nova_exceptions.BadRequest:
raise horizon_exceptions.Conflict(
_('Security group rule already exists.'))
return SecurityGroupRule(sg)
def rule_delete(self, security_group_rule_id):
def list_by_instance(self, instance_id):
"""Gets security groups of an instance."""
return [SecurityGroup(sg) for sg
in self.client.servers.list_security_group(instance_id)]
def update_instance_security_group(self, instance_id,
all_groups = self.list()
except Exception:
raise Exception(_("Couldn't get security group list."))
wanted_groups = set([sg.name for sg in all_groups
if sg.id in new_security_group_ids])
current_groups = self.list_by_instance(instance_id)
except Exception:
raise Exception(_("Couldn't get current security group "
"list for instance %s.")
% instance_id)
current_group_names = set([sg.name for sg in current_groups])
groups_to_add = wanted_groups - current_group_names
groups_to_remove = current_group_names - wanted_groups
num_groups_to_modify = len(groups_to_add | groups_to_remove)
for group in groups_to_add:
self.client.servers.add_security_group(instance_id, group)
num_groups_to_modify -= 1
for group in groups_to_remove:
self.client.servers.remove_security_group(instance_id, group)
num_groups_to_modify -= 1
except nova_exceptions.ClientException as err:
LOG.error(_("Failed to modify %(num_groups_to_modify)d instance "
"security groups: %(err)s") %
# reraise novaclient.exceptions.ClientException, but with
# a sanitized error message so we don't risk exposing
# sensitive information to the end user. This has to be
# novaclient.exceptions.ClientException, not just
# Exception, since the former is recognized as a
# "recoverable" exception by horizon, and therefore the
# error message is passed along to the end user, while
# Exception is swallowed alive by horizon and a generic
# error message is given to the end user
raise nova_exceptions.ClientException(
_("Failed to modify %d instance security groups") %
return True
class FlavorExtraSpec(object):
def __init__(self, flavor_id, key, val):
self.flavor_id = flavor_id
self.id = key
self.key = key
self.value = val
class FloatingIp(base.APIResourceWrapper):
_attrs = ['id', 'ip', 'fixed_ip', 'port_id', 'instance_id',
'instance_type', 'pool']
def __init__(self, fip):
fip.__setattr__('port_id', fip.instance_id)
'compute' if fip.instance_id else None)
super(FloatingIp, self).__init__(fip)
class FloatingIpPool(base.APIDictWrapper):
def __init__(self, pool):
pool_dict = {'id': pool.name,
'name': pool.name}
super(FloatingIpPool, self).__init__(pool_dict)
class FloatingIpTarget(base.APIDictWrapper):
def __init__(self, server):
server_dict = {'name': '%s (%s)' % (server.name, server.id),
'id': server.id}
super(FloatingIpTarget, self).__init__(server_dict)
class FloatingIpManager(network_base.FloatingIpManager):
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
self.client = novaclient(request)
def list_pools(self):
return [FloatingIpPool(pool)
for pool in self.client.floating_ip_pools.list()]
def list(self, all_tenants=False):
return [FloatingIp(fip) for fip in
def get(self, floating_ip_id):
return FloatingIp(self.client.floating_ips.get(floating_ip_id))
def allocate(self, pool, tenant_id=None, **params):
# NOTE: tenant_id will never be used here.
return FloatingIp(self.client.floating_ips.create(pool=pool))
def release(self, floating_ip_id):
def associate(self, floating_ip_id, port_id):
# In Nova implied port_id is instance_id
server = self.client.servers.get(port_id)
fip = self.client.floating_ips.get(floating_ip_id)
self.client.servers.add_floating_ip(server.id, fip.ip)
def disassociate(self, floating_ip_id):
fip = self.client.floating_ips.get(floating_ip_id)
server = self.client.servers.get(fip.instance_id)
self.client.servers.remove_floating_ip(server.id, fip.ip)
def list_targets(self):
return [FloatingIpTarget(s) for s in self.client.servers.list()]
def get_target_id_by_instance(self, instance_id, target_list=None):
return instance_id
def list_target_id_by_instance(self, instance_id, target_list=None):
return [instance_id, ]
def is_simple_associate_supported(self):
return conf.HORIZON_CONFIG["simple_ip_management"]
def is_supported(self):
return True
def get_auth_params_from_request(request):
"""Extracts the properties from the request object needed by the novaclient
call below. These will be used to memoize the calls to novaclient
return (
base.url_for(request, 'compute'),
base.url_for(request, 'identity')
def novaclient(request_auth_params, version=None):
username, token_id, project_id, nova_url, auth_url = request_auth_params
if version is None:
version = VERSIONS.get_active_version()['version']
c = nova_client.Client(version,
return c
def upgrade_api(request, client, version):
"""Ugrade the nova API to the specified version if possible."""
min_ver, max_ver = api_versions._get_server_version_range(client)
if min_ver <= api_versions.APIVersion(version) <= max_ver:
client = novaclient(request, version)
return client
def server_vnc_console(request, instance_id, console_type='novnc'):
return VNCConsole(novaclient(request).servers.get_vnc_console(
instance_id, console_type)['console'])
def server_spice_console(request, instance_id, console_type='spice-html5'):
return SPICEConsole(novaclient(request).servers.get_spice_console(
instance_id, console_type)['console'])
def server_rdp_console(request, instance_id, console_type='rdp-html5'):
return RDPConsole(novaclient(request).servers.get_rdp_console(
instance_id, console_type)['console'])
def server_serial_console(request, instance_id, console_type='serial'):
return SerialConsole(novaclient(request).servers.get_serial_console(
instance_id, console_type)['console'])
def flavor_create(request, name, memory, vcpu, disk, flavorid='auto',
ephemeral=0, swap=0, metadata=None, is_public=True,
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.create(name, memory, vcpu, disk,
swap=swap, is_public=is_public,
if (metadata):
flavor_extra_set(request, flavor.id, metadata)
return flavor
def flavor_delete(request, flavor_id):
def flavor_get(request, flavor_id, get_extras=False):
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
if get_extras:
flavor.extras = flavor_get_extras(request, flavor.id, True, flavor)
return flavor
def flavor_list(request, is_public=True, get_extras=False):
"""Get the list of available instance sizes (flavors)."""
flavors = novaclient(request).flavors.list(is_public=is_public)
if get_extras:
for flavor in flavors:
flavor.extras = flavor_get_extras(request, flavor.id, True, flavor)
return flavors
def update_pagination(entities, page_size, marker, sort_dir, sort_key,
has_more_data = has_prev_data = False
if len(entities) > page_size:
has_more_data = True
if marker is not None:
has_prev_data = True
# first page condition when reached via prev back
elif reversed_order and marker is not None:
has_more_data = True
# last page condition
elif marker is not None:
has_prev_data = True
# restore the original ordering here
if reversed_order:
entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda entity:
(getattr(entity, sort_key) or '').lower(),
reverse=(sort_dir == 'asc'))
return entities, has_more_data, has_prev_data
def flavor_list_paged(request, is_public=True, get_extras=False, marker=None,
paginate=False, sort_key="name", sort_dir="desc",
"""Get the list of available instance sizes (flavors)."""
has_more_data = False
has_prev_data = False
if paginate:
if reversed_order:
sort_dir = 'desc' if sort_dir == 'asc' else 'asc'
page_size = utils.get_page_size(request)
flavors = novaclient(request).flavors.list(is_public=is_public,
limit=page_size + 1,
flavors, has_more_data, has_prev_data = update_pagination(
flavors, page_size, marker, sort_dir, sort_key, reversed_order)
flavors = novaclient(request).flavors.list(is_public=is_public)
if get_extras:
for flavor in flavors:
flavor.extras = flavor_get_extras(request, flavor.id, True, flavor)
return (flavors, has_more_data, has_prev_data)
def flavor_access_list(nova_api, flavor=None):
"""Get the list of access instance sizes (flavors)."""
return nova_api.flavor_access.list(flavor=flavor)
def add_tenant_to_flavor(request, flavor, tenant):
"""Add a tenant to the given flavor access list."""
return novaclient(request).flavor_access.add_tenant_access(
flavor=flavor, tenant=tenant)
def remove_tenant_from_flavor(request, flavor, tenant):
"""Remove a tenant from the given flavor access list."""
return novaclient(request).flavor_access.remove_tenant_access(
flavor=flavor, tenant=tenant)
def flavor_get_extras(request, flavor_id, raw=False, flavor=None):
"""Get flavor extra specs."""
if flavor is None:
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
extras = flavor.get_keys()
if raw:
return extras
return [FlavorExtraSpec(flavor_id, key, value) for
key, value in extras.items()]
def flavor_extra_delete(request, flavor_id, keys):
"""Unset the flavor extra spec keys."""
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
return flavor.unset_keys(keys)
def flavor_extra_set(request, flavor_id, metadata):
"""Set the flavor extra spec keys."""
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
if (not metadata): # not a way to delete keys
return None
return flavor.set_keys(metadata)
def snapshot_create(request, instance_id, name):
return novaclient(request).servers.create_image(instance_id, name)
def keypair_create(request, name):
return novaclient(request).keypairs.create(name)
def keypair_import(request, name, public_key):
return novaclient(request).keypairs.create(name, public_key)
def keypair_delete(request, keypair_id):
def keypair_list(request):
return novaclient(request).keypairs.list()
def keypair_get(request, keypair_id):
return novaclient(request).keypairs.get(keypair_id)
def server_create(request, name, image, flavor, key_name, user_data,
security_groups, block_device_mapping=None,
block_device_mapping_v2=None, nics=None,
availability_zone=None, instance_count=1, admin_pass=None,
disk_config=None, config_drive=None, meta=None,
return Server(novaclient(request).servers.create(
name.strip(), image, flavor, userdata=user_data,
key_name=key_name, block_device_mapping=block_device_mapping,
nics=nics, availability_zone=availability_zone,
min_count=instance_count, admin_pass=admin_pass,
disk_config=disk_config, config_drive=config_drive,
meta=meta, scheduler_hints=scheduler_hints), request)
def server_delete(request, instance_id):
def server_get(request, instance_id):
return Server(novaclient(request).servers.get(instance_id), request)
def server_list(request, search_opts=None, all_tenants=False):
page_size = utils.get_page_size(request)
c = novaclient(request)
paginate = False
if search_opts is None:
search_opts = {}
elif 'paginate' in search_opts:
paginate = search_opts.pop('paginate')
if paginate:
search_opts['limit'] = page_size + 1
if all_tenants:
search_opts['all_tenants'] = True
search_opts['project_id'] = request.user.tenant_id
servers = [Server(s, request)
for s in c.servers.list(True, search_opts)]
has_more_data = False
if paginate and len(servers) > page_size:
has_more_data = True
elif paginate and len(servers) == getattr(settings, 'API_RESULT_LIMIT',
has_more_data = True
return (servers, has_more_data)
def server_console_output(request, instance_id, tail_length=None):
"""Gets console output of an instance."""
return novaclient(request).servers.get_console_output(instance_id,
def server_pause(request, instance_id):
def server_unpause(request, instance_id):
def server_suspend(request, instance_id):
def server_resume(request, instance_id):
def server_shelve(request, instance_id):
def server_unshelve(request, instance_id):
def server_reboot(request, instance_id, soft_reboot=False):
hardness = nova_servers.REBOOT_HARD
if soft_reboot:
hardness = nova_servers.REBOOT_SOFT
novaclient(request).servers.reboot(instance_id, hardness)
def server_rebuild(request, instance_id, image_id, password=None,
return novaclient(request).servers.rebuild(instance_id, image_id,
password, disk_config)
def server_update(request, instance_id, name):
return novaclient(request).servers.update(instance_id, name=name.strip())
def server_migrate(request, instance_id):
def server_live_migrate(request, instance_id, host, block_migration=False,
novaclient(request).servers.live_migrate(instance_id, host,
def server_resize(request, instance_id, flavor, disk_config=None, **kwargs):
novaclient(request).servers.resize(instance_id, flavor,
disk_config, **kwargs)
def server_confirm_resize(request, instance_id):
def server_revert_resize(request, instance_id):
def server_start(request, instance_id):
def server_stop(request, instance_id):
def server_lock(request, instance_id):
def server_unlock(request, instance_id):
def server_metadata_update(request, instance_id, metadata):
novaclient(request).servers.set_meta(instance_id, metadata)
def server_metadata_delete(request, instance_id, keys):
novaclient(request).servers.delete_meta(instance_id, keys)
def tenant_quota_get(request, tenant_id):
return base.QuotaSet(novaclient(request).quotas.get(tenant_id))
def tenant_quota_update(request, tenant_id, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
novaclient(request).quotas.update(tenant_id, **kwargs)
def default_quota_get(request, tenant_id):
return base.QuotaSet(novaclient(request).quotas.defaults(tenant_id))
def default_quota_update(request, **kwargs):
novaclient(request).quota_classes.update(DEFAULT_QUOTA_NAME, **kwargs)
def _get_usage_marker(usage):
marker = None
if hasattr(usage, 'server_usages') and usage.server_usages:
marker = usage.server_usages[-1].get('instance_id')
return marker
def _get_usage_list_marker(usage_list):
marker = None
if usage_list:
marker = _get_usage_marker(usage_list[-1])
return marker
def _merge_usage(usage, next_usage):
usage.total_hours += next_usage.total_hours
usage.total_memory_mb_usage += next_usage.total_memory_mb_usage
usage.total_vcpus_usage += next_usage.total_vcpus_usage
usage.total_local_gb_usage += next_usage.total_local_gb_usage
def _merge_usage_list(usages, next_usage_list):
for next_usage in next_usage_list:
if next_usage.tenant_id in usages:
_merge_usage(usages[next_usage.tenant_id], next_usage)
usages[next_usage.tenant_id] = next_usage
def usage_get(request, tenant_id, start, end):
client = upgrade_api(request, novaclient(request), '2.40')
usage = client.usage.get(tenant_id, start, end)
if client.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.40'):
# If the number of instances used to calculate the usage is greater
# than max_limit, the usage will be split across multiple requests
# and the responses will need to be merged back together.
marker = _get_usage_marker(usage)
while marker:
next_usage = client.usage.get(tenant_id, start, end, marker=marker)
marker = _get_usage_marker(next_usage)
if marker:
_merge_usage(usage, next_usage)
return NovaUsage(usage)
def usage_list(request, start, end):
client = upgrade_api(request, novaclient(request), '2.40')
usage_list = client.usage.list(start, end, True)
if client.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.40'):
# If the number of instances used to calculate the usage is greater
# than max_limit, the usage will be split across multiple requests
# and the responses will need to be merged back together.
usages = collections.OrderedDict()
_merge_usage_list(usages, usage_list)
marker = _get_usage_list_marker(usage_list)
while marker:
next_usage_list = client.usage.list(start, end, True,
marker = _get_usage_list_marker(next_usage_list)
if marker:
_merge_usage_list(usages, next_usage_list)
usage_list = usages.values()
return [NovaUsage(u) for u in usage_list]
def virtual_interfaces_list(request, instance_id):
return novaclient(request).virtual_interfaces.list(instance_id)
def get_x509_credentials(request):
return novaclient(request).certs.create()
def get_x509_root_certificate(request):
return novaclient(request).certs.get()
def get_password(request, instance_id, private_key=None):
return novaclient(request).servers.get_password(instance_id, private_key)
def instance_volume_attach(request, volume_id, instance_id, device):
return novaclient(request).volumes.create_server_volume(instance_id,
def instance_volume_detach(request, instance_id, att_id):
return novaclient(request).volumes.delete_server_volume(instance_id,
def instance_volumes_list(request, instance_id):
from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder
volumes = novaclient(request).volumes.get_server_volumes(instance_id)
for volume in volumes:
volume_data = cinder.cinderclient(request).volumes.get(volume.id)
volume.name = cinder.Volume(volume_data).name
return volumes
def hypervisor_list(request):
return novaclient(request).hypervisors.list()
def hypervisor_stats(request):
return novaclient(request).hypervisors.statistics()
def hypervisor_search(request, query, servers=True):
return novaclient(request).hypervisors.search(query, servers)
def evacuate_host(request, host, target=None, on_shared_storage=False):
# TODO(jmolle) This should be change for nova atomic api host_evacuate
hypervisors = novaclient(request).hypervisors.search(host, True)
response = []
err_code = None
for hypervisor in hypervisors:
hyper = Hypervisor(hypervisor)
# if hypervisor doesn't have servers, the attribute is not present
for server in hyper.servers:
except nova_exceptions.ClientException as err:
err_code = err.code
msg = _("Name: %(name)s ID: %(uuid)s")
msg = msg % {'name': server['name'], 'uuid': server['uuid']}
if err_code:
msg = _('Failed to evacuate instances: %s') % ', '.join(response)
raise nova_exceptions.ClientException(err_code, msg)
return True
def migrate_host(request, host, live_migrate=False, disk_over_commit=False,
hypervisors = novaclient(request).hypervisors.search(host, True)
response = []
err_code = None
for hyper in hypervisors:
for server in getattr(hyper, "servers", []):
if live_migrate:
instance = server_get(request, server['uuid'])
# Checking that instance can be live-migrated
if instance.status in ["ACTIVE", "PAUSED"]:
except nova_exceptions.ClientException as err:
err_code = err.code
msg = _("Name: %(name)s ID: %(uuid)s")
msg = msg % {'name': server['name'], 'uuid': server['uuid']}
if err_code:
msg = _('Failed to migrate instances: %s') % ', '.join(response)
raise nova_exceptions.ClientException(err_code, msg)
return True
def tenant_absolute_limits(request, reserved=False):
limits = novaclient(request).limits.get(reserved=reserved).absolute
limits_dict = {}
for limit in limits:
if limit.value < 0:
# Workaround for nova bug 1370867 that absolute_limits
# returns negative value for total.*Used instead of 0.
# For such case, replace negative values with 0.
if limit.name.startswith('total') and limit.name.endswith('Used'):
limits_dict[limit.name] = 0
# -1 is used to represent unlimited quotas
limits_dict[limit.name] = float("inf")
limits_dict[limit.name] = limit.value
return limits_dict
def availability_zone_list(request, detailed=False):
return novaclient(request).availability_zones.list(detailed=detailed)
def server_group_list(request):
return novaclient(request).server_groups.list()
def service_list(request, binary=None):
return novaclient(request).services.list(binary=binary)
def service_enable(request, host, binary):
return novaclient(request).services.enable(host, binary)
def service_disable(request, host, binary, reason=None):
if reason:
return novaclient(request).services.disable_log_reason(host,
binary, reason)
return novaclient(request).services.disable(host, binary)
def aggregate_details_list(request):
result = []
c = novaclient(request)
for aggregate in c.aggregates.list():
return result
def aggregate_create(request, name, availability_zone=None):
return novaclient(request).aggregates.create(name, availability_zone)
def aggregate_delete(request, aggregate_id):
return novaclient(request).aggregates.delete(aggregate_id)
def aggregate_get(request, aggregate_id):
return novaclient(request).aggregates.get(aggregate_id)
def aggregate_update(request, aggregate_id, values):
return novaclient(request).aggregates.update(aggregate_id, values)
def aggregate_set_metadata(request, aggregate_id, metadata):
return novaclient(request).aggregates.set_metadata(aggregate_id, metadata)
def host_list(request):
return novaclient(request).hosts.list()
def add_host_to_aggregate(request, aggregate_id, host):
return novaclient(request).aggregates.add_host(aggregate_id, host)
def remove_host_from_aggregate(request, aggregate_id, host):
return novaclient(request).aggregates.remove_host(aggregate_id, host)
def interface_attach(request,
server, port_id=None, net_id=None, fixed_ip=None):
return novaclient(request).servers.interface_attach(server,
def interface_detach(request, server, port_id):
return novaclient(request).servers.interface_detach(server, port_id)
def list_extensions(nova_api):
"""List all nova extensions, except the ones in the blacklist."""
blacklist = set(getattr(settings,
return tuple(
extension for extension in
if extension.name not in blacklist
@memoized_with_request(list_extensions, 1)
def extension_supported(extension_name, extensions):
"""Determine if nova supports a given extension name.
Example values for the extension_name include AdminActions, ConsoleOutput,
for extension in extensions:
if extension.name == extension_name:
return True
return False
def can_set_server_password():
features = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES', {})
return features.get('can_set_password', False)
def instance_action_list(request, instance_id):
return nova_instance_action.InstanceActionManager(
def can_set_mount_point():
"""Return the Hypervisor's capability of setting mount points."""
hypervisor_features = getattr(
return hypervisor_features.get("can_set_mount_point", False)
def requires_keypair():
features = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES', {})
return features.get('requires_keypair', False)
def can_set_quotas():
features = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES', {})
return features.get('enable_quotas', True)