Arun Kant ea689ff78f Adding support for ldap connection pooling.
Using ldappool library to establish connection pooling.
Connection pooling is disabled by default.
Pooling specific configuration parameters are added in ldap section.
Added pool test using existing FakeLdap as connector class.
Added pool specific ldap live test. These tests are executed similar to
existing ldap live test.
Addressed async search_s and result3 API issues mentioned in review.
Added separate connection pool for end user auth bind done by keystone
identity ldap driver logic to avoid saturation of pool by these kind of
binds and limiting pool effectiveness for other ldap operations.
Rebased with lastest master and addressed doc comments.

Change-Id: If516a0d308a7f3be88df5583a30739a935076173
Closes-Bug: #1320997
bp: ldap-connection-pooling
2014-07-23 12:11:48 -07:00

521 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Fake LDAP server for test harness.
This class does very little error checking, and knows nothing about ldap
class definitions. It implements the minimum emulation of the python ldap
library to work with nova.
import re
import shelve
import ldap
import six
from six import moves
from keystone.common.ldap import core
from keystone import config
from keystone import exception
from keystone.openstack.common import log
# /en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366991(v=vs.85).aspx
CONTROL_TREEDELETE = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.805'
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = config.CONF
def _internal_attr(attr_name, value_or_values):
def normalize_value(value):
return core.utf8_decode(value)
def normalize_dn(dn):
# Capitalize the attribute names as an LDAP server might.
# NOTE(blk-u): Special case for this tested value, used with
# test_user_id_comma. The call to str2dn here isn't always correct
# here, because `dn` is escaped for an LDAP filter. str2dn() normally
# works only because there's no special characters in `dn`.
if dn == 'cn=Doe\\5c, John,ou=Users,cn=example,cn=com':
return 'CN=Doe\\, John,OU=Users,CN=example,CN=com'
# NOTE(blk-u): Another special case for this tested value. When a
# roleOccupant has an escaped comma, it gets converted to \2C.
if dn == 'cn=Doe\\, John,ou=Users,cn=example,cn=com':
return 'CN=Doe\\2C John,OU=Users,CN=example,CN=com'
dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(core.utf8_encode(dn))
norm = []
for part in dn:
name, val, i = part[0]
name = core.utf8_decode(name)
name = name.upper()
name = core.utf8_encode(name)
norm.append([(name, val, i)])
return core.utf8_decode(ldap.dn.dn2str(norm))
if attr_name in ('member', 'roleOccupant'):
attr_fn = normalize_dn
attr_fn = normalize_value
if isinstance(value_or_values, list):
return [attr_fn(x) for x in value_or_values]
return [attr_fn(value_or_values)]
def _match_query(query, attrs):
"""Match an ldap query to an attribute dictionary.
The characters &, |, and ! are supported in the query. No syntax checking
is performed, so malformed queries will not work correctly.
# cut off the parentheses
inner = query[1:-1]
if inner.startswith(('&', '|')):
# cut off the & or |
groups = _paren_groups(inner[1:])
return all(_match_query(group, attrs) for group in groups)
if inner.startswith('!'):
# cut off the ! and the nested parentheses
return not _match_query(query[2:-1], attrs)
(k, _sep, v) = inner.partition('=')
return _match(k, v, attrs)
def _paren_groups(source):
"""Split a string into parenthesized groups."""
count = 0
start = 0
result = []
for pos in moves.range(len(source)):
if source[pos] == '(':
if count == 0:
start = pos
count += 1
if source[pos] == ')':
count -= 1
if count == 0:
result.append(source[start:pos + 1])
return result
def _match(key, value, attrs):
"""Match a given key and value against an attribute list."""
if key not in attrs:
return False
# This is a wild card search. Implemented as all or nothing for now.
if value == '*':
return True
if key == 'serviceId':
# for serviceId, the backend is returning a list of numbers
# make sure we convert them to strings first before comparing
# them
str_sids = [six.text_type(x) for x in attrs[key]]
return six.text_type(value) in str_sids
if key != 'objectclass':
check_value = _internal_attr(key, value)[0]
norm_values = list(_internal_attr(key, x)[0] for x in attrs[key])
return check_value in norm_values
# it is an objectclass check, so check subclasses
values = _subs(value)
for v in values:
if v in attrs[key]:
return True
return False
def _subs(value):
"""Returns a list of subclass strings.
The strings represent the ldap objectclass plus any subclasses that
inherit from it. Fakeldap doesn't know about the ldap object structure,
so subclasses need to be defined manually in the dictionary below.
subs = {'groupOfNames': ['keystoneTenant',
if value in subs:
return [value] + subs[value]
return [value]
server_fail = False
class FakeShelve(dict):
def sync(self):
FakeShelves = {}
class FakeLdap(core.LDAPHandler):
'''Emulate the python-ldap API.
The python-ldap API requires all strings to be UTF-8 encoded. This
is assured by the caller of this interface
(i.e. KeystoneLDAPHandler).
However, internally this emulation MUST process and store strings
in a canonical form which permits operations on
characters. Encoded strings do not provide the ability to operate
on characters. Therefore this emulation accepts UTF-8 encoded
strings, decodes them to unicode for operations internal to this
emulation, and encodes them back to UTF-8 when returning values
from the emulation.
__prefix = 'ldap:'
def __init__(self, conn=None):
super(FakeLdap, self).__init__(conn=conn)
self._ldap_options = {ldap.OPT_DEREF: ldap.DEREF_NEVER}
def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None,
use_pool=None, pool_size=None, pool_retry_max=None,
pool_retry_delay=None, pool_conn_timeout=None,
if url.startswith('fake://memory'):
if url not in FakeShelves:
FakeShelves[url] = FakeShelve()
self.db = FakeShelves[url]
self.db =[7:])
using_ldaps = url.lower().startswith("ldaps")
if use_tls and using_ldaps:
raise AssertionError('Invalid TLS / LDAPS combination')
if use_tls:
if tls_cacertfile:
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, tls_cacertfile)
elif tls_cacertdir:
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, tls_cacertdir)
if tls_req_cert in core.LDAP_TLS_CERTS.values():
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, tls_req_cert)
raise ValueError("invalid TLS_REQUIRE_CERT tls_req_cert=%s",
if alias_dereferencing is not None:
self.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEREF, alias_dereferencing)
self.page_size = page_size
self.use_pool = use_pool
self.pool_size = pool_size
self.pool_retry_max = pool_retry_max
self.pool_retry_delay = pool_retry_delay
self.pool_conn_timeout = pool_conn_timeout
self.pool_conn_lifetime = pool_conn_lifetime
def dn(self, dn):
return core.utf8_decode(dn)
def key(self, dn):
return '%s%s' % (self.__prefix, self.dn(dn))
def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
"""This method is ignored, but provided for compatibility."""
if server_fail:
raise ldap.SERVER_DOWN
whos = ['cn=Admin', CONF.ldap.user]
if who in whos and cred in ['password', CONF.ldap.password]:
attrs = self.db[self.key(who)]
except KeyError:
LOG.debug('bind fail: who=%s not found', core.utf8_decode(who))
raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT
db_password = None
db_password = attrs['userPassword'][0]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
LOG.debug('bind fail: password for who=%s not found',
if cred != db_password:
LOG.debug('bind fail: password for who=%s does not match',
def unbind_s(self):
"""This method is ignored, but provided for compatibility."""
if server_fail:
raise ldap.SERVER_DOWN
def add_s(self, dn, modlist):
"""Add an object with the specified attributes at dn."""
if server_fail:
raise ldap.SERVER_DOWN
# The LDAP API raises a TypeError if attr name is None.
for k, dummy_v in modlist:
if k is None:
raise TypeError('must be string, not None. modlist=%s' %
key = self.key(dn)
LOG.debug('add item: dn=%(dn)s, attrs=%(attrs)s', {
'dn': dn, 'attrs': modlist})
if key in self.db:
LOG.debug('add item failed: dn=%s is already in store.',
raise ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS(dn)
self.db[key] = dict([(k, _internal_attr(k, v))
for k, v in modlist])
def delete_s(self, dn):
"""Remove the ldap object at specified dn."""
if server_fail:
raise ldap.SERVER_DOWN
key = self.key(dn)
LOG.debug('delete item: dn=%s', dn)
del self.db[key]
except KeyError:
LOG.debug('delete item failed: dn=%s not found.',
raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT
def delete_ext_s(self, dn, serverctrls, clientctrls=None):
"""Remove the ldap object at specified dn."""
if server_fail:
raise ldap.SERVER_DOWN
if CONTROL_TREEDELETE in [c.controlType for c in serverctrls]:
LOG.debug('FakeLdap subtree_delete item: dn=%s',
children = [k for k, v in six.iteritems(self.db)
if re.match('%s.*,%s' % (
re.escape(self.dn(dn))), k)]
for c in children:
del self.db[c]
key = self.key(dn)
LOG.debug('FakeLdap delete item: dn=%s', dn)
del self.db[key]
except KeyError:
LOG.debug('delete item failed: dn=%s not found.',
raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT
def modify_s(self, dn, modlist):
"""Modify the object at dn using the attribute list.
:param dn: an LDAP DN
:param modlist: a list of tuples in the following form:
([MOD_ADD | MOD_DELETE | MOD_REPACE], attribute, value)
if server_fail:
raise ldap.SERVER_DOWN
key = self.key(dn)
LOG.debug('modify item: dn=%(dn)s attrs=%(attrs)s', {
'dn': dn, 'attrs': modlist})
entry = self.db[key]
except KeyError:
LOG.debug('modify item failed: dn=%s not found.',
raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT
for cmd, k, v in modlist:
values = entry.setdefault(k, [])
if cmd == ldap.MOD_ADD:
v = _internal_attr(k, v)
for x in v:
if x in values:
values += v
elif cmd == ldap.MOD_REPLACE:
values[:] = _internal_attr(k, v)
elif cmd == ldap.MOD_DELETE:
if v is None:
if not values:
LOG.debug('modify item failed: '
'item has no attribute "%s" to delete', k)
values[:] = []
for val in _internal_attr(k, v):
except ValueError:
LOG.debug('modify item failed: '
'item has no attribute "%(k)s" with '
'value "%(v)s" to delete', {
'k': k, 'v': val})
LOG.debug('modify item failed: unknown command %s', cmd)
raise NotImplementedError('modify_s action %s not'
' implemented' % cmd)
self.db[key] = entry
def search_s(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
"""Search for all matching objects under base using the query.
base -- dn to search under
scope -- only SCOPE_BASE and SCOPE_SUBTREE are supported
filterstr -- filter objects by
attrlist -- attrs to return. Returns all attrs if not specified
if server_fail:
raise ldap.SERVER_DOWN
if scope == ldap.SCOPE_BASE:
item_dict = self.db[self.key(base)]
except KeyError:
LOG.debug('search fail: dn not found for SCOPE_BASE')
raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT
results = [(base, item_dict)]
elif scope == ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE:
results = [(k[len(self.__prefix):], v)
for k, v in six.iteritems(self.db)
if re.match('%s.*,%s' % (re.escape(self.__prefix),
re.escape(self.dn(base))), k)]
elif scope == ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL:
def get_entries():
base_dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(core.utf8_encode(base))
base_len = len(base_dn)
for k, v in six.iteritems(self.db):
if not k.startswith(self.__prefix):
k_dn_str = k[len(self.__prefix):]
k_dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(core.utf8_encode(k_dn_str))
if len(k_dn) != base_len + 1:
if k_dn[-base_len:] != base_dn:
yield (k_dn_str, v)
results = list(get_entries())
LOG.debug('search fail: unknown scope %s', scope)
raise NotImplementedError('Search scope %s not implemented.'
% scope)
objects = []
for dn, attrs in results:
# filter the objects by filterstr
id_attr, id_val, _ = ldap.dn.str2dn(core.utf8_encode(dn))[0][0]
id_attr = core.utf8_decode(id_attr)
id_val = core.utf8_decode(id_val)
match_attrs = attrs.copy()
match_attrs[id_attr] = [id_val]
if not filterstr or _match_query(filterstr, match_attrs):
# filter the attributes by attrlist
attrs = dict([(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(attrs)
if not attrlist or k in attrlist])
objects.append((dn, attrs))
return objects
def set_option(self, option, invalue):
self._ldap_options[option] = invalue
def get_option(self, option):
value = self._ldap_options.get(option, None)
return value
def search_ext(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
raise exception.NotImplemented()
def result3(self, msgid=ldap.RES_ANY, all=1, timeout=None,
raise exception.NotImplemented()
class FakeLdapPool(FakeLdap):
'''Emulate the python-ldap API with pooled connections using existing
FakeLdap logic.
This class is used as connector class in PooledLDAPHandler.
def __init__(self, uri, retry_max=None, retry_delay=None, conn=None):
super(FakeLdapPool, self).__init__(conn=conn)
self.url = uri
self.connected = None
self.conn = self
self._connection_time = 5 # any number greater than 0
def get_lifetime(self):
return self._connection_time
def simple_bind_s(self, who=None, cred=None,
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
if self.url.startswith('fakepool://memory'):
if self.url not in FakeShelves:
FakeShelves[self.url] = FakeShelve()
self.db = FakeShelves[self.url]
self.db =[11:])
if not who:
who = 'cn=Admin'
if not cred:
cred = 'password'
super(FakeLdapPool, self).simple_bind_s(who=who, cred=cred,
def unbind_ext_s(self):
'''Added to extend FakeLdap as connector class.'''