Updated Hitachi NAS Platform Driver documentation

This patch updates the documentation for the Hitachi NAS Platform
File Services Driver for OpenStack.

Closes-bug: #1536812
Closes-bug: #1614833
Closes-bug: #1616618
Closes-bug: #1623105

Change-Id: I0291efcadf244b7911969cfb367387a5998f1a23
This commit is contained in:
tpsilva 2016-08-25 14:43:53 -03:00 committed by Alyson Rosa
parent cbb58baada
commit 53198f068a
3 changed files with 398 additions and 311 deletions

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@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2015 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Hitachi HNAS manila driver
Driver Version 1.0
This OpenStack manila driver provides support for Hitachi Data Systems (HDS)
NAS Platform Models 3080, 3090, 4040, 4060, 4080 and 4100.
HNAS Storage Requirements
Before using Hitachi HNAS manila driver, use the HNAS configuration and
management utilities, such as GUI (SMU) or SSC CLI to create a storage pool
(span) and an EVS. Also, check that HNAS/SMU software version is
12.2 or higher.
Supported Operations
The following operations are supported in this version of manila HNAS driver:
- Create and delete NFS shares;
- Extend NFS shares;
- Manage rules to NFS shares (allow/deny access);
- Manage and unmanage NFS shares;
- Create and delete snapshots;
- Create shares from snapshots.
Driver Configuration
To configure the driver, make sure that the controller and compute nodes have
access to the HNAS management port, and compute and neutron nodes have
access to the data ports (EVS IPs or aggregations). If manila-share service
is not running on controller node, it must have access to the management port.
The driver configuration can be summarized in the following steps:
| 1) Create a file system to be used by manila on HNAS. Make sure that the
filesystem is not created as a replication target. Refer to Hitachi HNAS
reference for detailed steps on how to do this;
| 2) Install and configure an OpenStack environment with default manila
parameters and services. Refer to OpenStack manila configuration reference;
| 3) Configure HNAS parameters on manila.conf;
| 4) Prepare the network;
| 5) Configure/create share type;
| 6) Restart the services;
| 7) Configure the network.
In the following sections we cover steps 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Steps 1 and 2 are not
in the scope of this document.
Step 3 - HNAS Parameters Configuration
The following parameters need to be configured in the [DEFAULT]
section of */etc/manila/manila.conf*:
| **Option** | **Description** |
| enabled_share_backends | Name of the section on manila.conf used to specify a backend. E.g. *enabled_share_backends = hnas1* |
| enabled_share_protocols | Specify a list of protocols to be allowed for share creation. For Hitachi driver this must be: *NFS*|
The following parameters need to be configured in the [backend] section of */etc/manila/manila.conf*:
| [hnas1] |
| **Option** | **Description** |
| share_backend_name | A name for the backend. |
| share_driver | Python module path. For Hitachi driver this must be: |
| | *manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hds_hnas.HDSHNASDriver* |
| driver_handles_share_servers | DHSS, Driver working mode. For Hitachi driver **this must be**: |
| | *False* |
| hds_hnas_ip | HNAS management interface IP for communication between manila node and HNAS. |
| hds_hnas_password | This field is used to provide password credential to HNAS. |
| | Either hds_hnas_password or hds_hnas_ssh_private_key must be set. |
| hds_hnas_ssh_private_key | Set this parameter with RSA/DSA private key path to allow the driver to connect into HNAS. |
| hds_hnas_evs_id | ID or Label from EVS which this backend is assigned to (ID and Label can be |
| | listed by CLI “evs list” or EVS Management in HNAS Interface). |
| hds_hnas_evs_ip | EVS IP for mounting shares (this can be listed by CLI “evs list” or EVS Management in HNAS |
| | Interface). |
| hds_hnas_file_system_name | Name of the file system in HNAS, located in the specified EVS. |
| hds_hnas_cluster_admin_ip0* | If HNAS is in a multi-node cluster, set this parameter with the IP of the clusters admin node. |
| hds_hnas_stalled_job_timeout* | Tree-clone-job commands are used to create snapshots and create shares from snapshots. |
| | This parameter sets a timeout (in seconds) to wait for jobs to complete. Default value is |
| | 30 seconds. |
\* Non mandatory parameters.
Below is an example of a valid configuration of HNAS driver:
| ``[DEFAULT]``
| ``enabled_share_backends = hitachi1``
| ``enabled_share_protocols = NFS``
| ``[hitachi1]``
| ``share_backend_name = HITACHI1``
| ``share_driver = manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hds_hnas.HDSHNASDriver``
| ``driver_handles_share_servers = False``
| ``hds_hnas_ip =``
| ``hds_hnas_user = supervisor``
| ``hds_hnas_password = supervisor``
| ``hds_hnas_evs_id = 1``
| ``hds_hnas_evs_ip =``
| ``hds_hnas_file_system_name = FS-Manila``
Step 4 - Prepare the Network
In the driver mode used by HNAS Driver (DHSS = False), the driver does not
handle network configuration, it is up to the administrator to configure it.
It is mandatory that HNAS management interface is reachable from Manila-Share
node through Admin Network, while the selected EVS data interface is reachable
from OpenStack Cloud, such as through Neutron Flat networking. Here is a
step-by-step of an example configuration:
| **Manila-Share Node:**
| **eth0**: Admin Network, can ping HNAS management interface.
| **eth1**: Data Network, can ping HNAS EVS IP (data interface). This interface is
only required if you plan to use Share Migration.
| **Neutron Node and Compute Nodes:**
| **eth0**: Admin Network, can ping HNAS management interface.
| **eth1**: Data Network, can ping HNAS EVS IP (data interface).
The following image represents the described scenario:
.. image:: /images/rpc/hds_network.jpg
:width: 60%
Run in **Neutron Node**:
| ``$ sudo ifconfig eth1 0``
| ``$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth1``
| ``$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth1 eth1``
| ``$ sudo ifconfig eth1 up``
Edit */etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini* (default directory), change the
following settings as follows in their respective tags:
| ``[ml2]``
| ``type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan,gre``
| ``mechanism_drivers = openvswitch``
| ``[ml2_type_flat]``
| ``flat_networks = physnet1,physnet2``
| ``[ml2_type_vlan]``
| ``network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:1500,physnet2:2000:2500``
| ``[ovs]``
| ``bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-ex,physnet2:br-eth1``
You may have to repeat the last line above in another file in the Compute Node,
if it exists is located in: */etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini*.
Create a route in HNAS to the tenant network. Please make sure
multi-tenancy is enabled and routes are configured per EVS. Use the command
“route-net-add” in HNAS console, where the network parameter should be the
tenant's private network, while the gateway parameter should be the FLAT
network gateway and the “console-context --evs” parameter should be the ID of
EVS in use, such as in the following example:
``$ console-context --evs 3 route-net-add --gateway``
Step 5 - Share Type Configuration
Manila requires that the share type includes the driver_handles_share_servers
extra-spec. This ensures that the share will be created on a backend that
supports the requested driver_handles_share_servers capability. For the Hitachi
HNAS manila driver, this must be set to False.
``$ manila type-create hitachi False``
Step 6 - Restart the services
Restart all manila services (manila-share, manila-scheduler and manila-api) and
neutron services (neutron-\*). This step is specific to your environment.
If you are running in devstack for example, you have to log into screen
(*screen -r*), stop the process (Ctrl^C) and run it again. If you are running it
in a distro like RHEL or SUSE, a service command (e.g. *service manila-api
restart*) is used to restart the service.
Step 7 - Configure the Network
In Neutron Controller it is necessary to create a network, a subnet and to add
this subnet interface to a router:
Create a network to the given tenant (demo), providing the DEMO_ID (this can be
fetched using *keystone tenant-list*), a name for the network, the name of the
physical network over which the virtual network is implemented and the type of
the physical mechanism by which the virtual network is implemented:
| ``$ neutron net-create --tenant-id <DEMO_ID> hnas_network``
| ``--provider:physical_network=physnet2 --provider:network_type=flat``
Create a subnet to same tenant (demo), providing the DEMO_ID (this can be fetched
using *keystone tenant-list*), the gateway IP of this subnet, a name for the
subnet, the network ID created on previously step (this can be fetched using
*neutron net-list*) and CIDR of subnet:
| ``$ neutron subnet-create --tenant-id <DEMO_ID> --gateway <GATEWAY>``
| ``--name hnas_subnet <NETWORK_ID> <SUBNET_CIDR>``
Finally, add the subnet interface to a router, providing the router ID and
subnet ID created on previously step (can be fetched using *neutron subnet-list*):
| ``$ neutron router-interface-add <ROUTER_ID> <SUBNET_ID>``
Manage and Unmanage Shares
Manila has the ability to manage and unmanage shares. If there is a share in
the storage and it is not in OpenStack, you can manage that share and use it
as a manila Share. HNAS drivers use virtual-volumes (V-VOL) to create shares.
Only V-VOL shares can be used by the driver. If the NFS export is an ordinary
FS export, it is not possible to use it in manila. The unmanage operation
only unlinks the share from manila. All data is preserved.
| To **manage** shares use:
| ``$ manila manage [--name <name>] [--description <description>]``
| ``[--share_type <share_type>] [--driver_options [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]``
| ``<service_host> <protocol> <export_path>``
| Parameter | Description |
| | Manila host, backend and share name. e.g. |
| service_host | ubuntu\@hitachi1#HITACHI1. The available hosts can be |
| | listed with the command: *manila pool-list* (admin only).|
| protocol | NFS, it is the only supported protocol in this driver |
| | version. |
| export_path | The export path of the share. |
| | e.g. ** |
| To **unmanage** a share use:
| ``$ manila unmanage <share_id>``
| Parameter | Description |
| share_id | Manila ID of the share to be unmanaged. This list can |
| | be fetched with: *manila list*. |
Additional Notes:
| - HNAS has some restrictions about the number of EVSs, filesystems,
virtual-volumes and simultaneous SSC connections. Check the manual
specification for your system.
| - Shares and snapshots are thin provisioned. It is reported to manila only the
real used space in HNAS. Also, a snapshot does not initially take any space in
HNAS, it only stores the difference between the share and the snapshot, so it
grows when share data is changed.
| - Admins should manage the tenants quota (*manila quota-update*) to control the
backend usage.
The :mod:`manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hds_hnas` Module
.. automodule:: manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hds_hnas

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@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
Copyright 2016 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Hitachi NAS Platform File Services Driver for OpenStack
Driver Version 3.0
Hitachi NAS Platform Storage Requirements
This Hitachi NAS Platform File Services Driver for OpenStack provides support
for Hitachi NAS Platform (HNAS) models 3080, 3090, 4040, 4060, 4080 and 4100
with NAS OS 12.2 or higher.
Before configuring the driver, ensure the HNAS has at least:
- 1 storage pool (span) configured.
- 1 EVS configured.
- 1 file system in this EVS, created without replication target option and
should be in mounted state. It is recommended to disable auto-expansion,
because the scheduler uses the current free space reported by the file
system when creating shares.
- 1 Management User configured with "supervisor" permission level.
- Hitachi NAS Management interface should be reachable from manila-share
Also, if the driver is going to create CIFS shares, either LDAP servers or
domains must be configured previously in HNAS to provide the users and groups.
Supported Operations
The following operations are supported in this version of Hitachi NAS Platform
File Services Driver for OpenStack:
- Create and delete CIFS and NFS shares;
- Extend and shrink shares;
- Manage rules to shares (allow/deny access);
- Allow and deny share access;
- ``IP`` access type supported for ``NFS`` shares;
- ``User`` access type supported for ``CIFS`` shares;
- Both ``RW`` and ``RO`` access level are supported for NFS and CIFS shares;
- Manage and unmanage shares;
- Create and delete snapshots;
- Create shares from snapshots.
Driver Configuration
This document contains the installation and user guide of the Hitachi NAS
Platform File Services Driver for OpenStack. Although mentioning some Shared
File Systems service operations and HNAS commands, both are not in the scope of
this document. Please refer to their own guides for details.
Before configuring the driver, make sure that the nodes running the
manila-share service have access to the HNAS management port, and compute and
network nodes have access to the data ports (EVS IPs or aggregations).
The driver configuration can be summarized in the following steps:
#. Configure HNAS parameters on ``manila.conf``;
#. Prepare the network ensuring all OpenStack-HNAS connections mentioned above;
#. Configure/create share type;
#. Restart the services;
#. Configure OpenStack networks.
Step 1 - HNAS Parameters Configuration
The following parameters need to be configured in the [DEFAULT] section
of ``/etc/manila/manila.conf``:
| **Option** | **Description** |
| enabled_share_backends | Name of the section on ``manila.conf`` used to |
| | specify a backend. For example: |
| | *enabled_share_backends = hnas1* |
| enabled_share_protocols | Specify a list of protocols to be allowed for |
| | share creation. This driver version supports |
| | NFS and/or CIFS. |
The following parameters need to be configured in the [backend] section
of ``/etc/manila/manila.conf``:
| **Option** | **Description** |
| share_backend_name | A name for the backend. |
| share_driver | Python module path. For this driver **this must be**: |
| | *manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hnas.driver.HitachiHNASDriver* |
| driver_handles_share_servers | Driver working mode. For this driver **this must be**: |
| | *False*. |
| hitachi_hnas_ip | HNAS management interface IP for communication between manila-share node and HNAS. |
| hitachi_hnas_user | This field is used to provide user credential to HNAS. Provided management user must have |
| | "supervisor" level. |
| hitachi_hnas_password | This field is used to provide password credential to HNAS. |
| | Either hitachi_hnas_password or hitachi_hnas_ssh_private_key must be set. |
| hitachi_hnas_ssh_private_key | Set this parameter with RSA/DSA private key path to allow the driver to connect into HNAS. |
| hitachi_hnas_evs_id | ID from EVS which this backend is assigned to (ID can be listed by CLI "evs list" |
| | or EVS Management in HNAS Interface). |
| hitachi_hnas_evs_ip | EVS IP for mounting shares (this can be listed by CLI "evs list" or EVS Management in HNAS |
| | interface). |
| hitachi_hnas_file_system_name | Name of the file system in HNAS, located in the specified EVS. |
| hitachi_hnas_cluster_admin_ip0* | If HNAS is in a multi-farm (one SMU managing multiple HNAS) configuration, set this parameter with |
| | the IP of the cluster's admin node. |
| hitachi_hnas_stalled_job_timeout* | Tree-clone-job commands are used to create snapshots and create shares from snapshots. |
| | This parameter sets a timeout (in seconds) to wait for jobs to complete. Default value is |
| | 30 seconds. |
| hitachi_hnas_driver_helper* | Python module path for the driver helper. For this driver, it should use (default value): |
| | *manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hnas.ssh.HNASSSHBackend* |
| hitachi_hnas_allow_cifs_snapshot_while_mounted* | By default, CIFS snapshots are not allowed to be taken while the share has clients connected |
| | because point-in-time replica cannot be guaranteed for all files. This parameter can be set |
| | to *True* to allow snapshots to be taken while the share has clients connected. **WARNING**: |
| | Setting this parameter to *True* might cause inconsistent snapshots on CIFS shares. Default |
| | value is *False*. |
\* Non mandatory parameters.
Below is an example of a valid configuration of HNAS driver:
.. code-block:: ini
enabled_share_backends = hitachi1
enabled_share_protocols = CIFS,NFS
share_backend_name = HITACHI1
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hnas.driver.HitachiHNASDriver
driver_handles_share_servers = False
hitachi_hnas_ip =
hitachi_hnas_user = supervisor
hitachi_hnas_password = supervisor
hitachi_hnas_evs_id = 1
hitachi_hnas_evs_ip =
hitachi_hnas_file_system_name = FS-Manila
Step 2 - Prepare the Network
In the driver mode used by Hitachi NAS Platform File Services Driver for
OpenStack, driver_handles_share_servers (DHSS) as False, the driver does not
handle network configuration, it is up to the administrator to configure it.
It is mandatory that HNAS management interface is reachable from a manila-share
node through admin network, while the selected EVS data interface is reachable
from OpenStack Cloud, such as through neutron flat networking. Here is a
step-by-step of an example configuration:
| **Manila-Share Node:**
| **eth0**: Admin Network, can ping HNAS management interface.
| **eth1**: Data Network, can ping HNAS EVS IP (data interface). This interface
is only required if you plan to use Share Migration.
| **Network Node and Compute Nodes:**
| **eth0**: Admin Network, can ping HNAS management interface.
| **eth1**: Data Network, can ping HNAS EVS IP (data interface).
The following image represents the described scenario:
.. image:: /images/rpc/hds_network.jpg
:width: 60%
Run in **Network Node**:
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo ifconfig eth1 0
$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth1
$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth1 eth1
$ sudo ifconfig eth1 up
Edit */etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini* (default directory), change the
following settings as follows in their respective tags:
.. code-block:: ini
type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan,gre
mechanism_drivers = openvswitch
flat_networks = physnet1,physnet2
network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:1500,physnet2:2000:2500
bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-ex,physnet2:br-eth1
You may have to repeat the last line above in another file in the Compute Node,
if it exists is located in: */etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini*.
Create a route in HNAS to the tenant network. Please make sure
multi-tenancy is enabled and routes are configured per EVS. Use the command
“route-net-add” in HNAS console, where the network parameter should be the
tenant's private network, while the gateway parameter should be the flat
network gateway and the “console-context --evs” parameter should be the ID of
EVS in use, such as in the following example:
.. code-block:: console
$ console-context --evs 3 route-net-add --gateway
Step 3 - Share Type Configuration
Shared File Systems service requires that the share type includes the
driver_handles_share_servers extra-spec. This ensures that the share will be
created on a backend that supports the requested driver_handles_share_servers
capability. For the Hitachi NAS Platform File Services Driver for OpenStack
this must be set to False.
.. code-block:: console
$ manila type-create hitachi False
Additionally, the driver also reports the following common capabilities that
can be specified in the share type:
| **Capability** | **Description** |
| thin_provisioning = True | All shares created on HNAS are always thin |
| | provisioned. So, if you set it, the value |
| | **must be**: *True*. |
| dedupe = True/False | HNAS supports deduplication on its file |
| | systems and the driver will report |
| | *dedupe=True* if it is enabled on the file |
| | system being used. To use it, go to HNAS and |
| | enable the feature on the file system used. |
To specify a common capability on the share type, use the *type-key* command,
for example:
.. code-block:: console
$ manila type-key hitachi set dedupe=True
Step 4 - Restart the Services
Restart all Shared File Systems services (manila-share, manila-scheduler and
manila-api) and neutron services (neutron-\*). This step is specific to your
environment. If you are running in devstack for example, you have to log into
screen (``screen -r``), stop the process (``Ctrl^C``) and run it again. If you
are running it in a distro like RHEL or SUSE, a service command (for example
*service manila-api restart*) is used to restart the service.
Step 5 - Configure OpenStack Networks
In Neutron Controller it is necessary to create a network, a subnet and to add
this subnet interface to a router:
Create a network to the given tenant (demo), providing the DEMO_ID (this can be
fetched using *keystone tenant-list*), a name for the network, the name of the
physical network over which the virtual network is implemented and the type of
the physical mechanism by which the virtual network is implemented:
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron net-create --tenant-id <DEMO_ID> hnas_network
--provider:physical_network=physnet2 --provider:network_type=flat
Create a subnet to same tenant (demo), providing the DEMO_ID (this can be fetched
using *keystone tenant-list*), the gateway IP of this subnet, a name for the
subnet, the network ID created on previously step (this can be fetched using
*neutron net-list*) and CIDR of subnet:
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron subnet-create --tenant-id <DEMO_ID> --gateway <GATEWAY>
--name hnas_subnet <NETWORK_ID> <SUBNET_CIDR>
Finally, add the subnet interface to a router, providing the router ID and
subnet ID created on previously step (can be fetched using *neutron subnet-list*):
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron router-interface-add <ROUTER_ID> <SUBNET_ID>
Manage and Unmanage Shares
Manila has the ability to manage and unmanage shares. If there is a share in
the storage and it is not in OpenStack, you can manage that share and use it
as a manila share. Hitachi NAS Platform File Services Driver for OpenStack use
virtual-volumes (V-VOLs) to create shares. Only V-VOLs with a quota limit
can be used by the driver, also, they must be created or moved inside the
directory '/shares/' and exported (as NFS or CIFS shares). The unmanage
operation only unlinks the share from OpenStack, preserving all data in the
To **manage** shares use:
.. code-block:: console
$ manila manage [--name <name>] [--description <description>]
[--share_type <share_type>] [--driver_options [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]
<service_host> <protocol> <export_path>
| Parameter | Description |
| | Manila host, backend and share name. For example |
| service_host | ubuntu\@hitachi1#HITACHI1. The available hosts can be |
| | listed with the command: *manila pool-list* (admin only).|
| protocol | NFS or CIFS protocols are currently supported. |
| export_path | The export path of the share. |
| | For example: ** |
To **unmanage** a share use:
.. code-block:: console
$ manila unmanage <share_id>
| Parameter | Description |
| share_id | Manila ID of the share to be unmanaged. This list can |
| | be fetched with: *manila list*. |
Additional Notes
- HNAS has some restrictions about the number of EVSs, file systems,
virtual-volumes and simultaneous SSC connections. Check the manual
specification for your system.
- Shares and snapshots are thin provisioned. It is reported to manila only the
real used space in HNAS. Also, a snapshot does not initially take any space in
HNAS, it only stores the difference between the share and the snapshot, so it
grows when share data is changed.
- Admins should manage the tenants quota (*manila quota-update*) to control
the backend usage.
- By default, CIFS snapshots are disabled when the share is mounted, since it
uses tree-clone to create snapshots and does not guarantee point-in-time
replicas when the source directory tree is changing, also, changing
permissions to *read-only* does not affect already mounted shares. So,
enable it if your source directory can be static while taking snapshots.
Currently, it affects only CIFS protocol. For more information check the
tree-clone feature in HNAS with *man tree-clone*.
The :mod:`manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hnas.driver` Module
.. automodule:: manila.share.drivers.hitachi.hnas.driver

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Share backends