# Copyright 2010 OpenStack LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_service import wsgi from oslo_utils import timeutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils import routes import webob import webob.dec import webob.request from manila.api import common as api_common from manila.api.middleware import auth from manila.api.middleware import fault from manila.api.openstack import api_version_request as api_version from manila.api.openstack import wsgi as os_wsgi from manila.api import urlmap from manila.api.v1 import limits from manila.api.v1 import router as router_v1 from manila.api.v2 import router as router_v2 from manila.api import versions from manila.common import constants from manila import context from manila import exception FAKE_UUID = 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa' FAKE_UUIDS = {} class Context(object): pass class FakeRouter(wsgi.Router): def __init__(self, ext_mgr=None): pass @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, req): res = webob.Response() res.status = '200' res.headers['X-Test-Success'] = 'True' return res @webob.dec.wsgify def fake_wsgi(self, req): return self.application def wsgi_app(inner_app_v2=None, fake_auth=True, fake_auth_context=None, use_no_auth=False, ext_mgr=None): if not inner_app_v2: inner_app_v2 = router_v2.APIRouter(ext_mgr) if fake_auth: if fake_auth_context is not None: ctxt = fake_auth_context else: ctxt = context.RequestContext('fake', 'fake', auth_token=True) api_v2 = fault.FaultWrapper(auth.InjectContext(ctxt, inner_app_v2)) elif use_no_auth: api_v2 = fault.FaultWrapper(auth.NoAuthMiddleware( limits.RateLimitingMiddleware(inner_app_v2))) else: api_v2 = fault.FaultWrapper(auth.AuthMiddleware( limits.RateLimitingMiddleware(inner_app_v2))) mapper = urlmap.URLMap() mapper['/v2'] = api_v2 mapper['/'] = fault.FaultWrapper(versions.Versions()) return mapper class FakeToken(object): id_count = 0 def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __init__(self, **kwargs): FakeToken.id_count += 1 self.id = FakeToken.id_count for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) class FakeRequestContext(context.RequestContext): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['auth_token'] = kwargs.get('auth_token', 'fake_auth_token') super(FakeRequestContext, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class HTTPRequest(os_wsgi.Request): @classmethod def blank(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('base_url'): kwargs['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/v1' use_admin_context = kwargs.pop('use_admin_context', False) version = kwargs.pop('version', api_version.DEFAULT_API_VERSION) experimental = kwargs.pop('experimental', False) out = os_wsgi.Request.blank(*args, **kwargs) out.environ['manila.context'] = FakeRequestContext( 'fake_user', 'fake', is_admin=use_admin_context) out.api_version_request = api_version.APIVersionRequest( version, experimental=experimental) return out class TestRouter(wsgi.Router): def __init__(self, controller): mapper = routes.Mapper() mapper.resource("test", "tests", controller=os_wsgi.Resource(controller)) super(TestRouter, self).__init__(mapper) class FakeAuthDatabase(object): data = {} @staticmethod def auth_token_get(context, token_hash): return FakeAuthDatabase.data.get(token_hash, None) @staticmethod def auth_token_create(context, token): fake_token = FakeToken(created_at=timeutils.utcnow(), **token) FakeAuthDatabase.data[fake_token.token_hash] = fake_token FakeAuthDatabase.data['id_%i' % fake_token.id] = fake_token return fake_token @staticmethod def auth_token_destroy(context, token_id): token = FakeAuthDatabase.data.get('id_%i' % token_id) if token and token.token_hash in FakeAuthDatabase.data: del FakeAuthDatabase.data[token.token_hash] del FakeAuthDatabase.data['id_%i' % token_id] class FakeRateLimiter(object): def __init__(self, application): self.application = application @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, req): return self.application def get_fake_uuid(token=0): if token not in FAKE_UUIDS: FAKE_UUIDS[token] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() return FAKE_UUIDS[token] def app(): """API application. No auth, just let environ['manila.context'] pass through. """ mapper = urlmap.URLMap() mapper['/v1'] = router_v1.APIRouter() mapper['/v2'] = router_v2.APIRouter() return mapper fixture_reset_status_with_different_roles_v1 = ( { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_ERROR, }, { 'role': 'member', 'valid_code': 403, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, }, ) fixture_reset_status_with_different_roles = ( { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_ERROR, 'version': '2.6', }, { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_ERROR, 'version': '2.7', }, { 'role': 'member', 'valid_code': 403, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'version': '2.6', }, { 'role': 'member', 'valid_code': 403, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'version': '2.7', }, ) fixture_reset_replica_status_with_different_roles = ( { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_ERROR, }, { 'role': 'member', 'valid_code': 403, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, }, ) fixture_reset_replica_state_with_different_roles = ( { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.REPLICA_STATE_ACTIVE, }, { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.REPLICA_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNC, }, { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC, }, { 'role': 'admin', 'valid_code': 202, 'valid_status': constants.STATUS_ERROR, }, { 'role': 'member', 'valid_code': 403, 'valid_status': constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC, }, ) fixture_force_delete_with_different_roles = ( {'role': 'admin', 'resp_code': 202, 'version': '2.6'}, {'role': 'admin', 'resp_code': 202, 'version': '2.7'}, {'role': 'member', 'resp_code': 403, 'version': '2.6'}, {'role': 'member', 'resp_code': 403, 'version': '2.7'}, ) fixture_invalid_reset_status_body = ( {'os-reset_status': {'x-status': 'bad'}}, {'os-reset_status': {'status': 'invalid'}} ) fixture_valid_reset_status_body = ( ({'os-reset_status': {'status': 'creating'}}, '2.6'), ({'os-reset_status': {'status': 'available'}}, '2.6'), ({'os-reset_status': {'status': 'deleting'}}, '2.6'), ({'os-reset_status': {'status': 'error_deleting'}}, '2.6'), ({'os-reset_status': {'status': 'error'}}, '2.6'), ({'os-reset_status': {'status': 'migrating'}}, '2.6'), ({'os-reset_status': {'status': 'migrating_to'}}, '2.6'), ({'reset_status': {'status': 'creating'}}, '2.7'), ({'reset_status': {'status': 'available'}}, '2.7'), ({'reset_status': {'status': 'deleting'}}, '2.7'), ({'reset_status': {'status': 'error_deleting'}}, '2.7'), ({'reset_status': {'status': 'error'}}, '2.7'), ({'reset_status': {'status': 'migrating'}}, '2.7'), ({'reset_status': {'status': 'migrating_to'}}, '2.7'), ) def mock_fake_admin_check(context, resource_name, action, *args, **kwargs): if context.is_admin: return else: raise exception.PolicyNotAuthorized(action=action) class FakeResourceViewBuilder(api_common.ViewBuilder): _collection_name = 'fake_resource' _detail_version_modifiers = [ "add_field_xyzzy", "add_field_spoon_for_admins", "remove_field_foo", ] def view(self, req, resource): keys = ('id', 'foo', 'fred', 'alice') resource_dict = {key: resource.get(key) for key in keys} self.update_versioned_resource_dict(req, resource_dict, resource) return resource_dict @api_common.ViewBuilder.versioned_method("1.41") def add_field_xyzzy(self, context, resource_dict, resource): resource_dict['xyzzy'] = resource.get('xyzzy') @api_common.ViewBuilder.versioned_method("1.6") def add_field_spoon_for_admins(self, context, resource_dict, resource): if context.is_admin: resource_dict['spoon'] = resource.get('spoon') @api_common.ViewBuilder.versioned_method("3.14") def remove_field_foo(self, context, resource_dict, resource): resource_dict.pop('foo', None)