Manila mount automation example using share driver hooks feature ================================================================ Manila has feature called 'share driver hooks'. Which allows to perform actions before and after driver actions such as 'create share' or 'access allow', also allows to do custom things on periodic basis. Here, we provide example of mount automation using this feature. This example uses OpenStack Zaqar project for sending notifications when operations 'access allow' and 'access deny' are performed. Server side hook will send notifications about changed access for shares after granting and prior to denying access. Possibilities of the mount automation example (consumer) -------------------------------------------------------- - Supports only 'NFS' protocol. - Supports only 'IP' rules. - Supports both levels of access - 'RW' and 'RO'. - Consume interval can be configured. - Allows to choose parent mount directory. Server side setup and run ------------------------- 1. Place files '' and '' to dir %manila_dir%/manila/share/hooks. Then update manila configuration file with following options: :: [share_backend_config_group] hook_drivers = manila.share.hooks.zaqar_notification.ZaqarNotification enable_pre_hooks = True enable_post_hooks = True enable_periodic_hooks = False [zaqar] zaqar_auth_url = http://%ip_of_endpoint_with_keystone%:35357/v2.0/ zaqar_region_name = %name_of_region_optional% zaqar_username = foo_user zaqar_password = foo_tenant zaqar_project_name = foo_password zaqar_queues = manila_notification 2. Restart manila-share service. Consumer side setup and run --------------------------- 1. Place files '' and '' to any dir on user machine, but they both should be in the same dir. 2. Make sure that following dependencies are installed: - PIP dependencies: - netaddr - oslo_concurrency - oslo_config - oslo_utils - python-zaqarclient - six - System libs that install 'mount' and 'mount.nfs' apps. 3. Create file with following options: :: [zaqar] # Consumer-related options sleep_between_consume_attempts = 7 mount_dir = "/tmp" expected_ip_addresses = # Common options for consumer and server sides zaqar_auth_url = http://%ip_of_endpoint_with_keystone%:35357/v2.0/ zaqar_region_name = %name_of_region_optional% zaqar_username = foo_user zaqar_password = foo_tenant zaqar_project_name = foo_password zaqar_queues = manila_notification Consumer options descriptions: - 'sleep_between_consume_attempts' - wait interval between consuming notifications from message queue. - 'mount_dir' - parent mount directory that will contain all mounted shares as subdirectories. - 'expected_ip_addresses' - list of IP addresses that are expected to be granted access for. Could be either equal to or be part of a CIDR. Match triggers [un]mount operations. 4. Run consumer with following command: :: $ --config-file path/to/config.conf 5. Now create NFS share and grant IP access to consumer by its IP address.