# Copyright 2015 Alex Meade # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import uuidutils import six import webob from webob import exc from manila.api import common from manila.api.openstack import api_version_request as api_version from manila.api.openstack import wsgi from manila.api.views import share_groups as share_group_views from manila import db from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.share import share_types from manila.share_group import api as share_group_api from manila.share_group import share_group_types LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class ShareGroupController(wsgi.Controller, wsgi.AdminActionsMixin): """The Share Groups API controller for the OpenStack API.""" resource_name = 'share_group' _view_builder_class = share_group_views.ShareGroupViewBuilder def __init__(self): super(ShareGroupController, self).__init__() self.share_group_api = share_group_api.API() def _get_share_group(self, context, share_group_id): try: return self.share_group_api.get(context, share_group_id) except exception.NotFound: msg = _("Share group %s not found.") % share_group_id raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.Controller.authorize('get') def show(self, req, id): """Return data about the given share group.""" context = req.environ['manila.context'] share_group = self._get_share_group(context, id) return self._view_builder.detail(req, share_group) @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.Controller.authorize def delete(self, req, id): """Delete a share group.""" context = req.environ['manila.context'] LOG.info("Delete share group with id: %s", id, context=context) share_group = self._get_share_group(context, id) try: self.share_group_api.delete(context, share_group) except exception.InvalidShareGroup as e: raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=six.text_type(e)) return webob.Response(status_int=202) @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.Controller.authorize('get_all') def index(self, req): """Returns a summary list of share groups.""" return self._get_share_groups(req, is_detail=False) @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.Controller.authorize('get_all') def detail(self, req): """Returns a detailed list of share groups.""" return self._get_share_groups(req, is_detail=True) def _get_share_groups(self, req, is_detail): """Returns a list of share groups, transformed through view builder.""" context = req.environ['manila.context'] search_opts = {} search_opts.update(req.GET) # Remove keys that are not related to share group attrs search_opts.pop('limit', None) search_opts.pop('offset', None) sort_key = search_opts.pop('sort_key', 'created_at') sort_dir = search_opts.pop('sort_dir', 'desc') if req.api_version_request < api_version.APIVersionRequest("2.36"): search_opts.pop('name~', None) search_opts.pop('description~', None) if 'group_type_id' in search_opts: search_opts['share_group_type_id'] = search_opts.pop( 'group_type_id') share_groups = self.share_group_api.get_all( context, detailed=is_detail, search_opts=search_opts, sort_dir=sort_dir, sort_key=sort_key, ) limited_list = common.limited(share_groups, req) if is_detail: share_groups = self._view_builder.detail_list(req, limited_list) else: share_groups = self._view_builder.summary_list(req, limited_list) return share_groups @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.Controller.authorize def update(self, req, id, body): """Update a share group.""" context = req.environ['manila.context'] if not self.is_valid_body(body, 'share_group'): msg = _("'share_group' is missing from the request body.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) share_group_data = body['share_group'] valid_update_keys = {'name', 'description'} invalid_fields = set(share_group_data.keys()) - valid_update_keys if invalid_fields: msg = _("The fields %s are invalid or not allowed to be updated.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg % invalid_fields) share_group = self._get_share_group(context, id) share_group = self.share_group_api.update( context, share_group, share_group_data) return self._view_builder.detail(req, share_group) @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.Controller.authorize def create(self, req, body): """Creates a new share group.""" context = req.environ['manila.context'] if not self.is_valid_body(body, 'share_group'): msg = _("'share_group' is missing from the request body.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) share_group = body['share_group'] valid_fields = { 'name', 'description', 'share_types', 'share_group_type_id', 'source_share_group_snapshot_id', 'share_network_id', 'availability_zone', } invalid_fields = set(share_group.keys()) - valid_fields if invalid_fields: msg = _("The fields %s are invalid.") % invalid_fields raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if ('share_types' in share_group and 'source_share_group_snapshot_id' in share_group): msg = _("Cannot supply both 'share_types' and " "'source_share_group_snapshot_id' attributes.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if not (share_group.get('share_types') or 'source_share_group_snapshot_id' in share_group): default_share_type = share_types.get_default_share_type() if default_share_type: share_group['share_types'] = [default_share_type['id']] else: msg = _("Must specify at least one share type as a default " "share type has not been configured.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) kwargs = {} if 'name' in share_group: kwargs['name'] = share_group.get('name') if 'description' in share_group: kwargs['description'] = share_group.get('description') _share_types = share_group.get('share_types') if _share_types: if not all([uuidutils.is_uuid_like(st) for st in _share_types]): msg = _("The 'share_types' attribute must be a list of uuids") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) kwargs['share_type_ids'] = _share_types if ('share_network_id' in share_group and 'source_share_group_snapshot_id' in share_group): msg = _("Cannot supply both 'share_network_id' and " "'source_share_group_snapshot_id' attributes as the share " "network is inherited from the source.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) availability_zone = share_group.get('availability_zone') if availability_zone: if 'source_share_group_snapshot_id' in share_group: msg = _( "Cannot supply both 'availability_zone' and " "'source_share_group_snapshot_id' attributes as the " "availability zone is inherited from the source.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) try: az_id = db.availability_zone_get(context, availability_zone).id kwargs['availability_zone_id'] = az_id except exception.AvailabilityZoneNotFound as e: raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=six.text_type(e)) if 'source_share_group_snapshot_id' in share_group: source_share_group_snapshot_id = share_group.get( 'source_share_group_snapshot_id') if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(source_share_group_snapshot_id): msg = _("The 'source_share_group_snapshot_id' attribute " "must be a uuid.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=six.text_type(msg)) kwargs['source_share_group_snapshot_id'] = ( source_share_group_snapshot_id) elif 'share_network_id' in share_group: share_network_id = share_group.get('share_network_id') if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(share_network_id): msg = _("The 'share_network_id' attribute must be a uuid.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=six.text_type(msg)) kwargs['share_network_id'] = share_network_id if 'share_group_type_id' in share_group: share_group_type_id = share_group.get('share_group_type_id') if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(share_group_type_id): msg = _("The 'share_group_type_id' attribute must be a uuid.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=six.text_type(msg)) kwargs['share_group_type_id'] = share_group_type_id else: # get default def_share_group_type = share_group_types.get_default() if def_share_group_type: kwargs['share_group_type_id'] = def_share_group_type['id'] else: msg = _("Must specify a share group type as a default " "share group type has not been configured.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) try: new_share_group = self.share_group_api.create(context, **kwargs) except exception.InvalidShareGroupSnapshot as e: raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=six.text_type(e)) except (exception.ShareGroupSnapshotNotFound, exception.InvalidInput) as e: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=six.text_type(e)) return self._view_builder.detail( req, {k: v for k, v in new_share_group.items()}) def _update(self, *args, **kwargs): db.share_group_update(*args, **kwargs) def _get(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.share_group_api.get(*args, **kwargs) def _delete(self, context, resource, force=True): # Delete all share group snapshots for snap in resource['snapshots']: db.share_group_snapshot_destroy(context, snap['id']) # Delete all shares in share group for share in db.get_all_shares_by_share_group(context, resource['id']): db.share_delete(context, share['id']) db.share_group_destroy(context.elevated(), resource['id']) @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.action('reset_status') def share_group_reset_status(self, req, id, body): return self._reset_status(req, id, body) @wsgi.Controller.api_version('2.31', experimental=True) @wsgi.action('force_delete') def share_group_force_delete(self, req, id, body): return self._force_delete(req, id, body) def create_resource(): return wsgi.Resource(ShareGroupController())