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# Copyright (c) 2012 Intel
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack, LLC.
# Copyright (c) 2015 EMC Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import math
from oslo_log import log
from manila.i18n import _LE, _LW
from manila.scheduler.filters import base_host
from manila.scheduler import utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class CapacityFilter(base_host.BaseHostFilter):
"""CapacityFilter filters based on share host's capacity utilization."""
def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
"""Return True if host has sufficient capacity."""
share_size = filter_properties.get('size')
if host_state.free_capacity_gb is None:
# Fail Safe
LOG.error(_LE("Free capacity not set: "
"share node info collection broken."))
return False
free_space = host_state.free_capacity_gb
total_space = host_state.total_capacity_gb
reserved = float(host_state.reserved_percentage) / 100
if free_space == 'unknown':
# NOTE(zhiteng) for those back-ends cannot report actual
# available capacity, we assume it is able to serve the
# request. Even if it was not, the retry mechanism is
# able to handle the failure by rescheduling
return True
elif total_space == 'unknown':
# NOTE(xyang): If total_space is 'unknown' and
# reserved is 0, we assume the back-ends can serve the request.
# If total_space is 'unknown' and reserved
# is not 0, we cannot calculate the reserved space.
# float(total_space) will throw an exception. total*reserved
# also won't work. So the back-ends cannot serve the request.
return reserved == 0 and share_size <= free_space
total = float(total_space)
if total <= 0:
LOG.warning(_LW("Insufficient free space for share creation. "
"Total capacity is %(total).2f on host %(host)s."),
{"total": total,
return False
# NOTE(xyang): Calculate how much free space is left after taking
# into account the reserved space.
free = math.floor(free_space - total * reserved)
msg_args = {"host":,
"requested": share_size,
"available": free}
LOG.debug("Space information for share creation "
"on host %(host)s (requested / avail): "
"%(requested)s/%(available)s", msg_args)
share_type = filter_properties.get('share_type', {})
use_thin_logic = utils.use_thin_logic(share_type)
thin_provisioning = utils.thin_provisioning(
# NOTE(xyang): Only evaluate using max_over_subscription_ratio
# if use_thin_logic and thin_provisioning are True. Check if the
# ratio of provisioned capacity over total capacity would exceed
# subscription ratio.
# If max_over_subscription_ratio = 1, the provisioned_ratio
# should still be limited by the max_over_subscription_ratio;
# otherwise, it could result in infinite provisioning.
if (use_thin_logic and thin_provisioning and
host_state.max_over_subscription_ratio >= 1):
provisioned_ratio = ((host_state.provisioned_capacity_gb +
share_size) / total)
if provisioned_ratio > host_state.max_over_subscription_ratio:
"Insufficient free space for thin provisioning. "
"The ratio of provisioned capacity over total capacity "
"%(provisioned_ratio).2f would exceed the maximum over "
"subscription ratio %(oversub_ratio).2f on host "
{"provisioned_ratio": provisioned_ratio,
"oversub_ratio": host_state.max_over_subscription_ratio,
return False
# NOTE(xyang): Adjust free_virtual calculation based on
# free and max_over_subscription_ratio.
adjusted_free_virtual = (
free * host_state.max_over_subscription_ratio)
return adjusted_free_virtual >= share_size
elif (use_thin_logic and thin_provisioning and
host_state.max_over_subscription_ratio < 1):
LOG.error(_LE("Invalid max_over_subscription_ratio: %(ratio)s. "
"Valid value should be >= 1."),
{"ratio": host_state.max_over_subscription_ratio})
return False
if free < share_size:
LOG.warning(_LW("Insufficient free space for share creation "
"on host %(host)s (requested / avail): "
"%(requested)s/%(available)s"), msg_args)
return False
return True