# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2013 - Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import periodic_task from oslo_service import threadgroup from mistral import context as auth_ctx from mistral.db.v2 import api as db_api_v2 from mistral.engine.rpc_backend import rpc from mistral import exceptions as exc from mistral.services import security from mistral.services import triggers LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF # {periodic_task: thread_group} _periodic_tasks = {} class MistralPeriodicTasks(periodic_task.PeriodicTasks): @periodic_task.periodic_task(spacing=1, run_immediately=True) def process_cron_triggers_v2(self, ctx): for t in triggers.get_next_cron_triggers(): LOG.debug("Processing cron trigger: %s" % t) # Setup admin context before schedule triggers. ctx = security.create_context(t.trust_id, t.project_id) auth_ctx.set_ctx(ctx) LOG.debug("Cron trigger security context: %s" % ctx) try: # Try to advance the cron trigger next_execution_time and # remaining_executions if relevant. modified = advance_cron_trigger(t) # If cron trigger was not already modified by another engine. if modified: LOG.debug( "Starting workflow '%s' by cron trigger '%s'", t.workflow.name, t.name ) rpc.get_engine_client().start_workflow( t.workflow.name, t.workflow_input, description="Workflow execution created " "by cron trigger.", **t.workflow_params ) except Exception: # Log and continue to next cron trigger. LOG.exception("Failed to process cron trigger %s" % str(t)) finally: auth_ctx.set_ctx(None) def advance_cron_trigger(t): modified_count = 0 try: # If the cron trigger is defined with limited execution count. if t.remaining_executions is not None and t.remaining_executions > 0: t.remaining_executions -= 1 # If this is the last execution. if t.remaining_executions == 0: modified_count = db_api_v2.delete_cron_trigger(t.name) else: # if remaining execution = None or > 0. next_time = triggers.get_next_execution_time( t.pattern, t.next_execution_time ) # Update the cron trigger with next execution details # only if it wasn't already updated by a different process. updated, modified_count = db_api_v2.update_cron_trigger( t.name, { 'next_execution_time': next_time, 'remaining_executions': t.remaining_executions }, query_filter={ 'next_execution_time': t.next_execution_time } ) except exc.DBEntityNotFoundError as e: # Cron trigger was probably already deleted by a different process. LOG.debug( "Cron trigger named '%s' does not exist anymore: %s", t.name, str(e) ) # Return True if this engine was able to modify the cron trigger in DB. return modified_count > 0 def setup(): tg = threadgroup.ThreadGroup() pt = MistralPeriodicTasks(CONF) ctx = auth_ctx.MistralContext( user_id=None, project_id=None, auth_token=None, is_admin=True ) tg.add_dynamic_timer( pt.run_periodic_tasks, initial_delay=None, periodic_interval_max=1, context=ctx ) _periodic_tasks[pt] = tg return tg def stop_all_periodic_tasks(): for pt, tg in _periodic_tasks.items(): tg.stop() del _periodic_tasks[pt]