# Copyright 2014 - Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import networkx as nx from networkx.algorithms import traversal from mistral import exceptions as exc from mistral.workflow import base from mistral.workflow import commands from mistral.workflow import data_flow from mistral.workflow import states from mistral.workflow import utils as wf_utils class ReverseWorkflowController(base.WorkflowController): """'Reverse workflow controller. This controller implements the workflow pattern which is based on dependencies between tasks, i.e. each task in a workflow graph may be dependent on other tasks. To run this type of workflow user must specify a task name that serves a target node in the graph that the algorithm should come to by resolving all dependencies. For example, if there's a workflow consisting of two tasks 'A' and 'B' where 'A' depends on 'B' and if we specify a target task name 'A' then the controller first will run task 'B' and then, when a dependency of 'A' is resolved, will run task 'A'. """ __workflow_type__ = "reverse" def _find_next_commands(self, env=None): """Finds all tasks with resolved dependencies. This method finds all tasks with resolved dependencies and returns them in the form of workflow commands. """ cmds = super(ReverseWorkflowController, self)._find_next_commands( env=env ) task_specs = self._find_task_specs_with_satisfied_dependencies() return cmds + [ commands.RunTask( self.wf_ex, t_s, self._get_task_inbound_context(t_s) ) for t_s in task_specs ] def _get_target_task_specification(self): task_name = self.wf_ex.params.get('task_name') task_spec = self.wf_spec.get_tasks().get(task_name) if not task_spec: raise exc.WorkflowException( 'Invalid task name [wf_spec=%s, task_name=%s]' % (self.wf_spec, task_name) ) return task_spec def _get_upstream_task_executions(self, task_spec): t_specs = [ self.wf_spec.get_tasks()[t_name] for t_name in self.wf_spec.get_task_requires(task_spec) or [] ] return list( filter( lambda t_e: t_e.state == states.SUCCESS, wf_utils.find_task_executions_by_specs(self.wf_ex, t_specs) ) ) def evaluate_workflow_final_context(self): task_execs = wf_utils.find_task_executions_by_spec( self.wf_ex, self._get_target_task_specification() ) # NOTE: For reverse workflow there can't be multiple # executions for one task. assert len(task_execs) <= 1 return data_flow.evaluate_task_outbound_context(task_execs[0]) def is_error_handled_for(self, task_ex): return task_ex.state != states.ERROR def all_errors_handled(self): return len(wf_utils.find_error_task_executions(self.wf_ex)) == 0 def _find_task_specs_with_satisfied_dependencies(self): """Given a target task name finds tasks with no dependencies. :return: Task specifications with no dependencies. """ tasks_spec = self.wf_spec.get_tasks() graph = self._build_graph(tasks_spec) # Unwind tasks from the target task # and filter out tasks with dependencies. return [ t_s for t_s in traversal.dfs_postorder_nodes( graph.reverse(), self._get_target_task_specification() ) if self._is_satisfied_task(t_s) ] def _is_satisfied_task(self, task_spec): if wf_utils.find_task_executions_by_spec(self.wf_ex, task_spec): return False if not self.wf_spec.get_task_requires(task_spec): return True success_t_names = set() for t_ex in self.wf_ex.task_executions: if t_ex.state == states.SUCCESS: success_t_names.add(t_ex.name) return not ( set(self.wf_spec.get_task_requires(task_spec)) - success_t_names ) def _build_graph(self, tasks_spec): graph = nx.DiGraph() # Add graph nodes. for t in tasks_spec: graph.add_node(t) # Add graph edges. for t_spec in tasks_spec: for dep_t_spec in self._get_dependency_tasks(tasks_spec, t_spec): graph.add_edge(dep_t_spec, t_spec) return graph def _get_dependency_tasks(self, tasks_spec, task_spec): dep_task_names = self.wf_spec.get_task_requires(task_spec) if len(dep_task_names) == 0: return [] dep_t_specs = set() for t_spec in tasks_spec: for t_name in dep_task_names: if t_name == t_spec.get_name(): dep_t_specs.add(t_spec) return dep_t_specs