# Copyright 2014 - Mirantis, Inc. # Copyright 2015 - StackStorm, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_messaging.rpc import client from stevedore import driver from mistral import context as auth_ctx from mistral.engine import base from mistral import exceptions as exc from mistral.utils import rpc_utils from mistral.workflow import utils as wf_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _IMPL_CLIENT = None _IMPL_SERVER = None _TRANSPORT = None _ENGINE_CLIENT = None _EXECUTOR_CLIENT = None _EVENT_ENGINE_CLIENT = None def cleanup(): """Intended to be used by tests to recreate all RPC related objects.""" global _TRANSPORT global _ENGINE_CLIENT global _EXECUTOR_CLIENT global _EVENT_ENGINE_CLIENT _TRANSPORT = None _ENGINE_CLIENT = None _EXECUTOR_CLIENT = None _EVENT_ENGINE_CLIENT = None def get_transport(): global _TRANSPORT if not _TRANSPORT: _TRANSPORT = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF) return _TRANSPORT def get_engine_client(): global _ENGINE_CLIENT if not _ENGINE_CLIENT: _ENGINE_CLIENT = EngineClient( rpc_utils.get_rpc_info_from_oslo(cfg.CONF.engine) ) return _ENGINE_CLIENT def get_executor_client(): global _EXECUTOR_CLIENT if not _EXECUTOR_CLIENT: _EXECUTOR_CLIENT = ExecutorClient( rpc_utils.get_rpc_info_from_oslo(cfg.CONF.executor) ) return _EXECUTOR_CLIENT def get_event_engine_client(): global _EVENT_ENGINE_CLIENT if not _EVENT_ENGINE_CLIENT: _EVENT_ENGINE_CLIENT = EventEngineClient( rpc_utils.get_rpc_info_from_oslo(cfg.CONF.event_engine) ) return _EVENT_ENGINE_CLIENT def get_rpc_server_driver(): rpc_impl = cfg.CONF.rpc_implementation global _IMPL_SERVER if not _IMPL_SERVER: _IMPL_SERVER = driver.DriverManager( 'mistral.engine.rpc_backend', '%s_server' % rpc_impl ).driver return _IMPL_SERVER def get_rpc_client_driver(): rpc_impl = cfg.CONF.rpc_implementation global _IMPL_CLIENT if not _IMPL_CLIENT: _IMPL_CLIENT = driver.DriverManager( 'mistral.engine.rpc_backend', '%s_client' % rpc_impl ).driver return _IMPL_CLIENT class EngineServer(object): """RPC Engine server.""" def __init__(self, engine): self._engine = engine def start_workflow(self, rpc_ctx, workflow_identifier, workflow_input, description, params): """Receives calls over RPC to start workflows on engine. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context. :param workflow_identifier: Workflow definition identifier. :param workflow_input: Workflow input. :param description: Workflow execution description. :param params: Additional workflow type specific parameters. :return: Workflow execution. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'start_workflow'[rpc_ctx=%s," " workflow_identifier=%s, workflow_input=%s, description=%s, " "params=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, workflow_identifier, workflow_input, description, params) ) return self._engine.start_workflow( workflow_identifier, workflow_input, description, **params ) def start_action(self, rpc_ctx, action_name, action_input, description, params): """Receives calls over RPC to start actions on engine. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context. :param action_name: name of the Action. :param action_input: input dictionary for Action. :param description: description of new Action execution. :param params: extra parameters to run Action. :return: Action execution. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'start_action'[rpc_ctx=%s," " name=%s, input=%s, description=%s, params=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, action_name, action_input, description, params) ) return self._engine.start_action( action_name, action_input, description, **params ) def on_task_state_change(self, rpc_ctx, task_ex_id, state, state_info=None): return self._engine.on_task_state_change(task_ex_id, state, state_info) def on_action_complete(self, rpc_ctx, action_ex_id, result_data, result_error, wf_action): """Receives RPC calls to communicate action result to engine. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context. :param action_ex_id: Action execution id. :param result_data: Action result data. :param result_error: Action result error. :param wf_action: True if given id points to a workflow execution. :return: Action execution. """ result = wf_utils.Result(result_data, result_error) LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'on_action_complete'[rpc_ctx=%s," " action_ex_id=%s, result=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, action_ex_id, result) ) return self._engine.on_action_complete(action_ex_id, result, wf_action) def pause_workflow(self, rpc_ctx, execution_id): """Receives calls over RPC to pause workflows on engine. :param rpc_ctx: Request context. :param execution_id: Workflow execution id. :return: Workflow execution. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'pause_workflow'[rpc_ctx=%s," " execution_id=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, execution_id) ) return self._engine.pause_workflow(execution_id) def rerun_workflow(self, rpc_ctx, task_ex_id, reset=True, env=None): """Receives calls over RPC to rerun workflows on engine. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context. :param task_ex_id: Task execution id. :param reset: If true, then purge action execution for the task. :param env: Environment variables to update. :return: Workflow execution. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'rerun_workflow'[rpc_ctx=%s, " "task_ex_id=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, task_ex_id) ) return self._engine.rerun_workflow(task_ex_id, reset, env) def resume_workflow(self, rpc_ctx, wf_ex_id, env=None): """Receives calls over RPC to resume workflows on engine. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context. :param wf_ex_id: Workflow execution id. :param env: Environment variables to update. :return: Workflow execution. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'resume_workflow'[rpc_ctx=%s, " "wf_ex_id=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, wf_ex_id) ) return self._engine.resume_workflow(wf_ex_id, env) def stop_workflow(self, rpc_ctx, execution_id, state, message=None): """Receives calls over RPC to stop workflows on engine. Sets execution state to SUCCESS or ERROR. No more tasks will be scheduled. Running tasks won't be killed, but their results will be ignored. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context. :param execution_id: Workflow execution id. :param state: State assigned to the workflow. Permitted states are SUCCESS or ERROR. :param message: Optional information string. :return: Workflow execution. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'stop_workflow'[rpc_ctx=%s, execution_id=%s," " state=%s, message=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, execution_id, state, message) ) return self._engine.stop_workflow(execution_id, state, message) def rollback_workflow(self, rpc_ctx, execution_id): """Receives calls over RPC to rollback workflows on engine. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context. :return: Workflow execution. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'rollback_workflow'[rpc_ctx=%s," " execution_id=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, execution_id) ) return self._engine.resume_workflow(execution_id) def _wrap_exception_and_reraise(exception): message = "%s: %s" % (exception.__class__.__name__, exception.args[0]) raise exc.MistralException(message) def wrap_messaging_exception(method): """This decorator unwrap remote error in one of MistralException. oslo.messaging has different behavior on raising exceptions when fake or rabbit transports are used. In case of rabbit transport it raises wrapped RemoteError which forwards directly to API. Wrapped RemoteError contains one of MistralException raised remotely on Engine and for correct exception interpretation we need to unwrap and raise given exception and manually send it to API layer. """ def decorator(*args, **kwargs): try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except exc.MistralException: raise except (client.RemoteError, exc.KombuException, Exception) as e: if hasattr(e, 'exc_type') and hasattr(exc, e.exc_type): exc_cls = getattr(exc, e.exc_type) raise exc_cls(e.value) _wrap_exception_and_reraise(e) return decorator class EngineClient(base.Engine): """RPC Engine client.""" def __init__(self, rpc_conf_dict): """Constructs an RPC client for engine. :param rpc_conf_dict: Dict containing RPC configuration. """ self._client = get_rpc_client_driver()(rpc_conf_dict) @wrap_messaging_exception def start_workflow(self, wf_identifier, wf_input, description='', **params): """Starts workflow sending a request to engine over RPC. :return: Workflow execution. """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'start_workflow', workflow_identifier=wf_identifier, workflow_input=wf_input or {}, description=description, params=params ) @wrap_messaging_exception def start_action(self, action_name, action_input, description=None, **params): """Starts action sending a request to engine over RPC. :return: Action execution. """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'start_action', action_name=action_name, action_input=action_input or {}, description=description, params=params ) def on_task_state_change(self, task_ex_id, state, state_info=None): return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'on_task_state_change', task_ex_id=task_ex_id, state=state, state_info=state_info ) @wrap_messaging_exception def on_action_complete(self, action_ex_id, result, wf_action=False): """Conveys action result to Mistral Engine. This method should be used by clients of Mistral Engine to update state of a action execution once action has executed. One of the clients of this method is Mistral REST API server that receives action result from the outside action handlers. Note: calling this method serves an event notifying Mistral that it possibly needs to move the workflow on, i.e. run other workflow tasks for which all dependencies are satisfied. :param action_ex_id: Action execution id. :param result: Action execution result. :param wf_action: If True it means that the given id points to a workflow execution rather than action execution. It happens when a nested workflow execution sends its result to a parent workflow. :return: Action(or workflow if wf_action=True) execution object. """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'on_action_complete', action_ex_id=action_ex_id, result_data=result.data, result_error=result.error, wf_action=wf_action ) @wrap_messaging_exception def pause_workflow(self, wf_ex_id): """Stops the workflow with the given execution id. :param wf_ex_id: Workflow execution id. :return: Workflow execution. """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'pause_workflow', execution_id=wf_ex_id ) @wrap_messaging_exception def rerun_workflow(self, task_ex_id, reset=True, env=None): """Rerun the workflow. This method reruns workflow with the given execution id at the specific task execution id. :param task_ex_id: Task execution id. :param reset: If true, then reset task execution state and purge action execution for the task. :param env: Environment variables to update. :return: Workflow execution. """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'rerun_workflow', task_ex_id=task_ex_id, reset=reset, env=env ) @wrap_messaging_exception def resume_workflow(self, wf_ex_id, env=None): """Resumes the workflow with the given execution id. :param wf_ex_id: Workflow execution id. :param env: Environment variables to update. :return: Workflow execution. """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'resume_workflow', wf_ex_id=wf_ex_id, env=env ) @wrap_messaging_exception def stop_workflow(self, wf_ex_id, state, message=None): """Stops workflow execution with given status. Once stopped, the workflow is complete with SUCCESS or ERROR, and can not be resumed. :param wf_ex_id: Workflow execution id :param state: State assigned to the workflow: SUCCESS or ERROR :param message: Optional information string :return: Workflow execution, model.Execution """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'stop_workflow', execution_id=wf_ex_id, state=state, message=message ) @wrap_messaging_exception def rollback_workflow(self, wf_ex_id): """Rolls back the workflow with the given execution id. :param wf_ex_id: Workflow execution id. :return: Workflow execution. """ return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'rollback_workflow', execution_id=wf_ex_id ) class ExecutorServer(object): """RPC Executor server.""" def __init__(self, executor): self._executor = executor def run_action(self, rpc_ctx, action_ex_id, action_class_str, attributes, params, safe_rerun): """Receives calls over RPC to run action on executor. :param rpc_ctx: RPC request context dictionary. :param action_ex_id: Action execution id. :param action_class_str: Action class name. :param attributes: Action class attributes. :param params: Action input parameters. :param safe_rerun: Tells if given action can be safely rerun. :return: Action result. """ LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'run_action'[rpc_ctx=%s," " action_ex_id=%s, action_class=%s, attributes=%s, params=%s]" % (rpc_ctx, action_ex_id, action_class_str, attributes, params) ) redelivered = rpc_ctx.redelivered or False return self._executor.run_action( action_ex_id, action_class_str, attributes, params, safe_rerun, redelivered ) class ExecutorClient(base.Executor): """RPC Executor client.""" def __init__(self, rpc_conf_dict): """Constructs an RPC client for the Executor. :param rpc_conf_dict: Dict containing RPC configuration. """ self.topic = cfg.CONF.executor.topic self._client = get_rpc_client_driver()(rpc_conf_dict) def run_action(self, action_ex_id, action_class_str, attributes, action_params, target=None, async=True, safe_rerun=False): """Sends a request to run action to executor. :param action_ex_id: Action execution id. :param action_class_str: Action class name. :param attributes: Action class attributes. :param action_params: Action input parameters. :param target: Target (group of action executors). :param async: If True, run action in asynchronous mode (w/o waiting for completion). :param safe_rerun: If true, action would be re-run if executor dies during execution. :return: Action result. """ kwargs = { 'action_ex_id': action_ex_id, 'action_class_str': action_class_str, 'attributes': attributes, 'params': action_params, 'safe_rerun': safe_rerun } rpc_client_method = (self._client.async_call if async else self._client.sync_call) res = rpc_client_method(auth_ctx.ctx(), 'run_action', **kwargs) # TODO(rakhmerov): It doesn't seem a good approach since we have # a serializer for Result class. A better solution would be to # use a composite serializer that dispatches serialization and # deserialization to concrete serializers depending on object # type. return ( wf_utils.Result(data=res['data'], error=res['error']) if res else None ) class EventEngineServer(object): """RPC EventEngine server.""" def __init__(self, event_engine): self._event_engine = event_engine def create_event_trigger(self, rpc_ctx, trigger, events): LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'create_event_trigger'[rpc_ctx=%s," " trigger=%s, events=%s", rpc_ctx, trigger, events ) return self._event_engine.create_event_trigger(trigger, events) def delete_event_trigger(self, rpc_ctx, trigger, events): LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'delete_event_trigger'[rpc_ctx=%s," " trigger=%s, events=%s", rpc_ctx, trigger, events ) return self._event_engine.delete_event_trigger(trigger, events) def update_event_trigger(self, rpc_ctx, trigger): LOG.info( "Received RPC request 'update_event_trigger'[rpc_ctx=%s," " trigger=%s", rpc_ctx, trigger ) return self._event_engine.update_event_trigger(trigger) class EventEngineClient(base.EventEngine): """RPC EventEngine client.""" def __init__(self, rpc_conf_dict): """Constructs an RPC client for the EventEngine service.""" self._client = get_rpc_client_driver()(rpc_conf_dict) def create_event_trigger(self, trigger, events): return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'create_event_trigger', trigger=trigger, events=events ) def delete_event_trigger(self, trigger, events): return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'delete_event_trigger', trigger=trigger, events=events ) def update_event_trigger(self, trigger): return self._client.sync_call( auth_ctx.ctx(), 'update_event_trigger', trigger=trigger, )