# Copyright 2015 - Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd # Copyright 2015 - StackStorm, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from mistral.tests.unit.workbook.v2 import base as v2_base from mistral import utils from mistral.workbook.v2 import workflows LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TaskSpecValidation(v2_base.WorkflowSpecValidationTestCase): def test_type_injection(self): tests = [ ({'type': 'direct'}, False), ({'type': 'reverse'}, False) ] for wf_type, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': wf_type} wfs_spec = self._parse_dsl_spec(add_tasks=True, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error) if not expect_error: self.assertIsInstance(wfs_spec, workflows.WorkflowListSpec) self.assertEqual(1, len(wfs_spec.get_workflows())) wf_spec = wfs_spec.get_workflows()[0] self.assertEqual(wf_type['type'], wf_spec.get_type()) for task in wf_spec.get_tasks(): self.assertEqual(task._data['type'], wf_type['type']) def test_action_or_workflow(self): tests = [ ({'action': 'std.noop'}, False), ({'action': 'std.http url="openstack.org"'}, False), ({'action': 'std.http url="openstack.org" timeout=10'}, False), ({'action': 'std.http url=<% $.url %>'}, False), ({'action': 'std.http url=<% $.url %> timeout=<% $.t %>'}, False), ({'action': 'std.http url=<% * %>'}, True), ({'workflow': 'test.wf'}, False), ({'workflow': 'test.wf k1="v1"'}, False), ({'workflow': 'test.wf k1="v1" k2="v2"'}, False), ({'workflow': 'test.wf k1=<% $.v1 %>'}, False), ({'workflow': 'test.wf k1=<% $.v1 %> k2=<% $.v2 %>'}, False), ({'workflow': 'test.wf k1=<% * %>'}, True), ({'action': 'std.noop', 'workflow': 'test.wf'}, True), ({'action': 123}, True), ({'workflow': 123}, True), ({'action': ''}, True), ({'workflow': ''}, True), ({'action': None}, True), ({'workflow': None}, True) ] for task, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {'task1': task}}} self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=False, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_inputs(self): tests = [ ({'input': ''}, True), ({'input': {}}, True), ({'input': None}, True), ({'input': {'k1': 'v1'}}, False), ({'input': {'k1': '<% $.v1 %>'}}, False), ({'input': {'k1': '<% 1 + 2 %>'}}, False), ({'input': {'k1': '<% * %>'}}, True) ] for task_input, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {'task1': {'action': 'test.mock'}}}} utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks']['task1'], task_input) self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=False, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_with_items(self): tests = [ ({'with-items': ''}, True), ({'with-items': []}, True), ({'with-items': ['']}, True), ({'with-items': None}, True), ({'with-items': 12345}, True), ({'with-items': 'x in y'}, True), ({'with-items': '<% $.y %>'}, True), ({'with-items': 'x in <% $.y %>'}, False), ({'with-items': ['x in [1, 2, 3]']}, False), ({'with-items': ['x in <% $.y %>']}, False), ({'with-items': ['x in <% $.y %>', 'i in [1, 2, 3]']}, False), ({'with-items': ['x in <% $.y %>', 'i in <% $.j %>']}, False), ({'with-items': ['x in <% * %>']}, True), ({'with-items': ['x in <% $.y %>', 'i in <% * %>']}, True) ] for with_item, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {'get': with_item}}} self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=True, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_publish(self): tests = [ ({'publish': ''}, True), ({'publish': {}}, True), ({'publish': None}, True), ({'publish': {'k1': 'v1'}}, False), ({'publish': {'k1': '<% $.v1 %>'}}, False), ({'publish': {'k1': '<% 1 + 2 %>'}}, False), ({'publish': {'k1': '<% * %>'}}, True) ] for output, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {'task1': {'action': 'test.mock'}}}} utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks']['task1'], output) self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=False, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_policies(self): tests = [ ({'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 1}}, False), ({'retry': { 'continue-on': '<% 1 %>', 'delay': 2, 'break-on': '<% 1 %>', 'count': 2 }}, False), ({'retry': { 'count': 3, 'delay': 1, 'continue-on': '<% 1 %>' }}, False), ({'retry': {'count': '<% 3 %>', 'delay': 1}}, False), ({'retry': {'count': '<% * %>', 'delay': 1}}, True), ({'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': '<% 1 %>'}}, False), ({'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': '<% * %>'}}, True), ({'retry': {'count': -3, 'delay': 1}}, True), ({'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': -1}}, True), ({'retry': {'count': '3', 'delay': 1}}, True), ({'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': '1'}}, True), ({'retry': 'count=3 delay=1 break-on=<% false %>'}, False), ({'retry': 'count=3 delay=1'}, False), ({'retry': 'coun=3 delay=1'}, True), ({'retry': None}, True), ({'wait-before': 1}, False), ({'wait-before': '<% 1 %>'}, False), ({'wait-before': '<% * %>'}, True), ({'wait-before': -1}, True), ({'wait-before': 1.0}, True), ({'wait-before': '1'}, True), ({'wait-after': 1}, False), ({'wait-after': '<% 1 %>'}, False), ({'wait-after': '<% * %>'}, True), ({'wait-after': -1}, True), ({'wait-after': 1.0}, True), ({'wait-after': '1'}, True), ({'timeout': 300}, False), ({'timeout': '<% 300 %>'}, False), ({'timeout': '<% * %>'}, True), ({'timeout': -300}, True), ({'timeout': 300.0}, True), ({'timeout': '300'}, True), ({'pause-before': False}, False), ({'pause-before': '<% False %>'}, False), ({'pause-before': '<% * %>'}, True), ({'pause-before': 'False'}, True), ({'concurrency': 10}, False), ({'concurrency': '<% 10 %>'}, False), ({'concurrency': '<% * %>'}, True), ({'concurrency': -10}, True), ({'concurrency': 10.0}, True), ({'concurrency': '10'}, True) ] for policy, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {'get': policy}}} self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=True, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_direct_transition(self): tests = [ ({'on-success': ['email']}, False), ({'on-success': [{'email': '<% 1 %>'}]}, False), ({'on-success': [{'email': '<% 1 %>'}, 'echo']}, False), ({'on-success': [{'email': '<% $.v1 in $.v2 %>'}]}, False), ({'on-success': [{'email': '<% * %>'}]}, True), ({'on-success': 'email'}, False), ({'on-success': None}, True), ({'on-success': ['']}, True), ({'on-success': []}, True), ({'on-success': ['email', 'email']}, True), ({'on-success': ['email', 12345]}, True), ({'on-error': ['email']}, False), ({'on-error': [{'email': '<% 1 %>'}]}, False), ({'on-error': [{'email': '<% 1 %>'}, 'echo']}, False), ({'on-error': [{'email': '<% $.v1 in $.v2 %>'}]}, False), ({'on-error': [{'email': '<% * %>'}]}, True), ({'on-error': 'email'}, False), ({'on-error': None}, True), ({'on-error': ['']}, True), ({'on-error': []}, True), ({'on-error': ['email', 'email']}, True), ({'on-error': ['email', 12345]}, True), ({'on-complete': ['email']}, False), ({'on-complete': [{'email': '<% 1 %>'}]}, False), ({'on-complete': [{'email': '<% 1 %>'}, 'echo']}, False), ({'on-complete': [{'email': '<% $.v1 in $.v2 %>'}]}, False), ({'on-complete': [{'email': '<% * %>'}]}, True), ({'on-complete': 'email'}, False), ({'on-complete': None}, True), ({'on-complete': ['']}, True), ({'on-complete': []}, True), ({'on-complete': ['email', 'email']}, True), ({'on-complete': ['email', 12345]}, True) ] for transition, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {}}} utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks'], {'get': transition}) self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=True, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_join(self): tests = [ ({'join': ''}, True), ({'join': None}, True), ({'join': 'all'}, False), ({'join': 'one'}, False), ({'join': 0}, False), ({'join': 2}, False), ({'join': 3}, True), ({'join': '3'}, True), ({'join': -3}, True) ] on_success = {'on-success': ['email']} for join, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {}}} utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks'], {'get': on_success}) utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks'], {'echo': on_success}) utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks'], {'email': join}) self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=True, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_requires(self): tests = [ ({'requires': ''}, True), ({'requires': []}, True), ({'requires': ['']}, True), ({'requires': None}, True), ({'requires': 12345}, True), ({'requires': ['echo']}, False), ({'requires': ['echo', 'get']}, False), ({'requires': 'echo'}, False), ] for require, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {}}} utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test'], {'type': 'reverse'}) utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks'], {'email': require}) self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=True, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error ) def test_keep_result(self): tests = [ ({'keep-result': ''}, True), ({'keep-result': []}, True), ({'keep-result': 'asd'}, True), ({'keep-result': None}, True), ({'keep-result': 12345}, True), ({'keep-result': True}, False), ({'keep-result': False}, False), ({'keep-result': "<% 'a' in $.val %>"}, False), ({'keep-result': '<% 1 + 2 %>'}, False), ({'keep-result': '<% * %>'}, True) ] for keep_result, expect_error in tests: overlay = {'test': {'tasks': {}}} utils.merge_dicts(overlay['test']['tasks'], {'email': keep_result}) self._parse_dsl_spec( add_tasks=True, changes=overlay, expect_error=expect_error )