# Copyright 2015 - Mirantis, Inc. # Copyright 2016 - Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from functools import partial from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from stevedore import extension import yaql from mistral.db.v2 import api as db_api from mistral import utils ROOT_YAQL_CONTEXT = None def get_yaql_context(data_context): global ROOT_YAQL_CONTEXT if not ROOT_YAQL_CONTEXT: ROOT_YAQL_CONTEXT = yaql.create_context() _register_yaql_functions(ROOT_YAQL_CONTEXT) new_ctx = ROOT_YAQL_CONTEXT.create_child_context() new_ctx['$'] = data_context if isinstance(data_context, dict): new_ctx['__env'] = data_context.get('__env') new_ctx['__execution'] = data_context.get('__execution') new_ctx['__task_execution'] = data_context.get('__task_execution') return new_ctx def get_jinja_context(data_context): new_ctx = { '_': data_context } _register_jinja_functions(new_ctx) if isinstance(data_context, dict): new_ctx['__env'] = data_context.get('__env') new_ctx['__execution'] = data_context.get('__execution') new_ctx['__task_execution'] = data_context.get('__task_execution') return new_ctx def get_custom_functions(): """Get custom functions Retrieves the list of custom evaluation functions """ functions = dict() mgr = extension.ExtensionManager( namespace='mistral.expression.functions', invoke_on_load=False ) for name in mgr.names(): functions[name] = mgr[name].plugin return functions def _register_yaql_functions(yaql_ctx): functions = get_custom_functions() for name in functions: yaql_ctx.register_function(functions[name], name=name) def _register_jinja_functions(jinja_ctx): functions = get_custom_functions() for name in functions: jinja_ctx[name] = partial(functions[name], jinja_ctx['_']) # Additional YAQL functions needed by Mistral. # If a function name ends with underscore then it doesn't need to pass # the name of the function when context registers it. def env_(context): return context['__env'] def execution_(context): wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(context['__execution']['id']) return { 'id': wf_ex.id, 'name': wf_ex.name, 'spec': wf_ex.spec, 'input': wf_ex.input, 'params': wf_ex.params, 'created_at': wf_ex.created_at.isoformat(' ') } def json_pp_(context, data=None): return jsonutils.dumps( data or context, indent=4 ).replace("\\n", "\n").replace(" \n", "\n") def task_(context, task_name=None): # This section may not exist in a context if it's calculated not in # task scope. cur_task = context['__task_execution'] # 1. If task_name is empty it's 'task()' use case, we need to get the # current task. # 2. if task_name is not empty but it's equal to the current task name # we need to take exactly the current instance of this task. Otherwise # there may be ambiguity if there are many tasks with this name. # 3. In other case we just find a task in DB by the given name. if cur_task and (not task_name or cur_task['name'] == task_name): task_ex = db_api.get_task_execution(cur_task['id']) else: task_execs = db_api.get_task_executions( workflow_execution_id=context['__execution']['id'], name=task_name ) # TODO(rakhmerov): Account for multiple executions (i.e. in case of # cycles). task_ex = task_execs[-1] if len(task_execs) > 0 else None if not task_ex: return None # We don't use to_dict() db model method because not all fields # make sense for user. return _convert_to_user_model(task_ex) def _should_pass_filter(t, state, flat): # Start from assuming all is true, check only if needed. state_match = True flat_match = True if state: state_match = t['state'] == state if flat: is_action = t['type'] == utils.ACTION_TASK_TYPE if not is_action: nested_execs = db_api.get_workflow_executions( task_execution_id=t.id ) for n in nested_execs: flat_match = flat_match and n.state != t.state return state_match and flat_match def _get_tasks_from_db(workflow_execution_id=None, recursive=False, state=None, flat=False): task_execs = [] nested_task_exs = [] kwargs = {} if workflow_execution_id: kwargs['workflow_execution_id'] = workflow_execution_id # We can't add state to query if we want to filter by workflow_execution_id # recursively. There might be a workflow_execution in one state with a # nested workflow execution that has a task in the desired state until we # have an optimization for queering all workflow executions under a given # top level workflow execution, this is the way to go. if state and not (workflow_execution_id and recursive): kwargs['state'] = state task_execs.extend(db_api.get_task_executions(**kwargs)) # If it is not recursive no need to check nested workflows. # If there is no workflow execution id, we already have all we need, and # doing more queries will just create duplication in the results. if recursive and workflow_execution_id: for t in task_execs: if t.type == utils.WORKFLOW_TASK_TYPE: # Get nested workflow execution that matches the task. nested_workflow_executions = db_api.get_workflow_executions( task_execution_id=t.id ) # There might be zero nested executions. for nested_workflow_execution in nested_workflow_executions: nested_task_exs.extend( _get_tasks_from_db( nested_workflow_execution.id, recursive, state, flat ) ) if state or flat: # Filter by state and flat. task_execs = [ t for t in task_execs if _should_pass_filter(t, state, flat) ] # The nested tasks were already filtered, since this is a recursion. task_execs.extend(nested_task_exs) return task_execs def tasks_(context, workflow_execution_id=None, recursive=False, state=None, flat=False): task_execs = _get_tasks_from_db( workflow_execution_id, recursive, state, flat ) # Convert task_execs to user model and return. return [_convert_to_user_model(t) for t in task_execs] def _convert_to_user_model(task_ex): # Importing data_flow in order to break cycle dependency between modules. from mistral.workflow import data_flow # We don't use to_dict() db model method because not all fields # make sense for user. return { 'id': task_ex.id, 'name': task_ex.name, 'spec': task_ex.spec, 'state': task_ex.state, 'state_info': task_ex.state_info, 'result': data_flow.get_task_execution_result(task_ex), 'published': task_ex.published, 'type': task_ex.type, 'workflow_execution_id': task_ex.workflow_execution_id } def uuid_(context=None): return utils.generate_unicode_uuid()