# Copyright 2013 - Mirantis, Inc. # Copyright 2015 - StackStorm, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from mistral import context as auth_ctx from mistral.db.v2.sqlalchemy import models from mistral import exceptions as exc from mistral import expressions as expr from mistral.lang import parser as spec_parser from mistral import utils from mistral.utils import inspect_utils from mistral.workflow import states LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF class ContextView(dict): """Workflow context view. It's essentially an immutable composite structure providing fast lookup over multiple dictionaries w/o having to merge those dictionaries every time. The lookup algorithm simply iterates over provided dictionaries one by one and returns a value taken from the first dictionary where the provided key exists. This means that these dictionaries must be provided in the order of decreasing priorities. Note: Although this class extends built-in 'dict' it shouldn't be considered a normal dictionary because it may not implement all methods and account for all corner cases. It's only a read-only view. """ def __init__(self, *dicts): super(ContextView, self).__init__() self.dicts = dicts or [] def __getitem__(self, key): for d in self.dicts: if key in d: return d[key] raise KeyError(key) def get(self, key, default=None): for d in self.dicts: if key in d: return d[key] return default def __contains__(self, key): return any(key in d for d in self.dicts) def keys(self): keys = set() for d in self.dicts: keys.update(d.keys()) return keys def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()] def values(self): return [self[k] for k in self.keys()] def iteritems(self): # NOTE: This is for compatibility with Python 2.7 # YAQL converts output objects after they are evaluated # to basic types and it uses six.iteritems() internally # which calls d.items() in case of Python 2.7 and d.iteritems() # for Python 2.7 return iter(self.items()) def iterkeys(self): # NOTE: This is for compatibility with Python 2.7 # See the comment for iteritems(). return iter(self.keys()) def itervalues(self): # NOTE: This is for compatibility with Python 2.7 # See the comment for iteritems(). return iter(self.values()) def __len__(self): return len(self.keys()) @staticmethod def _raise_immutable_error(): raise exc.MistralError('Context view is immutable.') def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._raise_immutable_error() def update(self, E=None, **F): self._raise_immutable_error() def clear(self): self._raise_immutable_error() def pop(self, k, d=None): self._raise_immutable_error() def popitem(self): self._raise_immutable_error() def __delitem__(self, key): self._raise_immutable_error() def evaluate_upstream_context(upstream_task_execs): published_vars = {} ctx = {} for t_ex in upstream_task_execs: # TODO(rakhmerov): These two merges look confusing. So it's a # temporary solution. There's still the bug # https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1424461 that needs to be # fixed using context variable versioning. published_vars = utils.merge_dicts( published_vars, t_ex.published ) utils.merge_dicts(ctx, evaluate_task_outbound_context(t_ex)) return utils.merge_dicts(ctx, published_vars) def _extract_execution_result(ex): if isinstance(ex, models.WorkflowExecution): return ex.output if ex.output: return ex.output['result'] def invalidate_task_execution_result(task_ex): for ex in task_ex.executions: ex.accepted = False def get_task_execution_result(task_ex): execs = task_ex.executions execs.sort( key=lambda x: x.runtime_context.get('index') ) results = [ _extract_execution_result(ex) for ex in execs if hasattr(ex, 'output') and ex.accepted ] task_spec = spec_parser.get_task_spec(task_ex.spec) if task_spec.get_with_items(): # TODO(rakhmerov): Smell: violation of 'with-items' encapsulation. with_items_ctx = task_ex.runtime_context.get('with_items') if with_items_ctx and with_items_ctx.get('count') > 0: return results else: return [] return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results def publish_variables(task_ex, task_spec): if task_ex.state not in [states.SUCCESS, states.ERROR]: return wf_ex = task_ex.workflow_execution expr_ctx = ContextView( task_ex.in_context, wf_ex.context, wf_ex.input ) if task_ex.name in expr_ctx: LOG.warning( 'Shadowing context variable with task name while publishing: %s' % task_ex.name ) data = ( task_spec.get_publish() if task_ex.state == states.SUCCESS else task_spec.get_publish_on_error() ) task_ex.published = expr.evaluate_recursively(data, expr_ctx) def evaluate_task_outbound_context(task_ex): """Evaluates task outbound Data Flow context. This method assumes that complete task output (after publisher etc.) has already been evaluated. :param task_ex: DB task. :return: Outbound task Data Flow context. """ in_context = ( copy.deepcopy(dict(task_ex.in_context)) if task_ex.in_context is not None else {} ) remove_current_task_from_context(in_context) return utils.update_dict(in_context, task_ex.published) def evaluate_workflow_output(wf_ex, wf_output, ctx): """Evaluates workflow output. :param wf_ex: Workflow execution. :param wf_output: Workflow output. :param ctx: Final Data Flow context (cause task's outbound context). """ # Evaluate workflow 'output' clause using the final workflow context. ctx_view = ContextView(ctx, wf_ex.context, wf_ex.input) output = expr.evaluate_recursively(wf_output, ctx_view) # TODO(rakhmerov): Many don't like that we return the whole context # if 'output' is not explicitly defined. return output or ctx def add_current_task_to_context(ctx, task_id, task_name): ctx['__task_execution'] = { 'id': task_id, 'name': task_name } return ctx def remove_current_task_from_context(ctx): if '__task_execution' in ctx: del ctx['__task_execution'] def add_openstack_data_to_context(wf_ex): wf_ex.context = wf_ex.context or {} if CONF.pecan.auth_enable: exec_ctx = auth_ctx.ctx() LOG.debug('Data flow security context: %s' % exec_ctx) if exec_ctx: wf_ex.context.update({'openstack': exec_ctx.to_dict()}) def add_execution_to_context(wf_ex): wf_ex.context = wf_ex.context or {} wf_ex.context['__execution'] = { 'id': wf_ex.id } def add_environment_to_context(wf_ex): # TODO(rakhmerov): This is redundant, we can always get env from WF params wf_ex.context = wf_ex.context or {} # If env variables are provided, add an evaluated copy into the context. if 'env' in wf_ex.params: env = copy.deepcopy(wf_ex.params['env']) # An env variable can be an expression of other env variables. wf_ex.context['__env'] = expr.evaluate_recursively(env, {'__env': env}) def add_workflow_variables_to_context(wf_ex, wf_spec): wf_ex.context = wf_ex.context or {} # The context for calculating workflow variables is workflow input # and other data already stored in workflow initial context. ctx_view = ContextView(wf_ex.context, wf_ex.input) wf_vars = expr.evaluate_recursively(wf_spec.get_vars(), ctx_view) utils.merge_dicts(wf_ex.context, wf_vars) def evaluate_object_fields(obj, context): fields = inspect_utils.get_public_fields(obj) evaluated_fields = expr.evaluate_recursively(fields, context) for k, v in evaluated_fields.items(): setattr(obj, k, v)