# Copyright 2013 - Mirantis, Inc. # Copyright 2016 - Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import base64 from keystoneclient.v3 import client as keystone_client import logging from oslo_config import cfg import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from osprofiler import profiler import pecan from pecan import hooks from mistral import auth from mistral import exceptions as exc from mistral import serialization from mistral import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF _CTX_THREAD_LOCAL_NAME = "MISTRAL_APP_CTX_THREAD_LOCAL" ALLOWED_WITHOUT_AUTH = ['/', '/v2/'] class BaseContext(object): """Container for context variables.""" _elements = set() def __init__(self, __mapping=None, **kwargs): if __mapping is None: self.__values = dict(**kwargs) else: if isinstance(__mapping, BaseContext): __mapping = __mapping.__values self.__values = dict(__mapping) self.__values.update(**kwargs) bad_keys = set(self.__values) - self._elements if bad_keys: raise TypeError("Only %s keys are supported. %s given" % (tuple(self._elements), tuple(bad_keys))) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.__values[name] except KeyError: if name in self._elements: return None else: raise AttributeError(name) def to_dict(self): return self.__values class MistralContext(BaseContext): # Use set([...]) since set literals are not supported in Python 2.6. _elements = set([ "auth_uri", "auth_cacert", "insecure", "user_id", "project_id", "auth_token", "service_catalog", "user_name", "region_name", "project_name", "roles", "is_admin", "is_trust_scoped", "redelivered", "expires_at", "trust_id", "is_target", ]) def __repr__(self): return "MistralContext %s" % self.to_dict() def has_ctx(): return utils.has_thread_local(_CTX_THREAD_LOCAL_NAME) def ctx(): if not has_ctx(): raise exc.ApplicationContextNotFoundException() return utils.get_thread_local(_CTX_THREAD_LOCAL_NAME) def set_ctx(new_ctx): utils.set_thread_local(_CTX_THREAD_LOCAL_NAME, new_ctx) def context_from_headers_and_env(headers, env): params = _extract_auth_params_from_headers(headers) auth_cacert = params['auth_cacert'] insecure = params['insecure'] auth_token = params['auth_token'] auth_uri = params['auth_uri'] project_id = params['project_id'] region_name = params['region_name'] user_id = params['user_id'] user_name = params['user_name'] is_target = params['is_target'] token_info = env.get('keystone.token_info', {}) service_catalog = (params['service_catalog'] if is_target else token_info.get('token', {})) roles = headers.get('X-Roles', "").split(",") is_admin = True if 'admin' in roles else False return MistralContext( auth_uri=auth_uri, auth_cacert=auth_cacert, insecure=insecure, user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id, auth_token=auth_token, is_target=is_target, service_catalog=service_catalog, user_name=user_name, region_name=region_name, project_name=headers.get('X-Project-Name'), roles=roles, is_trust_scoped=False, expires_at=token_info['token']['expires_at'] if token_info else None, is_admin=is_admin ) def _extract_auth_params_from_headers(headers): service_catalog = None if headers.get("X-Target-Auth-Uri"): params = { # TODO(akovi): Target cert not handled yet 'auth_cacert': None, 'insecure': headers.get('X-Target-Insecure', False), 'auth_token': headers.get('X-Target-Auth-Token'), 'auth_uri': headers.get('X-Target-Auth-Uri'), 'project_id': headers.get('X-Target-Project-Id'), 'user_id': headers.get('X-Target-User-Id'), 'user_name': headers.get('X-Target-User-Name'), 'region_name': headers.get('X-Target-Region-Name'), 'is_target': True } if not params['auth_token']: raise (exc.MistralException( 'Target auth URI (X-Target-Auth-Uri) target auth token ' '(X-Target-Auth-Token) must be present')) # It's possible that target service catalog is not provided, in this # case, Mistral needs to get target service catalog dynamically when # talking to target openstack deployment later on. service_catalog = _extract_service_catalog_from_headers( headers ) else: params = { 'auth_cacert': CONF.keystone_authtoken.cafile, 'insecure': False, 'auth_token': headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), 'auth_uri': CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri, 'project_id': headers.get('X-Project-Id'), 'user_id': headers.get('X-User-Id'), 'user_name': headers.get('X-User-Name'), 'region_name': headers.get('X-Region-Name'), 'is_target': False } params['service_catalog'] = service_catalog return params def _extract_service_catalog_from_headers(headers): target_service_catalog_header = headers.get( 'X-Target-Service-Catalog') if target_service_catalog_header: decoded_catalog = base64.b64decode( target_service_catalog_header).decode() return jsonutils.loads(decoded_catalog) else: return None def context_from_config(): keystone = keystone_client.Client( username=CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_user, password=CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_password, tenant_name=CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_tenant_name, auth_url=CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri, is_trust_scoped=False, ) keystone.authenticate() return MistralContext( user_id=keystone.user_id, project_id=keystone.project_id, auth_token=keystone.auth_token, project_name=CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_tenant_name, user_name=CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_user, is_trust_scoped=False, ) class RpcContextSerializer(messaging.Serializer): def __init__(self, entity_serializer=None): self.entity_serializer = ( entity_serializer or serialization.get_polymorphic_serializer() ) def serialize_entity(self, context, entity): if not self.entity_serializer: return entity return self.entity_serializer.serialize(entity) def deserialize_entity(self, context, entity): if not self.entity_serializer: return entity return self.entity_serializer.deserialize(entity) def serialize_context(self, context): ctx = context.to_dict() pfr = profiler.get() if pfr: ctx['trace_info'] = { "hmac_key": pfr.hmac_key, "base_id": pfr.get_base_id(), "parent_id": pfr.get_id() } return ctx def deserialize_context(self, context): trace_info = context.pop('trace_info', None) if trace_info: profiler.init(**trace_info) ctx = MistralContext(**context) set_ctx(ctx) return ctx class AuthHook(hooks.PecanHook): def before(self, state): if state.request.path in ALLOWED_WITHOUT_AUTH: return if not CONF.pecan.auth_enable: return try: auth_handler = auth.get_auth_handler() auth_handler.authenticate(state.request) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to validate access token: %s" % str(e) pecan.abort( status_code=401, detail=msg, headers={'Server-Error-Message': msg} ) class ContextHook(hooks.PecanHook): def before(self, state): set_ctx(context_from_headers_and_env( state.request.headers, state.request.environ )) def after(self, state): set_ctx(None)