2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import itertools
import types
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
import eventlet
import yaql.context
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
import yaql.exceptions
2014-05-26 16:31:18 +04:00
import murano.dsl.exceptions as exceptions
import murano.dsl.helpers as helpers
import murano.dsl.murano_object as murano_object
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def _resolve(name, obj):
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('this', murano_object.MuranoObject)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def invoke(context, this, *args):
executor = helpers.get_executor(context)
murano_class = helpers.get_type(context)
return executor.invoke_method(name, this, context,
murano_class, *args)
except exceptions.NoMethodFound:
raise yaql.exceptions.YaqlExecutionException()
except exceptions.AmbiguousMethodName:
raise yaql.exceptions.YaqlExecutionException()
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
if not isinstance(obj, murano_object.MuranoObject):
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
return None
return invoke
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', murano_object.MuranoObject)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def _id(value):
return value.object_id
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', murano_object.MuranoObject)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('type', str)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def _cast(context, value, type):
2014-06-10 13:02:02 +04:00
if '.' not in type:
2014-06-07 12:19:09 +04:00
murano_class = helpers.get_type(context)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
type = murano_class.namespace_resolver.resolve_name(type)
class_loader = helpers.get_class_loader(context)
return value.cast(class_loader.get_class(type))
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('name', str)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def _new(context, name, *args):
murano_class = helpers.get_type(context)
name = murano_class.namespace_resolver.resolve_name(name)
parameters = {}
arg_values = [t() for t in args]
if len(arg_values) == 1 and isinstance(
arg_values[0], types.DictionaryType):
parameters = arg_values[0]
elif len(arg_values) > 0:
for p in arg_values:
if not isinstance(p, types.TupleType) or \
not isinstance(p[0], types.StringType):
raise SyntaxError()
parameters[p[0]] = p[1]
object_store = helpers.get_object_store(context)
class_loader = helpers.get_class_loader(context)
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
new_context = yaql.context.Context(parent_context=context)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
for key, value in parameters.iteritems():
new_context.set_data(value, key)
return class_loader.get_class(name).new(
None, object_store, new_context, parameters=parameters)
2014-06-10 13:02:02 +04:00
def new(name, context, **kwargs):
return _new(context, name, lambda: kwargs)
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', murano_object.MuranoObject)
2014-06-07 12:19:09 +04:00
def _super(context, value):
cast_type = helpers.get_type(context)
return [value.cast(type) for type in cast_type.parents]
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', murano_object.MuranoObject)
2014-06-07 12:19:09 +04:00
def _super2(context, value, func):
return itertools.imap(func, _super(context, value))
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', murano_object.MuranoObject)
2014-06-07 12:19:09 +04:00
def _psuper2(context, value, func):
helpers.parallel_select(_super(context, value), func)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', object)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def _require(value):
if value is None:
raise ValueError()
return value
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('obj', murano_object.MuranoObject)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('class_name', str)
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def _get_container(context, obj, class_name):
namespace_resolver = helpers.get_type(context).namespace_resolver
class_loader = helpers.get_class_loader(context)
class_name = namespace_resolver.resolve_name(class_name)
murano_class = class_loader.get_class(class_name)
2014-07-03 14:24:41 +04:00
p = obj.owner
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
while p is not None:
if murano_class.is_compatible(p):
return p
2014-07-03 14:24:41 +04:00
p = p.owner
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
return None
2014-03-28 20:07:39 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('seconds', (int, float))
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def _sleep(seconds):
2014-05-30 03:23:09 +04:00
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', murano_object.MuranoObject)
def _type(value):
return value.type.name
2014-03-13 16:24:46 +04:00
def register(context):
context.register_function(_resolve, '#resolve')
context.register_function(_cast, 'cast')
context.register_function(_new, 'new')
context.register_function(_id, 'id')
context.register_function(_super2, 'super')
context.register_function(_psuper2, 'psuper')
context.register_function(_super, 'super')
context.register_function(_require, 'require')
context.register_function(_get_container, 'find')
context.register_function(_sleep, 'sleep')
2014-05-30 03:23:09 +04:00
context.register_function(_type, 'type')