diff --git a/murano/api/v1/environments.py b/murano/api/v1/environments.py
index d7abaade..e5da2291 100644
--- a/murano/api/v1/environments.py
+++ b/murano/api/v1/environments.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import re
 from oslo.db import exception as db_exc
 from sqlalchemy import desc
 from webob import exc
@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 API_NAME = 'Environments'
+VALID_NAME_REGEX = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z]+[\w-]*$')
 class Controller(object):
     @request_statistics.stats_count(API_NAME, 'Index')
@@ -51,15 +55,22 @@ class Controller(object):
     def create(self, request, body):
         LOG.debug('Environments:Create <Body {0}>'.format(body))
         policy.check('create_environment', request.context)
-        try:
-            environment = envs.EnvironmentServices.create(
-                body.copy(),
-                request.context.tenant)
-        except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
-            msg = _('Environment with specified name already exists')
+        LOG.debug('ENV NAME: {0}>'.format(body['name']))
+        if VALID_NAME_REGEX.match(str(body['name'])):
+            try:
+                environment = envs.EnvironmentServices.create(
+                    body.copy(),
+                    request.context.tenant)
+            except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
+                msg = _('Environment with specified name already exists')
+                LOG.exception(msg)
+                raise exc.HTTPConflict(msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Environment name must contain only alphanumeric '
+                    'or "_-." characters, must start with alpha')
-            raise exc.HTTPConflict(msg)
+            raise exc.HTTPClientError(msg)
         return environment.to_dict()
     @request_statistics.stats_count(API_NAME, 'Show')
@@ -114,8 +125,15 @@ class Controller(object):
                        'this tenant resources.'))
             raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized
-        environment.update(body)
-        environment.save(session)
+        LOG.debug('ENV NAME: {0}>'.format(body['name']))
+        if VALID_NAME_REGEX.match(str(body['name'])):
+            environment.update(body)
+            environment.save(session)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Environment name must contain only alphanumeric '
+                    'or "_-." characters, must start with alpha')
+            LOG.exception(msg)
+            raise exc.HTTPClientError(msg)
         return environment.to_dict()
diff --git a/murano/tests/unit/api/v1/test_environments.py b/murano/tests/unit/api/v1/test_environments.py
index d7cd27eb..5caf6a15 100644
--- a/murano/tests/unit/api/v1/test_environments.py
+++ b/murano/tests/unit/api/v1/test_environments.py
@@ -89,6 +89,20 @@ class TestEnvironmentApi(tb.ControllerTest, tb.MuranoApiTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(expected, json.loads(result.body))
         self.assertEqual(3, mock_uuid.call_count)
+    def test_illegal_environment_name_create(self):
+        """Check that an illegal env name results in an HTTPClientError."""
+        self._set_policy_rules(
+            {'list_environments': '@',
+             'create_environment': '@',
+             'show_environment': '@'}
+        )
+        self.expect_policy_check('create_environment')
+        body = {'name': 'my+#env'}
+        req = self._post('/environments', json.dumps(body))
+        result = req.get_response(self.api)
+        self.assertEqual(400, result.status_code)
     def test_missing_environment(self):
         """Check that a missing environment results in an HTTPNotFound."""
@@ -125,7 +139,7 @@ class TestEnvironmentApi(tb.ControllerTest, tb.MuranoApiTestCase):
                 'Objects': {
                     '?': {'id': '12345'}
-                'Attributes': {}
+                'Attributes': []
         e = models.Environment(**expected)
@@ -137,11 +151,11 @@ class TestEnvironmentApi(tb.ControllerTest, tb.MuranoApiTestCase):
         del expected['description']
         expected['services'] = []
         expected['status'] = 'ready'
-        expected['name'] = 'renamed env'
+        expected['name'] = 'renamed_env'
         expected['updated'] = fake_now
         body = {
-            'name': 'renamed env'
+            'name': 'renamed_env'
         req = self._put('/environments/12345', json.dumps(body))
         result = req.get_response(self.api)