# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import os import re import sys import traceback import eventlet from keystoneclient.v3 import client as ks_client from muranoclient.common import utils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import options from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import importutils from murano import version from murano.common.i18n import _, _LE from murano.common import config from murano.common import engine from murano.dsl import exceptions from murano.dsl import executor from murano.dsl import helpers from murano.engine import client_manager from murano.engine import environment from murano.engine import package_loader CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) options.set_defaults(CONF) BASE_CLASS = 'io.murano.test.TestFixture' TEST_CASE_NAME = re.compile('^test(?![a-z])') if os.name == 'nt': # eventlet monkey patching causes subprocess.Popen to fail on Windows # when using pipes due to missing non blocking I/O support eventlet.monkey_patch(os=False) else: eventlet.monkey_patch() def _load_package(pkg_loader, name): try: parts = name.rsplit('/') if len(parts) == 2: name, pkg_version = parts version_spec = helpers.parse_version_spec(pkg_version) else: version_spec = helpers.parse_version_spec('*') package = pkg_loader.load_package(name, version_spec) except exceptions.NoPackageFound: if not CONF.engine.load_packages_from: msg = _('Local package is not found since "load-packages-from" ' 'engine parameter is not provided and specified packages ' 'is not loaded to murano-api') else: msg = _('Specified package is not found: {0} were scanned together' ' with murano database' ).format(','.join(CONF.engine.load_packages_from)) LOG.error(msg) sys.stderr.write("ERROR: {msg}".format(msg=msg)) sys.exit(1) return package def _get_methods_to_run(package, tests_to_run, class_to_methods): if not tests_to_run: return class_to_methods methods_to_run = {} for item in tests_to_run: # Check for method name occurrence in all methods. # if there is no dot in provided item - it is a method name if '.' not in item: for class_name, methods in class_to_methods.iteritems(): methods_to_run[class_name] = [] if item in methods: methods_to_run[class_name].append(item) continue # Check match for the whole class name if item in package.classes: # Add all test cases from specified package if item in class_to_methods: methods_to_run[item] = class_to_methods[item] continue # Check match for the class together with method specified class_to_test, test_method = item.rsplit('.', 1) if class_to_test in package.classes: methods_to_run[class_to_test] = [ m for m in class_to_methods[class_to_test] if m == test_method] continue methods_count = sum(len(v) for v in methods_to_run.itervalues()) methods = [k + '.' + method for k, v in methods_to_run.iteritems() for method in v] LOG.debug('{0} method(s) is(are) going to be executed: ' '\n{1}'.format(methods_count, '\n'.join(methods))) return methods_to_run def _get_all_test_methods(exc, package): """Initiate objects of package classes and get test methods. Check, if test class and test case name are valid. Return class mappings to objects and test methods. """ class_to_obj = {} class_to_methods = {} for pkg_class_name in package.classes: class_obj = package.find_class(pkg_class_name, False) obj = class_obj.new(None, exc.object_store)(None) if not helpers.is_instance_of(obj, BASE_CLASS, '*'): LOG.debug('Class {0} is not inherited from {1}. ' 'Skipping it.'.format(pkg_class_name, BASE_CLASS)) continue class_to_obj[pkg_class_name] = obj # Exclude methods, that are not test cases. tests = [] valid_test_name = TEST_CASE_NAME for m in class_obj.methods: if valid_test_name.match(m): tests.append(m) class_to_methods[pkg_class_name] = tests return class_to_methods, class_to_obj def _call_service_method(name, exc, obj): if name in obj.type.methods: obj.type.methods[name].usage = 'Action' LOG.debug('Executing: {0}.{1}'.format(obj.type.name, name)) obj.type.invoke(name, exc, obj, (), {}) def _validate_keystone_opts(args): ks_opts_to_config = { 'auth_url': 'auth_uri', 'username': 'admin_user', 'password': 'admin_password', 'project_name': 'admin_tenant_name'} ks_opts = {'auth_url': getattr(args, 'os_auth_url', None), 'username': getattr(args, 'os_username', None), 'password': getattr(args, 'os_password', None), 'project_name': getattr(args, 'os_project_name', None)} if None in ks_opts.values() and not CONF.default_config_files: msg = _LE('Please provide murano config file or credentials for ' 'authorization: {0}').format( ', '.join(['--os-auth-url', '--os-username', '--os-password', '--os-project-name', '--os-tenant-id'])) LOG.error(msg) sys.stderr.write("ERROR: {msg}".format(msg=msg)) sys.exit(1) # Load keystone configuration parameters from config importutils.import_module('keystonemiddleware.auth_token') for param, value in ks_opts.iteritems(): if not value: ks_opts[param] = getattr(CONF.keystone_authtoken, ks_opts_to_config[param]) if param == 'auth_url': ks_opts[param] = ks_opts[param].replace('v2.0', 'v3') return ks_opts def run_tests(args): provided_pkg_name = args.package load_packages_from = args.load_packages_from tests_to_run = args.tests if not provided_pkg_name: msg = _('Package name is required parameter.') sys.stderr.write("ERROR: {msg}".format(msg=msg)) sys.exit(1) ks_opts = _validate_keystone_opts(args) client = ks_client.Client(**ks_opts) test_env = environment.Environment() test_env.token = client.auth_token test_env.tenant_id = client.auth_tenant_id test_env.clients = client_manager.ClientManager(test_env) murano_client_factory = lambda: \ test_env.clients.get_murano_client(test_env) # Replace location of loading packages with provided from command line. if load_packages_from: cfg.CONF.engine.load_packages_from = load_packages_from with package_loader.CombinedPackageLoader( murano_client_factory, client.tenant_id) as pkg_loader: engine.get_plugin_loader().register_in_loader(pkg_loader) exc = executor.MuranoDslExecutor( pkg_loader, engine.ContextManager(), test_env) package = _load_package(pkg_loader, provided_pkg_name) class_to_methods, class_to_obj = _get_all_test_methods(exc, package) run_set = _get_methods_to_run(package, tests_to_run, class_to_methods) if run_set: LOG.debug('Starting test execution.') else: msg = _('No tests found for execution.') LOG.error(msg) sys.stderr.write("ERROR: {msg}".format(msg=msg)) sys.exit(1) for pkg_class, methods in run_set.iteritems(): obj = class_to_obj[pkg_class] for m in methods: _call_service_method('setUp', exc, obj) obj.type.methods[m].usage = 'Action' test_env.start() try: obj.type.invoke(m, exc, obj, (), {}) LOG.debug('\n.....{0}.{1}.....OK'.format(obj.type.name, m)) _call_service_method('tearDown', exc, obj) except Exception: LOG.exception('\n.....{0}.{1}.....FAILURE\n' ''.format(obj.type.name, m)) finally: test_env.finish() def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version=version.version_string, prog='murano-test-runner') parser.set_defaults(func=run_tests) parser.add_argument('--config-file', help='Path to the murano config') parser.add_argument('--os-auth-url', default=utils.env('OS_AUTH_URL'), help='Authentication URL (Env: OS_AUTH_URL)') parser.add_argument('--os-username', default=utils.env('OS_USERNAME'), help='Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]') parser.add_argument('--os-password', default=utils.env('OS_PASSWORD'), help='Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]') parser.add_argument('--os-project-name', default=utils.env('OS_PROJECT_NAME'), help='Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME]') parser.add_argument('-p', '--package', help='Full name of application package that is going ' 'to be tested') parser.add_argument('-l', '--load_packages_from', nargs='*', metavar='', help='Directory to search packages from.' ' We be added to the list of current directory' ' list, provided in a config file.') parser.add_argument('tests', nargs='*', metavar='', help='List of method names to be tested') return parser def main(): parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() try: if args.config_file: default_config_files = [CONF.config_file] else: default_config_files = cfg.find_config_files('murano') if not default_config_files: murano_conf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, 'etc', 'murano', 'murano.conf') if os.path.exists(murano_conf): default_config_files = [murano_conf] sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] config.parse_args(default_config_files=default_config_files) except RuntimeError as e: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to initialize murano-test-runner: %s") % e) sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % e) try: run_tests(args) sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() err_msg = _LE("Command failed: {0}\n{1}").format(e, tb) LOG.error(err_msg) sys.exit(err_msg) if __name__ == '__main__': main()