#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # RUN_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) INC_FILE="$RUN_DIR/common.inc" if [ -f "$INC_FILE" ]; then source "$INC_FILE" else echo "Can't load \"$INC_FILE\" or file not found, exiting!" exit 1 fi # DAEMON_NAME="murano-api" DAEMON_USER="murano" DAEMON_GROUP="murano" DAEMON_CFG_DIR="/etc/murano" DAEMON_LOG_DIR="/var/log/murano" LOGFILE="/tmp/${DAEMON_NAME}_install.log" DAEMON_DB_CONSTR="sqlite:///$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/$DAEMON_NAME.sqlite" common_pkgs="wget git make gcc python-pip python-setuptools" # Distro-specific package namings debian_pkgs="python-dev python-mysqldb libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libffi-dev mysql-client" redhat_pkgs="python-devel MySQL-python libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libffi-devel mysql" # get_os eval req_pkgs="\$$(lowercase $DISTRO_BASED_ON)_pkgs" REQ_PKGS="$common_pkgs $req_pkgs" function install_prerequisites() { retval=0 _dist=$(lowercase $DISTRO_BASED_ON) if [ $_dist = "redhat" ]; then yum repolist | grep -qoE "epel" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "Enabling EPEL6..." rpm -ivh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "... can't enable EPEL6, exiting!" retval=1 return $retval fi fi yum --quiet makecache fi for pack in $REQ_PKGS do find_or_install "$pack" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then retval=1 break else retval=0 fi done return $retval } function make_tarball() { retval=0 log "Preparing tarball package..." setuppy="$RUN_DIR/setup.py" if [ -e "$setuppy" ]; then chmod +x $setuppy rm -rf $RUN_DIR/*.egg-info cd $RUN_DIR && python $setuppy egg_info > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then log "...\"$setuppy\" egg info creation fails, exiting!!!" retval=1 exit 1 fi rm -rf $RUN_DIR/dist/* log "...\"setup.py sdist\" output will be recorded in \"$LOGFILE\"" cd $RUN_DIR && python $setuppy sdist >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then log "...\"$setuppy\" tarball creation fails, exiting!!!" retval=1 exit 1 fi #TRBL_FILE=$(basename $(ls $RUN_DIR/dist/*.tar.gz | head -n 1)) TRBL_FILE=$(ls $RUN_DIR/dist/*.tar.gz | head -n 1) if [ ! -e "$TRBL_FILE" ]; then log "...tarball not found, exiting!" retval=1 else log "...success, tarball created as \"$TRBL_FILE\"" retval=0 fi else log "...\"$setuppy\" not found, exiting!" retval=1 fi return $retval } function run_pip_install() { find_pip retval=0 tarball_file=${1:-$TRBL_FILE} log "Running \"$PIPCMD install $PIPARGS $tarball_file\" output will be recorded in \"$LOGFILE\"" $PIPCMD install $PIPARGS $tarball_file >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "...pip install fails, exiting!" retval=1 exit 1 fi return $retval } function prepare_db() { retval=0 _dist=$(lowercase $DISTRO_BASED_ON) _mysql_db_name="murano_api" _mysql_db_user="muranoUser" _mysql_db_pass="$(genpass)" _mysql_root_pass="swordfish" _mysql_cmd="CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $_mysql_db_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET=utf8; \ DROP USER '$_mysql_db_user'@'localhost'; DROP USER '$_mysql_db_user'@'%'; \ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $_mysql_db_name.* TO '$_mysql_db_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$_mysql_db_pass'; \ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $_mysql_db_name.* TO '$_mysql_db_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$_mysql_db_pass';" mysql_packages="mysql-server" case $_dist in "debian") export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ;; esac log "Installing and configuring MySQL server..." for pack in $mysql_packages do find_or_install "$pack" _ret=$? if [ $_ret -eq 1 ]; then retval=1 break elif [ $_ret -eq 2 ]; then log "MySQL server already installed..." #log "$_mysql_cmd" break fi unset _ret done if [ -n "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" ]; then unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND fi _mycfn=$(find /etc -name "my.cnf" | head -n 1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "Can't find \"my.cfn\" under \"/etc/...\"" retval=1 exit 1 fi iniset 'mysqld' 'bind-address' '' "$_mycfn" iniset 'mysqld' 'port' '3306' "$_mycfn" case $_dist in "debian") unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND service mysql restart ;; *) service mysqld restart ;; esac mysqladmin -u root password "$_mysql_root_pass" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "Trying connect with default password..." #mysqladmin -u root -p$_mysql_root_pass password "$_mysql_root_pass" mysql -u root -p$_mysql_root_pass -e "status" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "Can't reach MySQL server with \"\$_mysql_root_pass value\" from prepare_db function root user password, please run manually:" log "$_mysql_cmd" log "Set connection string to \"mysql://$_mysql_db_user:$_mysql_db_pass@localhost:3306/$_mysql_db_name\" if you plan to use MySQL, sqlite will be used by default!" retval=1 return $retval else log "...success, MySQL reached with root password=\"\$_mysql_root_pass value\" from prepare_db function." fi fi mysql -uroot -p$_mysql_root_pass -e "$_mysql_cmd" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "DB creation fails, please run manually:" log "$_mysql_cmd" retval=1 else log "...db created" retval=0 fi DAEMON_DB_CONSTR="mysql://$_mysql_db_user:$_mysql_db_pass@localhost:3306/$_mysql_db_name" return $retval } function inject_init() { retval=0 _dist=$(lowercase $DISTRO_BASED_ON) # DAEMONS="$DAEMON_NAME murano-engine" # for DAEMON in $DAEMONS do get_service_exec_path $DAEMON || exit $? eval src_init_sctipt="$DAEMON-$_dist" _initscript="$DAEMON" cp -f "$RUN_DIR/etc/init.d/$src_init_sctipt" "/etc/init.d/$_initscript" || retval=$? chmod +x "/etc/init.d/$_initscript" || retval=$? iniset '' 'SYSTEM_USER' "$DAEMON_USER" "/etc/init.d/$_initscript" iniset '' 'DAEMON' "$(shslash $SERVICE_EXEC_PATH)" "/etc/init.d/$_initscript" iniset '' 'SCRIPTNAME' "$(shslash "/etc/init.d/$_initscript")" "/etc/init.d/$_initscript" case $_dist in "debian") update-rc.d $_initscript defaults || retval=$? update-rc.d $_initscript enable || retval=$? ;; *) chkconfig --add $_initscript || retval=$? chkconfig $_initscript on || retval=$? ;; esac done return $retval } function purge_init() { retval=0 _dist=$(lowercase $DISTRO_BASED_ON) # DAEMONS="$DAEMON_NAME murano-engine" # for DAEMON in $DAEMONS do _initscript="$DAEMON" service $_initscript stop if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then retval=1 fi case $_dist in "debian") update-rc.d $_initscript disable update-rc.d -f $_initscript remove || retval=$? ;; *) chkconfig $_initscript off || retval=$? chkconfig --del $_initscript || retval=$? ;; esac rm -f "/etc/init.d/$_initscript" || retval=$? done return $retval } function run_pip_uninstall() { find_pip retval=0 pack_to_del=$(is_py_package_installed "$DAEMON_NAME") if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then log "Running \"$PIPCMD uninstall $PIPARGS $DAEMON_NAME\" output will be recorded in \"$LOGFILE\"" $PIPCMD uninstall $pack_to_del --yes >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "...can't uninstall $DAEMON_NAME with $PIPCMD" retval=1 else log "...success" fi else log "Python package for \"$DAEMON_NAME\" not found" fi return $retval } function install_daemon() { install_prerequisites || exit 1 make_tarball || exit $? run_pip_install || exit $? add_daemon_credentials "$DAEMON_USER" "$DAEMON_GROUP" || exit $? log "Creating required directories..." mk_dir "$DAEMON_CFG_DIR" "$DAEMON_USER" "$DAEMON_GROUP" || exit 1 mk_dir "$DAEMON_LOG_DIR" "$DAEMON_USER" "$DAEMON_GROUP" || exit 1 log "Making sample configuration files at \"$DAEMON_CFG_DIR\"" _src_conf_dir="$RUN_DIR/etc/murano" for file in $(ls $_src_conf_dir) do #cp -f "$_src_conf_dir/$file" "$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/$file.sample" cp -f "$_src_conf_dir/$file" "$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/$file" config_file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/.sample$//') #if [ ! -e "$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/$file" ]; then if [ ! -e "$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/$config_file" ]; then cp -f "$_src_conf_dir/$file" "$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/$config_file" else log "\"$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/$config_file\" exists, skipping copy." fi done #daemon_conf="$DAEMON_CFG_DIR/${DAEMON_NAME}.conf" #daemon_log="$DAEMON_LOG_DIR/${DAEMON_NAME}.log" #renaming of murano-api.conf->murano.conf and log file daemon_conf="$(echo $DAEMON_CFG_DIR/${DAEMON_NAME}.conf | sed 's/-api//')" daemon_conf_paste="$(echo $DAEMON_CFG_DIR/${DAEMON_NAME}-paste.ini | sed 's/-api//')" daemon_log="$(echo $DAEMON_LOG_DIR/${DAEMON_NAME}.log | sed 's/-api//')" mv -f $DAEMON_CFG_DIR/${DAEMON_NAME}.conf $daemon_conf mv -f $DAEMON_CFG_DIR/${DAEMON_NAME}-paste.ini $daemon_conf_paste # log "Setting log file and sqlite db placement..." iniset 'DEFAULT' 'log_file' "$(shslash $daemon_log)" "$daemon_conf" iniset 'DEFAULT' 'verbose' 'True' "$daemon_conf" iniset 'DEFAULT' 'debug' 'True' "$daemon_conf" iniset 'database' 'connection' "$(shslash $DAEMON_DB_CONSTR)" "$daemon_conf" log "Searching daemon in \$PATH..." #get_service_exec_path || exit $? #log "...found at \"$SERVICE_EXEC_PATH\"" log "Installing SysV init script." inject_init || exit $? prepare_db if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then iniset 'database' 'connection' "$(shslash $DAEMON_DB_CONSTR)" "$daemon_conf" log "...database configuration finished." fi get_service_exec_path "murano-manage" || exit $? log "Running murano-manage under $DAEMON_USER..." su -c "$SERVICE_EXEC_PATH --config-file $daemon_conf db_sync" -s /bin/bash $DAEMON_USER >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 log "Everything done, please, verify \"$daemon_conf\", services created as \"murano-api,murano-engine\"." } function uninstall_daemon() { log "Removing SysV init script..." purge_init || exit $? remove_daemon_credentials "$DAEMON_USER" "$DAEMON_GROUP" || exit $? run_pip_uninstall || exit $? log "Software uninstalled, daemon configuration files and logs located at \"$DAEMON_CFG_DIR\" and \"$DAEMON_LOG_DIR\"." } # Command line args' COMMAND="$1" case $COMMAND in install) rm -rf $LOGFILE log "Installing \"$DAEMON_NAME\" to system..." install_daemon ;; uninstall ) log "Uninstalling \"$DAEMON_NAME\" from system..." uninstall_daemon ;; * ) echo -e "Usage: $(basename "$0") [command] \nCommands:\n\tinstall - Install \"$DAEMON_NAME\" software\n\tuninstall - Uninstall \"$DAEMON_NAME\" software" exit 1 ;; esac