============================= OASIS TOSCA Plugin for Murano ============================= This is a plugin for Murano to support the OASIS standard for TOSCA. The feature currently supported by this plugin is importing Murano application definition archives of TOSCA CSARs into Murano application catalog. ********** How To Use ********** In order to make use of this plugin it has to be installed first, in the same Python environment that Murano is running, using the pip command (i.e., run *pip install .* from inside the plugin folder). At a minimum, the plugin requires version *0.2.0* of the *TOSCA-Parser PyPI package*. Two sample Murano application definition archives are provided in unzip format: * hello_world * wordpress In order to import the corresponding archives refer to *README.rst* inside each sample folder to generate the archives first. The archives then will be ready to be imported into Murano application catalog via Murano command line or Murano UI.