# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import shutil import sys import six import yaml from murano.packages import exceptions from murano.packages import package_base RESOURCES_DIR_NAME = 'Resources/' HOT_FILES_DIR_NAME = 'HotFiles/' HOT_ENV_DIR_NAME = 'HotEnvironments/' class YAQL(object): def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr class Dumper(yaml.SafeDumper): pass def yaql_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_scalar(u'!yaql', data.expr) Dumper.add_representer(YAQL, yaql_representer) class HotPackage(package_base.PackageBase): def __init__(self, format_name, runtime_version, source_directory, manifest): super(HotPackage, self).__init__( format_name, runtime_version, source_directory, manifest) self._translated_class = None self._source_directory = source_directory self._translated_ui = None @property def classes(self): return self.full_name, @property def requirements(self): return {} @property def ui(self): if not self._translated_ui: self._translated_ui = self._translate_ui() return self._translated_ui def get_class(self, name): if name != self.full_name: raise exceptions.PackageClassLoadError( name, 'Class not defined in this package') if not self._translated_class: self._translate_class() return self._translated_class, '' def _translate_class(self): template_file = os.path.join(self._source_directory, 'template.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(template_file): raise exceptions.PackageClassLoadError( self.full_name, 'File with class definition not found') shutil.copy(template_file, self.get_resource(self.full_name)) with open(template_file) as stream: hot = yaml.safe_load(stream) if 'resources' not in hot: raise exceptions.PackageFormatError('Not a HOT template') translated = { 'Name': self.full_name, 'Extends': 'io.murano.Application' } hot_envs_path = os.path.join(self._source_directory, RESOURCES_DIR_NAME, HOT_ENV_DIR_NAME) # if using hot environments, doing parameter validation with contracts # will overwrite the parameters in the hot environment. # don't validate parameters if hot environments exist. validate_hot_parameters = (not os.path.isdir(hot_envs_path) or not os.listdir(hot_envs_path)) parameters = HotPackage._build_properties(hot, validate_hot_parameters) parameters.update(HotPackage._translate_outputs(hot)) translated['Properties'] = parameters files = HotPackage._translate_files(self._source_directory) translated.update(HotPackage._generate_workflow(hot, files)) # use default_style with double quote mark because by default PyYAML # doesn't put any quote marks ans as a result strings with e.g. dashes # may be interpreted as YAQL expressions upon load self._translated_class = yaml.dump( translated, Dumper=Dumper, default_style='"') @staticmethod def _build_properties(hot, validate_hot_parameters): result = { 'generatedHeatStackName': { 'Contract': YAQL('$.string()'), 'Usage': 'Out' }, 'hotEnvironment': { 'Contract': YAQL('$.string()'), 'Usage': 'In' }, 'name': { 'Contract': YAQL('$.string().notNull()'), 'Usage': 'In', } } if validate_hot_parameters: params_dict = {} for key, value in (hot.get('parameters') or {}).items(): param_contract = HotPackage._translate_param_to_contract(value) params_dict[key] = param_contract result['templateParameters'] = { 'Contract': params_dict, 'Default': {}, 'Usage': 'In' } else: result['templateParameters'] = { 'Contract': {}, 'Default': {}, 'Usage': 'In' } return result @staticmethod def _translate_param_to_contract(value): contract = '$' parameter_type = value['type'] if parameter_type in ('string', 'comma_delimited_list', 'json'): contract += '.string()' elif parameter_type == 'number': contract += '.int()' elif parameter_type == 'boolean': contract += '.bool()' else: raise ValueError('Unsupported parameter type ' + parameter_type) constraints = value.get('constraints') or [] for constraint in constraints: translated = HotPackage._translate_constraint(constraint) if translated: contract += translated result = YAQL(contract) return result @staticmethod def _translate_outputs(hot): contract = {} for key in (hot.get('outputs') or {}).keys(): contract[key] = YAQL("$.string()") return { 'templateOutputs': { 'Contract': contract, 'Default': {}, 'Usage': 'Out' } } @staticmethod def _translate_files(source_directory): hot_files_path = os.path.join(source_directory, RESOURCES_DIR_NAME, HOT_FILES_DIR_NAME) return HotPackage._build_hot_resources(hot_files_path) @staticmethod def _build_hot_resources(basedir): result = [] if os.path.isdir(basedir): for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(basedir)): for f in files: full_path = os.path.join(root, f) relative_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, basedir) result.append(relative_path) return result @staticmethod def _translate_constraint(constraint): if 'allowed_values' in constraint: return HotPackage._translate_allowed_values_constraint( constraint['allowed_values']) elif 'length' in constraint: return HotPackage._translate_length_constraint( constraint['length']) elif 'range' in constraint: return HotPackage._translate_range_constraint( constraint['range']) elif 'allowed_pattern' in constraint: return HotPackage._translate_allowed_pattern_constraint( constraint['allowed_pattern']) @staticmethod def _translate_allowed_pattern_constraint(value): return ".check(matches($, '{0}'))".format(value) @staticmethod def _translate_allowed_values_constraint(values): return '.check($ in list({0}))'.format( ', '.join([HotPackage._format_value(v) for v in values])) @staticmethod def _translate_length_constraint(value): if 'min' in value and 'max' in value: return '.check(len($) >= {0} and len($) <= {1})'.format( int(value['min']), int(value['max'])) elif 'min' in value: return '.check(len($) >= {0})'.format(int(value['min'])) elif 'max' in value: return '.check(len($) <= {0})'.format(int(value['max'])) @staticmethod def _translate_range_constraint(value): if 'min' in value and 'max' in value: return '.check($ >= {0} and $ <= {1})'.format( int(value['min']), int(value['max'])) elif 'min' in value: return '.check($ >= {0})'.format(int(value['min'])) elif 'max' in value: return '.check($ <= {0})'.format(int(value['max'])) @staticmethod def _format_value(value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): return str("'" + value + "'") return str(value) @staticmethod def _generate_workflow(hot, files): hot_files_map = {} for f in files: file_path = "$resources.string('{0}{1}')".format( HOT_FILES_DIR_NAME, f) hot_files_map[f] = YAQL(file_path) hot_env = YAQL("$.hotEnvironment") deploy = [ {YAQL('$environment'): YAQL( "$.find('io.murano.Environment').require()" )}, {YAQL('$reporter'): YAQL( "new('io.murano.system.StatusReporter', " "environment => $environment)")}, { 'If': YAQL('$.getAttr(generatedHeatStackName) = null'), 'Then': [ YAQL("$.setAttr(generatedHeatStackName, " "'{0}_{1}'.format(randomName(), id($environment)))") ] }, {YAQL('$stack'): YAQL( "new('io.murano.system.HeatStack', $environment, " "name => $.getAttr(generatedHeatStackName))")}, YAQL("$reporter.report($this, " "'Application deployment has started')"), {YAQL('$resources'): YAQL("new('io.murano.system.Resources')")}, {YAQL('$template'): YAQL("$resources.yaml(type($this))")}, YAQL('$stack.setTemplate($template)'), {YAQL('$parameters'): YAQL("$.templateParameters")}, YAQL('$stack.setParameters($parameters)'), {YAQL('$files'): hot_files_map}, YAQL('$stack.setFiles($files)'), {YAQL('$hotEnv'): hot_env}, { 'If': YAQL("bool($hotEnv)"), 'Then': [ {YAQL('$envRelPath'): YAQL("'{0}' + $hotEnv".format( HOT_ENV_DIR_NAME))}, {YAQL('$hotEnvContent'): YAQL("$resources.string(" "$envRelPath)")}, YAQL('$stack.setHotEnvironment($hotEnvContent)') ] }, YAQL("$reporter.report($this, 'Stack creation has started')"), { 'Try': [YAQL('$stack.push()')], 'Catch': [ { 'As': 'e', 'Do': [ YAQL("$reporter.report_error($this, $e.message)"), {'Rethrow': None} ] } ], 'Else': [ {YAQL('$.templateOutputs'): YAQL('$stack.output()')}, YAQL("$reporter.report($this, " "'Stack was successfully created')"), YAQL("$reporter.report($this, " "'Application deployment has finished')"), ] } ] destroy = [ {YAQL('$environment'): YAQL( "$.find('io.murano.Environment').require()" )}, {YAQL('$stack'): YAQL( "new('io.murano.system.HeatStack', $environment, " "name => $.getAttr(generatedHeatStackName))")}, YAQL('$stack.delete()') ] return { 'Methods': { 'deploy': { 'Body': deploy }, 'destroy': { 'Body': destroy } } } @staticmethod def _translate_ui_parameters(hot, title): groups = hot.get('parameter_groups', []) result_groups = [] predefined_fields = [ { 'name': 'title', 'type': 'string', 'required': False, 'hidden': True, 'description': title }, { 'name': 'name', 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Application Name', 'required': True, 'description': 'Enter a desired name for the application.' ' Just A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and dash are allowed' } ] used_parameters = set() hot_parameters = hot.get('parameters') or {} for group in groups: fields = [] properties = [] for parameter in group.get('parameters', []): parameter_value = hot_parameters.get(parameter) if parameter_value: fields.append(HotPackage._translate_ui_parameter( parameter, parameter_value)) used_parameters.add(parameter) properties.append(parameter) result_groups.append((fields, properties)) rest_group = [] properties = [] for key, value in hot_parameters.items(): if key not in used_parameters: rest_group.append(HotPackage._translate_ui_parameter( key, value)) properties.append(key) if rest_group: result_groups.append((rest_group, properties)) result_groups.insert(0, (predefined_fields, ['name'])) return result_groups @staticmethod def _translate_ui_parameter(name, parameter_spec): translated = { 'name': name, 'label': name.title().replace('_', ' ') } parameter_type = parameter_spec['type'] if parameter_type == 'number': translated['type'] = 'integer' elif parameter_type == 'boolean': translated['type'] = 'boolean' else: # string, json, and comma_delimited_list parameters are all # displayed as strings in UI. Any unsupported parameter would also # be displayed as strings. translated['type'] = 'string' label = parameter_spec.get('label') if label: translated['label'] = label if 'description' in parameter_spec: translated['description'] = parameter_spec['description'] if 'default' in parameter_spec: translated['initial'] = parameter_spec['default'] translated['required'] = False else: translated['required'] = True constraints = parameter_spec.get('constraints') or [] translated_constraints = [] for constraint in constraints: if 'length' in constraint: spec = constraint['length'] if 'min' in spec: translated['minLength'] = max( translated.get('minLength', -sys.maxsize - 1), int(spec['min'])) if 'max' in spec: translated['maxLength'] = min( translated.get('maxLength', sys.maxsize), int(spec['max'])) elif 'range' in constraint: spec = constraint['range'] if 'min' in spec and 'max' in spec: ui_constraint = { 'expr': YAQL('$ >= {0} and $ <= {1}'.format( spec['min'], spec['max'])) } elif 'min' in spec: ui_constraint = { 'expr': YAQL('$ >= {0}'.format(spec['min'])) } else: ui_constraint = { 'expr': YAQL('$ <= {0}'.format(spec['max'])) } if 'description' in constraint: ui_constraint['message'] = constraint['description'] translated_constraints.append(ui_constraint) elif 'allowed_values' in constraint: values = constraint['allowed_values'] ui_constraint = { 'expr': YAQL('$ in list({0})'.format(', '.join( [HotPackage._format_value(v) for v in values]))) } if 'description' in constraint: ui_constraint['message'] = constraint['description'] translated_constraints.append(ui_constraint) elif 'allowed_pattern' in constraint: pattern = constraint['allowed_pattern'] ui_constraint = { 'expr': { 'regexpValidator': pattern } } if 'description' in constraint: ui_constraint['message'] = constraint['description'] translated_constraints.append(ui_constraint) if translated_constraints: translated['validators'] = translated_constraints return translated @staticmethod def _generate_application_ui(groups, type_name, package_name=None, package_version=None): app = { '?': { 'type': type_name } } if package_name: app['?']['package'] = package_name if package_version: app['?']['classVersion'] = package_version for i, record in enumerate(groups): if i == 0: section = app else: section = app.setdefault('templateParameters', {}) for property_name in record[1]: section[property_name] = YAQL( '$.group{0}.{1}'.format(i, property_name)) app['name'] = YAQL('$.group0.name') return app def _translate_ui(self): template_file = os.path.join(self._source_directory, 'template.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(template_file): raise exceptions.PackageClassLoadError( self.full_name, 'File with class definition not found') with open(template_file) as stream: hot = yaml.safe_load(stream) groups = HotPackage._translate_ui_parameters(hot, self.description) forms = [] for i, record in enumerate(groups): forms.append({'group{0}'.format(i): {'fields': record[0]}}) translated = { 'Version': 2, 'Application': HotPackage._generate_application_ui( groups, self.full_name, self.full_name, str(self.version)), 'Forms': forms } # see comment above about default_style return yaml.dump(translated, Dumper=Dumper, default_style='"')