# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import six from keystoneclient import exceptions as ks_exceptions from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import yaml from murano.common import auth_utils from murano.common import uuidutils from murano.db import models from murano.db.services import sessions from murano.db import session as db_session from murano.services import states CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_NETWORK_TYPES = { "nova": 'io.murano.resources.NovaNetwork', "neutron": 'io.murano.resources.NeutronNetwork' } class EnvironmentServices(object): @staticmethod def get_environments_by(filters): """Returns list of environments :param filters: property filters :return: Returns list of environments """ unit = db_session.get_session() environments = unit.query(models.Environment). \ filter_by(**filters).all() for env in environments: env['status'] = EnvironmentServices.get_status(env['id']) return environments @staticmethod def get_status(environment_id): """Environment can have one of the following statuses: - deploying: there is ongoing deployment for environment - deleting: environment is currently being deleted - deploy failure: last deployment session has failed - delete failure: last delete session has failed - pending: there is at least one session with status `open` and no errors in previous sessions - ready: there are no sessions for environment :param environment_id: Id of environment for which we checking status. :return: Environment status """ # Deploying: there is at least one valid session with status deploying session_list = sessions.SessionServices.get_sessions(environment_id) has_opened = False for session in session_list: if session.state == states.SessionState.DEPLOYING: return states.EnvironmentStatus.DEPLOYING elif session.state == states.SessionState.DELETING: return states.EnvironmentStatus.DELETING elif session.state == states.SessionState.DEPLOY_FAILURE: return states.EnvironmentStatus.DEPLOY_FAILURE elif session.state == states.SessionState.DELETE_FAILURE: return states.EnvironmentStatus.DELETE_FAILURE elif session.state == states.SessionState.OPENED: has_opened = True elif session.state == states.SessionState.DEPLOYED: break if has_opened: return states.EnvironmentStatus.PENDING return states.EnvironmentStatus.READY @staticmethod def create(environment_params, context): # tagging environment by tenant_id for later checks """Creates environment with specified params, in particular - name :param environment_params: Dict, e.g. {'name': 'env-name'} :param context: request context to get the tenant id and the token :return: Created Environment """ objects = {'?': { 'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(), }} network_driver = EnvironmentServices.get_network_driver(context) objects.update(environment_params) if not objects.get('defaultNetworks'): objects['defaultNetworks'] = \ EnvironmentServices.generate_default_networks(objects['name'], network_driver) objects['?']['type'] = 'io.murano.Environment' environment_params['tenant_id'] = context.tenant data = { 'Objects': objects, 'Attributes': [] } environment = models.Environment() environment.update(environment_params) unit = db_session.get_session() with unit.begin(): unit.add(environment) # saving environment as Json to itself environment.update({'description': data}) environment.save(unit) return environment @staticmethod def delete(environment_id, session_id): """Deletes environment and notify orchestration engine about deletion :param environment_id: Environment that is going to be deleted :param token: OpenStack auth token """ env_description = EnvironmentServices.get_environment_description( environment_id, session_id, False) env_description['Objects'] = None EnvironmentServices.save_environment_description( session_id, env_description, False) @staticmethod def remove(environment_id): unit = db_session.get_session() environment = unit.query(models.Environment).get(environment_id) if environment: with unit.begin(): unit.delete(environment) @staticmethod def get_environment_description(environment_id, session_id=None, inner=True): """Returns environment description for specified environment. If session is specified and not in deploying state function returns modified environment description, otherwise returns actual environment desc. :param environment_id: Environment Id :param session_id: Session Id :param inner: return contents of environment rather than whole Object Model structure :return: Environment Description Object """ unit = db_session.get_session() if session_id: session = unit.query(models.Session).get(session_id) if sessions.SessionServices.validate(session): if session.state != states.SessionState.DEPLOYED: env_description = session.description else: env = unit.query(models.Environment) \ .get(session.environment_id) env_description = env.description else: env = unit.query(models.Environment) \ .get(session.environment_id) env_description = env.description else: env = (unit.query(models.Environment).get(environment_id)) env_description = env.description if not inner: return env_description else: return env_description['Objects'] @staticmethod def save_environment_description(session_id, environment, inner=True): """Saves environment description to specified session. :param session_id: Session Id :param environment: Environment Description :param inner: save modifications to only content of environment rather than whole Object Model structure """ unit = db_session.get_session() session = unit.query(models.Session).get(session_id) if inner: data = session.description.copy() data['Objects'] = environment session.description = data else: session.description = environment session.save(unit) @staticmethod def generate_default_networks(env_name, network_driver): net_config = CONF.find_file( CONF.networking.network_config_file) if net_config: LOG.debug("Loading network configuration from file") with open(net_config) as f: data = yaml.safe_load(f) return EnvironmentServices._objectify(data, { 'ENV': env_name }) network_type = DEFAULT_NETWORK_TYPES[network_driver] LOG.debug("Setting '{net_type}' as environment's " "default network".format(net_type=network_type)) return { 'environment': { '?': { 'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(), 'type': network_type }, 'name': env_name + '-network' }, 'flat': None } @staticmethod def deploy(session, unit, token): environment = unit.query(models.Environment).get( session.environment_id) if (session.description['Objects'] is None and 'ObjectsCopy' not in session.description): EnvironmentServices.remove(session.environment_id) else: sessions.SessionServices.deploy(session, environment, unit, token) @staticmethod def _objectify(data, replacements): if isinstance(data, dict): if isinstance(data.get('?'), dict): data['?']['id'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() result = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(data): result[key] = EnvironmentServices._objectify( value, replacements) return result elif isinstance(data, list): return [EnvironmentServices._objectify(v, replacements) for v in data] elif isinstance(data, six.string_types): for key, value in six.iteritems(replacements): data = data.replace('%' + key + '%', value) return data @staticmethod def get_network_driver(context): ks = auth_utils.get_client(context.auth_token, context.tenant) try: ks.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='network') except ks_exceptions.EndpointNotFound: LOG.debug("Will use NovaNetwork as a network driver") return "nova" else: LOG.debug("Will use Neutron as a network driver") return "neutron"