# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import datetime import os import uuid import eventlet.event from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import base64 import six from yaql import specs import murano.common.exceptions as exceptions from murano.common.messaging import message from murano.dsl import dsl import murano.engine.system.common as common LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF class AgentException(Exception): pass @dsl.name('io.murano.system.Agent') class Agent(object): def __init__(self, host): self._enabled = False if CONF.engine.disable_murano_agent: LOG.debug('Use of murano-agent is disallowed ' 'by the server configuration') return self._host = host self._enabled = True env = host.find_owner('io.murano.Environment') self._queue = str('e%s-h%s' % (env.id, host.id)).lower() @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled def prepare(self): # (sjmc7) - turn this into a no-op if agents are disabled if CONF.engine.disable_murano_agent: LOG.debug('Use of murano-agent is disallowed ' 'by the server configuration') return region = dsl.MuranoObjectInterface.create(self._host().getRegion()) with common.create_rmq_client(region) as client: client.declare(self._queue, enable_ha=True, ttl=86400000) def queue_name(self): return self._queue def _check_enabled(self): if CONF.engine.disable_murano_agent: raise exceptions.PolicyViolationException( 'Use of murano-agent is disallowed ' 'by the server configuration') def _prepare_message(self, template, msg_id): msg = message.Message() msg.body = template msg.id = msg_id return msg def _send(self, template, wait_results, timeout): """Send a message over the MQ interface.""" region = self._host().getRegion() msg_id = template.get('ID', uuid.uuid4().hex) if wait_results: event = eventlet.event.Event() listener = region['agentListener'] listener().subscribe(msg_id, event) msg = self._prepare_message(template, msg_id) with common.create_rmq_client(region) as client: client.send(message=msg, key=self._queue) if wait_results: try: with eventlet.Timeout(timeout): result = event.wait() except eventlet.Timeout: listener().unsubscribe(msg_id) raise exceptions.TimeoutException( 'The murano-agent did not respond ' 'within {0} seconds'.format(timeout)) if not result: return None if result.get('FormatVersion', '1.0.0').startswith('1.'): return self._process_v1_result(result) else: return self._process_v2_result(result) else: return None @specs.parameter( 'resources', dsl.MuranoObjectParameter('io.murano.system.Resources')) def call(self, template, resources, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = CONF.engine.agent_timeout self._check_enabled() plan = self.build_execution_plan(template, resources()) return self._send(plan, True, timeout) @specs.parameter( 'resources', dsl.MuranoObjectParameter('io.murano.system.Resources')) def send(self, template, resources): self._check_enabled() plan = self.build_execution_plan(template, resources()) return self._send(plan, False, 0) def call_raw(self, plan, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = CONF.engine.agent_timeout self._check_enabled() return self._send(plan, True, timeout) def send_raw(self, plan): self._check_enabled() return self._send(plan, False, 0) def is_ready(self, timeout=100): try: self.wait_ready(timeout) except exceptions.TimeoutException: return False else: return True def wait_ready(self, timeout=100): self._check_enabled() template = {'Body': 'return', 'FormatVersion': '2.0.0', 'Scripts': {}} self.call(template, False, timeout) def _process_v1_result(self, result): if result['IsException']: raise AgentException(dict(self._get_exception_info( result.get('Result', [])), source='execution_plan')) else: results = result.get('Result', []) if not result: return None value = results[-1] if value['IsException']: raise AgentException(dict(self._get_exception_info( value.get('Result', [])), source='command')) else: return value.get('Result') def _process_v2_result(self, result): error_code = result.get('ErrorCode', 0) if not error_code: return result.get('Body') else: body = result.get('Body') or {} err = { 'message': body.get('Message'), 'details': body.get('AdditionalInfo'), 'errorCode': error_code, 'time': result.get('Time') } for attr in ('Message', 'AdditionalInfo'): if attr in body: del body[attr] err['extra'] = body if body else None raise AgentException(err) def _get_array_item(self, array, index): return array[index] if len(array) > index else None def _get_exception_info(self, data): data = data or [] return { 'type': self._get_array_item(data, 0), 'message': self._get_array_item(data, 1), 'command': self._get_array_item(data, 2), 'details': self._get_array_item(data, 3), 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() } def build_execution_plan(self, template, resources): template = copy.deepcopy(template) if not isinstance(template, dict): raise ValueError('Incorrect execution plan ') format_version = template.get('FormatVersion') if not format_version or format_version.startswith('1.'): return self._build_v1_execution_plan(template, resources) else: return self._build_v2_execution_plan(template, resources) def _build_v1_execution_plan(self, template, resources): scripts_folder = 'scripts' script_files = template.get('Scripts', []) scripts = [] for script in script_files: script_path = os.path.join(scripts_folder, script) script_path = base64.encode_as_text(script_path) + "\n" scripts.append(resources.string(script_path, binary=True)) template['Scripts'] = scripts return template def _build_v2_execution_plan(self, template, resources): scripts_folder = 'scripts' plan_id = uuid.uuid4().hex template['ID'] = plan_id if 'Action' not in template: template['Action'] = 'Execute' if 'Files' not in template: template['Files'] = {} files = {} for file_id, file_descr in template['Files'].items(): files[file_descr['Name']] = file_id for name, script in template.get('Scripts', {}).items(): if 'EntryPoint' not in script: raise ValueError('No entry point in script ' + name) if 'Application' == script['Type']: if script['EntryPoint'] not in files: script['EntryPoint'] = self._place_file( scripts_folder, script['EntryPoint'], template, resources, files) else: script['EntryPoint'] = files[script['EntryPoint']] if 'Files' in script: for i, file in enumerate(script['Files']): if self._get_name(file) not in files: script['Files'][i] = self._place_file( scripts_folder, file, template, resources, files) else: script['Files'][i] = files[file] return template def _is_url(self, file): file = self._get_url(file) parts = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlsplit(file) if not parts.scheme or not parts.netloc: return False else: return True def _get_url(self, file): if isinstance(file, dict): return list(file.values())[0] else: return file def _get_name(self, file): if isinstance(file, dict): name = list(file.keys())[0] else: name = file if self._is_url(name): name = name[name.rindex('/') + 1:len(name)] elif name.startswith('<') and name.endswith('>'): name = name[1: -1] return name def _get_file_value(self, file): if isinstance(file, dict): file = list(file.values())[0] return file def _get_body(self, file, resources, folder): use_base64 = self._is_base64(file) if use_base64: path = os.path.join(folder, file[1: -1]) body = resources.string(path, binary=True) body = base64.encode_as_text(body) + "\n" else: path = os.path.join(folder, file) body = resources.string(path) return body def _is_base64(self, file): return file.startswith('<') and file.endswith('>') def _get_body_type(self, file): return 'Base64' if self._is_base64(file) else 'Text' def _place_file(self, folder, file, template, resources, files): file_value = self._get_file_value(file) name = self._get_name(file) file_id = uuid.uuid4().hex if self._is_url(file_value): template['Files'][file_id] = self._get_file_des_downloadable(file) files[name] = file_id else: template['Files'][file_id] = self._get_file_description( file, resources, folder) files[name] = file_id return file_id def _get_file_des_downloadable(self, file): name = self._get_name(file) file = self._get_file_value(file) return { 'Name': str(name), 'URL': file, 'Type': 'Downloadable' } def _get_file_description(self, file, resources, folder): name = self._get_name(file) file_value = self._get_file_value(file) body_type = self._get_body_type(file_value) body = self._get_body(file_value, resources, folder) return { 'Name': name, 'BodyType': body_type, 'Body': body }