Namespaces: =: io.murano.resources std: io.murano sys: io.murano.system Name: ExistingNeutronNetwork Extends: NeutronNetworkBase Properties: internalNetworkName: Contract: $.string() Default: null Usage: InOut internalSubnetworkName: Contract: $.string() Default: null Usage: InOut externalNetworkName: Contract: $.string() Default: null Usage: InOut Workflow: initialize: Body: - $._netExplorer: new(sys:NetworkExplorer) - $._networks: null - $._subnetworks: null - $._internalNetworkId: null - $._internalSubnetworkId: null - $._externalNetworkId: null deploy: Body: - If: $.internalNetworkName = null Then: $.internalNetworkName: $._getNetworks().where( $.get('router:external') = false).first().name - If: $._internalNetworkId = null Then: $._internalNetworkId: $._getNetworks().where( $.name = $this.internalNetworkName or $.id = $this.internalNetworkName).first().id - If: $.internalSubnetworkName = null Then: $.internalSubnetworkName: $._getSubnetworks().where( $.network_id = $this._internalNetworkId).first().name - If: $._internalSubnetworkId = null Then: $._internalSubnetworkId: $._getSubnetworks().where( ($.name = $this.internalSubnetworkName or $.id = $this.internalSubnetworkName) and $.network_id = $this._internalNetworkId).first().id - If: $.externalNetworkName = null Then: $.externalNetworkName: $._getNetworks().where( $.get('router:external') = true).select($.name).firstOrDefault() - If: $._externalNetworkId = null and $.externalNetworkName != null Then: $._externalNetworkId: $._getNetworks().where( $.name = $this.externalNetworkName or $.id = $this.externalNetworkName).first().id _getNetworks: Body: - If: $._networks = null Then: $._networks: $._netExplorer.listNetworks() - Return: $._networks _getSubnetworks: Body: - If: $._subnetworks = null Then: $._subnetworks : $._netExplorer.listSubnetworks() - Return: $._subnetworks joinInstance: Arguments: - instance: Contract: $.class(Instance).notNull() - securityGroupName: Contract: $.string() - assignFloatingIp: Contract: $.bool().notNull() - sharedIps: Contract: - $.class(std:SharedIp) Body: - $.deploy() - $fipName: null - $floatingIpNeRef: null - If: $assignFloatingIp Then: - $floatingIpNeRef: $._externalNetworkId - $fipName: format('fip-{0}-{1}', $.id(), $ - Return: $.joinInstanceToNetwork( instance => $instance, securityGroupName => $securityGroupName, sharedIps => $sharedIps, netRef => $._internalNetworkId, subnetRef => $._internalSubnetworkId, floatingIpResourceName => $fipName, floatingIpNeRef => $floatingIpNeRef ) describe: Body: - $.deploy() - Return: provider: Neutron netRef: $._internalNetworkId subnetRef: $._internalSubnetworkId floatingIpNeRef: $._externalNetworkId