# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import uuid from oslo import messaging from oslo.messaging.notify import dispatcher as oslo_dispatcher from oslo.messaging import target from oslo.utils import timeutils from sqlalchemy import desc from murano.common import config from murano.common.helpers import token_sanitizer from murano.db import models from murano.db.services import environments from murano.db.services import instances from murano.db import session from murano.common.i18n import _, _LI, _LW from murano.openstack.common import log as logging from murano.services import states RPC_SERVICE = None NOTIFICATION_SERVICE = None LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ResultEndpoint(object): @staticmethod def process_result(context, result, environment_id): secure_result = token_sanitizer.TokenSanitizer().sanitize(result) LOG.debug('Got result from orchestration ' 'engine:\n{0}'.format(secure_result)) model = result['model'] action_result = result.get('action', {}) unit = session.get_session() environment = unit.query(models.Environment).get(environment_id) if not environment: LOG.warning(_LW('Environment result could not be handled, ' 'specified environment not found in database')) return if model['Objects'] is None and model.get('ObjectsCopy', {}) is None: environments.EnvironmentServices.remove(environment_id) return environment.description = model if environment.description['Objects'] is not None: environment.description['Objects']['services'] = \ environment.description['Objects'].pop('applications', []) # environment.networking = result.get('networking', {}) action_name = 'Deployment' deleted = False else: action_name = 'Deletion' deleted = True environment.version += 1 environment.save(unit) # close deployment deployment = get_last_deployment(unit, environment.id) deployment.finished = timeutils.utcnow() deployment.result = action_result num_errors = unit.query(models.Status)\ .filter_by(level='error', task_id=deployment.id).count() num_warnings = unit.query(models.Status)\ .filter_by(level='warning', task_id=deployment.id).count() final_status_text = action_name + ' finished' if num_errors: final_status_text += " with errors" elif num_warnings: final_status_text += " with warnings" status = models.Status() status.task_id = deployment.id status.text = final_status_text status.level = 'info' deployment.statuses.append(status) deployment.save(unit) # close session conf_session = unit.query(models.Session).filter_by( **{'environment_id': environment.id, 'state': states.SessionState.DEPLOYING if not deleted else states.SessionState.DELETING}).first() if num_errors > 0: conf_session.state = \ states.SessionState.DELETE_FAILURE if deleted else \ states.SessionState.DEPLOY_FAILURE else: conf_session.state = states.SessionState.DEPLOYED conf_session.save(unit) # output application tracking information message = _LI('EnvId: {0} TenantId: {1} Status: {2} Apps: {3}').format( environment.id, environment.tenant_id, _('Failed') if num_errors + num_warnings > 0 else _('Successful'), ', '.join(map( lambda a: a['?']['type'], model['Objects']['services'] )) ) LOG.info(message) def notification_endpoint_wrapper(priority='info'): def wrapper(func): class NotificationEndpoint(object): def __init__(self): setattr(self, priority, self._handler) def _handler(self, ctxt, publisher_id, event_type, payload, metadata): if event_type == ('murano.%s' % func.__name__): func(payload) def __call__(self, payload): return func(payload) return NotificationEndpoint() return wrapper @notification_endpoint_wrapper() def track_instance(payload): LOG.debug('Got track instance request from orchestration ' 'engine:\n{0}'.format(payload)) instance_id = payload['instance'] instance_type = payload.get('instance_type', 0) environment_id = payload['environment'] unit_count = payload.get('unit_count') type_name = payload['type_name'] type_title = payload.get('type_title') instances.InstanceStatsServices.track_instance( instance_id, environment_id, instance_type, type_name, type_title, unit_count) @notification_endpoint_wrapper() def untrack_instance(payload): LOG.debug('Got untrack instance request from orchestration ' 'engine:\n{0}'.format(payload)) instance_id = payload['instance'] environment_id = payload['environment'] instances.InstanceStatsServices.destroy_instance( instance_id, environment_id) @notification_endpoint_wrapper() def report_notification(report): LOG.debug('Got report from orchestration ' 'engine:\n{0}'.format(report)) report['entity_id'] = report['id'] del report['id'] status = models.Status() status.update(report) unit = session.get_session() # connect with deployment with unit.begin(): running_deployment = get_last_deployment(unit, status.environment_id) status.task_id = running_deployment.id unit.add(status) def get_last_deployment(unit, env_id): query = unit.query(models.Task) \ .filter_by(environment_id=env_id) \ .order_by(desc(models.Task.started)) return query.first() def _prepare_rpc_service(server_id): endpoints = [ResultEndpoint()] transport = messaging.get_transport(config.CONF) s_target = target.Target('murano', 'results', server=server_id) return messaging.get_rpc_server(transport, s_target, endpoints, 'eventlet') def _prepare_notification_service(server_id): endpoints = [report_notification, track_instance, untrack_instance] transport = messaging.get_transport(config.CONF) s_target = target.Target(topic='murano', server=server_id) dispatcher = oslo_dispatcher.NotificationDispatcher( [s_target], endpoints, None, True) return messaging.MessageHandlingServer(transport, dispatcher, 'eventlet') def get_rpc_service(): global RPC_SERVICE if RPC_SERVICE is None: RPC_SERVICE = _prepare_rpc_service(str(uuid.uuid4())) return RPC_SERVICE def get_notification_service(): global NOTIFICATION_SERVICE if NOTIFICATION_SERVICE is None: NOTIFICATION_SERVICE = _prepare_notification_service(str(uuid.uuid4())) return NOTIFICATION_SERVICE