Kirill Zaitsev 4e036191ff Use oslo.i18n for translation
Remove gettextutils in favor of oslo.i18n suite for
internationalization purposes. Wrap murano.common.i18n around
oslo.i18n. Mark all logs messages of levels higher than
DEBUG for translation with _/_LI/_LW/_LE/_LC to conform with
oslo.i18n guidelines.

Change-Id: I09a2e2fc802e404f5c59fa4edd2a2124ad24101a
Implements: blueprint organize-translation
2015-02-19 18:51:22 +03:00

306 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import inspect
import sys
import types
import uuid
import eventlet
import eventlet.event
import yaql.context
from murano.common.i18n import _
import murano.dsl.attribute_store as attribute_store
import murano.dsl.dsl_exception as dsl_exception
import murano.dsl.expressions as expressions
import murano.dsl.helpers as helpers
import murano.dsl.murano_method as murano_method
import murano.dsl.murano_object as murano_object
import murano.dsl.object_store as object_store
import murano.dsl.principal_objects.stack_trace as trace
import murano.dsl.yaql_functions as yaql_functions
from murano.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MuranoDslExecutor(object):
def __init__(self, class_loader, environment=None):
self._class_loader = class_loader
self._object_store = object_store.ObjectStore(class_loader)
self._attribute_store = attribute_store.AttributeStore()
self._root_context = class_loader.create_root_context()
self._root_context.set_data(self, '?executor')
self._root_context.set_data(self._class_loader, '?classLoader')
self._root_context.set_data(environment, '?environment')
self._root_context.set_data(self._object_store, '?objectStore')
self._root_context.set_data(self._attribute_store, '?attributeStore')
self._locks = {}
self._root_context = yaql.context.Context(self._root_context)
def object_store(self):
return self._object_store
def attribute_store(self):
return self._attribute_store
def to_yaql_args(self, args):
if not args:
return tuple()
elif isinstance(args, types.TupleType):
return args
elif isinstance(args, types.ListType):
return tuple(args)
elif isinstance(args, types.DictionaryType):
return tuple(args.items())
raise ValueError()
def invoke_method(self, name, this, context, murano_class, *args):
external_call = False
if context is None:
external_call = True
context = self._root_context
method = this.type.find_single_method(name)
is_special_method = name in ('initialize', 'destroy')
if external_call and not is_special_method and \
method.usage != murano_method.MethodUsages.Action:
raise Exception('{0} is not an action'.format(
# TODO(slagun): check method accessibility from murano_class
if not external_call and is_special_method:
LOG.deprecated(_('initialize/destroy methods are called '
'automatically by engine. This call is no-op '
'and will become exception in the future'))
return None
# restore this from upcast object (no change if there was no upcast)
this = this.real_this
arguments_scheme = method.arguments_scheme
params = self._evaluate_parameters(
arguments_scheme, context, this, *args)
return self._invoke_method_implementation(
method, this, context, params)
def _invoke_method_implementation(self, method, this, context, params):
body = method.body
if not body:
return None
murano_class = method.murano_class
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
if not hasattr(current_thread, '_muranopl_thread_marker'):
thread_marker = current_thread._muranopl_thread_marker = \
thread_marker = current_thread._muranopl_thread_marker
method_id = id(body)
this_id = this.object_id
while True:
event, marker = self._locks.get((method_id, this_id), (None, None))
if event:
if marker == thread_marker:
return self._invoke_method_implementation_gt(
body, this, params, murano_class, context)
event = eventlet.event.Event()
self._locks[(method_id, this_id)] = (event, thread_marker)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
method_info = '{0}.{1} ({2})'.format(, method._name,
hash((method_id, this_id)))
# Prepare caller information
caller_ctx = helpers.get_caller_context(context)
if caller_ctx:
caller_info = trace.compose_stack_frame(caller_ctx)
'{0}: Begin execution: {1} called from {2}'.format(
thread_marker, method_info, trace.format_frame(
'{0}: Begin execution: {1}'.format(
thread_marker, method_info))
gt = eventlet.spawn(self._invoke_method_implementation_gt, body,
this, params, murano_class, context,
result = gt.wait()
except Exception as e:
"{0}: End execution: {1} with exception {2}".format(
thread_marker, method_info, e))
"{0}: End execution: {1}".format(thread_marker, method_info))
del self._locks[(method_id, this_id)]
return result
def _invoke_method_implementation_gt(self, body, this,
params, murano_class, context,
if thread_marker:
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
current_thread._muranopl_thread_marker = thread_marker
if callable(body):
if '_context' in inspect.getargspec(body).args:
params['_context'] = self._create_context(
this, murano_class, context, **params)
if inspect.ismethod(body) and not body.__self__:
return body(this, **params)
return body(**params)
except Exception as e:
raise dsl_exception.MuranoPlException.from_python_exception(
e, context), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
elif isinstance(body, expressions.DslExpression):
return self.execute(
body, murano_class, this, context, **params)
raise ValueError()
def _evaluate_parameters(self, arguments_scheme, context, this, *args):
arg_names = list(arguments_scheme.keys())
parameter_values = {}
i = 0
for arg in args:
value = helpers.evaluate(arg, context)
if isinstance(value, types.TupleType) and len(value) == 2 and \
isinstance(value[0], types.StringTypes):
name = value[0]
value = value[1]
if name not in arguments_scheme:
raise TypeError()
if i >= len(arg_names):
raise TypeError()
name = arg_names[i]
i += 1
if callable(value):
value = value()
arg_spec = arguments_scheme[name]
parameter_values[name] = arg_spec.validate(
value, this, None, self._root_context, self._object_store)
for name, arg_spec in arguments_scheme.iteritems():
if name not in parameter_values:
if not arg_spec.has_default:
raise TypeError()
parameter_context = self._create_context(
this, this.type, context)
parameter_values[name] = arg_spec.validate(
helpers.evaluate(arg_spec.default, parameter_context),
this, None, self._root_context, self._object_store)
return parameter_values
def _create_context(self, this, murano_class, context, **kwargs):
new_context = self._class_loader.create_local_context(
new_context.set_data(this, 'this')
new_context.set_data(this, '?this')
new_context.set_data(murano_class, '?type')
new_context.set_data(context, '?callerContext')
@yaql.context.EvalArg('obj', arg_type=murano_object.MuranoObject)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('property_name', arg_type=str)
def obj_attribution(obj, property_name):
return obj.get_property(property_name, murano_class)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('prefix', str)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('name', str)
def validate(prefix, name):
return murano_class.namespace_resolver.resolve_name(
'%s:%s' % (prefix, name))
new_context.register_function(obj_attribution, '#operator_.')
new_context.register_function(validate, '#validate')
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
new_context.set_data(value, key)
return new_context
def execute(self, expression, murano_class, this, context, **kwargs):
new_context = self._create_context(
this, murano_class, context, **kwargs)
return expression.execute(new_context, murano_class)
def load(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, types.DictionaryType):
raise TypeError()
self._attribute_store.load(data.get('Attributes') or [])
result = self._object_store.load(data.get('Objects'),
None, self._root_context)
return result
def cleanup(self, data):
objects_copy = data.get('ObjectsCopy')
if not objects_copy:
gc_object_store = object_store.ObjectStore(self._class_loader)
gc_object_store.load(objects_copy, None, self._root_context)
objects_to_clean = []
for object_id in self._list_potential_object_ids(objects_copy):
if gc_object_store.has(object_id) \
and not self._object_store.has(object_id):
obj = gc_object_store.get(object_id)
if objects_to_clean:
backup = self._object_store
self._object_store = gc_object_store
for obj in objects_to_clean:
methods = obj.type.find_all_methods('destroy')
for method in methods:
method.invoke(self, obj, {})
self._object_store = backup
def _list_potential_object_ids(self, data):
if isinstance(data, types.DictionaryType):
for val in data.values():
for res in self._list_potential_object_ids(val):
yield res
sys_dict = data.get('?')
if isinstance(sys_dict, types.DictionaryType) \
and sys_dict.get('id') \
and sys_dict.get('type'):
yield sys_dict['id']
elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(
data, types.StringTypes):
for val in data:
for res in self._list_potential_object_ids(val):
yield res