Serg Melikyan 00819cd6f2 Resolve MRN-682
Change-Id: I417dabc81381177fffd80cbcadc306e50e79dccb
2013-07-30 16:29:29 +04:00

147 lines
5.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from webob import exc
from muranoapi.db.models import Session, Environment
from muranoapi.db.session import get_session
from import SessionServices
from import SessionState
from import EnvironmentServices
from import EnvironmentStatus
from muranoapi.openstack.common import wsgi
from muranoapi.openstack.common import log as logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Controller(object):
def configure(self, request, environment_id):
log.debug(_('Session:Configure <EnvId: {0}>'.format(environment_id)))
unit = get_session()
environment = unit.query(Environment).get(environment_id)
if environment is None:'Environment <EnvId {0}> is not found'
raise exc.HTTPNotFound
if environment.tenant_id != request.context.tenant:'User is not authorized to access this tenant resources.')
raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized
# no new session can be opened if environment has deploying status
env_status = EnvironmentServices.get_status(environment_id)
if env_status == EnvironmentStatus.deploying:'Could not open session for environment <EnvId: {0}>,'
'environment has deploying '
raise exc.HTTPForbidden()
user_id = request.context.user
session = SessionServices.create(environment_id, user_id)
return session.to_dict()
def show(self, request, environment_id, session_id):
log.debug(_('Session:Show <SessionId: {0}>'.format(session_id)))
unit = get_session()
session = unit.query(Session).get(session_id)
if session is None:
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is not found'
raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
if session.environment_id != environment_id:
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is not tied with Environment '
'<EnvId {1}>'.format(session_id, environment_id))
raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
user_id = request.context.user
if session.user_id != user_id:
log.error('User <UserId {0}> is not authorized to access '
'session <SessionId {1}>.'.format(user_id, session_id))
raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized()
if not SessionServices.validate(session):
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is invalid'.format(session_id))
raise exc.HTTPForbidden()
return session.to_dict()
def delete(self, request, environment_id, session_id):
log.debug(_('Session:Delete <SessionId: {0}>'.format(session_id)))
unit = get_session()
session = unit.query(Session).get(session_id)
if session is None:
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is not found'
raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
if session.environment_id != environment_id:
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is not tied with Environment '
'<EnvId {1}>'.format(session_id, environment_id))
raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
user_id = request.context.user
if session.user_id != user_id:
log.error('User <UserId {0}> is not authorized to access '
'session <SessionId {1}>.'.format(user_id, session_id))
raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized()
if session.state == SessionState.deploying:
log.error('Session <SessionId: {0}> is in deploying state and '
'could not be deleted'.format(session_id))
raise exc.HTTPForbidden()
with unit.begin():
return None
def deploy(self, request, environment_id, session_id):
log.debug(_('Session:Deploy <SessionId: {0}>'.format(session_id)))
unit = get_session()
session = unit.query(Session).get(session_id)
if session is None:
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is not found'
raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
if session.environment_id != environment_id:
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is not tied with Environment '
'<EnvId {1}>'.format(session_id, environment_id))
raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
if not SessionServices.validate(session):
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is invalid'.format(session_id))
raise exc.HTTPForbidden()
if session.state !=
log.error('Session <SessionId {0}> is already deployed or '
'deployment is in progress'.format(session_id))
raise exc.HTTPForbidden()
SessionServices.deploy(session, unit, request.context.auth_token)
def create_resource():
return wsgi.Resource(Controller())