The Environment class got two additional properties:
region - name of the region where environment should be deployed. If
null then home region is used.
regionConfigs - config property (taken from class config) that specifies
region parameters. It is a dictionary of a form regionName -> regionSettings.
Currently the only setting available is a agentRabbitMq that is itself
a dictionary containing the same options as [rabbitmq] section of murano.conf
Thus the configuration file io.murano.Environment.yaml may look like:
host: rabbitMqHostName
port: 5672
login: murano
password: murano
virtual_host: /
ssl: false
ca_certs: null
Implements Blueprint: assign-environment-to-region
Change-Id: I3c84c96f8eeae738f83ed7b3691be38100b30e1d