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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import socket
import requests
import os
import novaclient.v1_1.client as nvclient
import tempest.test
import tempest.api.murano.config as cfg
from tempest import clients
from tempest.common import rest_client
class MuranoTest(tempest.test.BaseTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
This method allows to initialize authentication before
each test case and define parameters of Murano API Service
This method also create environment for all tests
super(MuranoTest, cls).setUpClass()
if not cfg.murano.service_available:
raise cls.skipException("Murano tests are disabled")
user = cls.config.identity.admin_username
password = cls.config.identity.admin_password
tenant = cls.config.identity.admin_tenant_name
auth_url = cls.config.identity.uri
client_args = (cls.config, user, password, auth_url, tenant)
cls.client = rest_client.RestClient(*client_args)
cls.client.service = 'identity'
cls.token = cls.client.get_auth()
cls.client.base_url = cfg.murano.murano_url
cls.environments = []
cls.inst_wth_fl_ip = []
cls.linux = 'linux'
cls.windows = 'windows'
cls.demo = 'demo'
def tearDown(self):
This method allows to clean up after each test.
The main task for this method - delete environment after
PASSED and FAILED tests.
super(MuranoTest, self).tearDown()
for environment in self.environments:
except Exception:
for inst in self.inst_wth_fl_ip:
except Exception:
def create_environment(self, name):
This method allows to create environment.
Input parameters:
name - Name of new environment
Returns response and new environment.
post_body = '{"name": "%s"}' % name
resp, body = self.client.post('environments', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def delete_environment(self, environment_id):
This method allows to delete environment
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of deleting environment
self.client.delete('environments/' + str(environment_id),
def update_environment(self, environment_id, environment_name):
This method allows to update environment instance
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of updating environment
environment_name - name of updating environment
post_body = '{"name": "%s"}' % (environment_name + "-changed")
resp, body = self.client.put('environments/' + str(environment_id),
post_body, self.client.headers)
return resp, json.loads(body)
def get_list_environments(self):
This method allows to get a list of existing environments
Returns response and list of environments
resp, body = self.client.get('environments',
return resp, json.loads(body)
def get_environment_by_id(self, environment_id):
This method allows to get environment's info by id
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of needed environment
Returns response and environment's info
resp, body = self.client.get('environments/' + str(environment_id),
return resp, json.loads(body)
def nova_auth(self):
user = self.config.identity.admin_username
password = self.config.identity.admin_password
tenant = self.config.identity.admin_tenant_name
auth_url = self.config.identity.uri
nova = nvclient.Client(user, password, tenant, auth_url,
return nova
def search_instances(self, environment_id, hostname):
nova = self.nova_auth()
somelist = []
for i in nova.servers.list():
if ((str(environment_id) in str(
i.name)) and (str(hostname) in str(i.name))):
return somelist
def add_floating_ip(self, instance_id):
nova = self.nova_auth()
pool = nova.floating_ip_pools.list()[0].name
ip = nova.floating_ips.create(pool)
return ip.ip
def remove_floating_ip(self, instance_id):
nova = self.nova_auth()
fl_ips = nova.floating_ips.findall(instance_id=instance_id)
for fl_ip in fl_ips:
return None
def socket_check(self, ip, port):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = sock.connect_ex((str(ip), port))
return result
def create_session(self, environment_id):
This method allow to create session
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of environment
where session should be created
post_body = None
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
post_body, self.client.headers)
return resp, json.loads(body)
def get_session_info(self, environment_id, session_id):
This method allow to get session's info
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of environment
where needed session was created
session_id - ID of needed session
Return response and session's info
resp, body = self.client.get('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/sessions/' + str(session_id),
return resp, json.loads(body)
def delete_session(self, environment_id, session_id):
This method allow to delete session
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of environment
where needed session was created
session_id - ID of needed session
self.client.delete('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/sessions/' + str(session_id), self.client.headers)
def create_AD(self, environment_id, session_id):
This method allow to add AD
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
post_body = {"type": "activeDirectory", "name": "ad.local",
"adminPassword": "P@ssw0rd", "domain": "ad.local",
"availabilityZone": "nova",
"unitNamingPattern": "adinstance",
"flavor": "m1.medium", "osImage":
{"type": "ws-2012-std", "name": self.windows, "title":
"Windows Server 2012 Standard"},
"configuration": "standalone",
"units": [{"isMaster": True,
"recoveryPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"location": "west-dc"}]}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_IIS(self, environment_id, session_id, domain_name=""):
This method allow to add IIS
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
iis_name = "IISSERVICE"
creds = {'username': 'Administrator',
'password': 'P@ssw0rd'}
post_body = {"type": "webServer", "domain": domain_name,
"availabilityZone": "nova", "name": iis_name,
"adminPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"unitNamingPattern": "iisinstance",
"osImage": {"type": "ws-2012-std", "name": self.windows,
"title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"},
"units": [{}], "credentials": creds,
"flavor": "m1.medium"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_apsnet(self, environment_id, session_id, domain_name=""):
This method allow to add apsnet
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
creds = {'username': 'Administrator',
'password': 'P@ssw0rd'}
post_body = {"type": "aspNetApp", "domain": domain_name,
"availabilityZone": "nova",
"name": "someasp", "repository":
"adminPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"unitNamingPattern": "aspnetinstance",
"osImage": {"type": "ws-2012-std", "name": self.windows,
"title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"},
"units": [{}], "credentials": creds,
"flavor": "m1.medium"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_IIS_farm(self, environment_id, session_id, domain_name=""):
This method allow to add IIS farm
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
creds = {'username': 'Administrator', 'password': 'P@ssw0rd'}
post_body = {"type": "webServerFarm", "domain": domain_name,
"availabilityZone": "nova", "name": "someIISFARM",
"adminPassword": "P@ssw0rd", "loadBalancerPort": 80,
"unitNamingPattern": "",
"osImage": {"type": "ws-2012-std", "name": self.windows,
"title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"},
"units": [{}, {}],
"credentials": creds, "flavor": "m1.medium"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_apsnet_farm(self, environment_id, session_id, domain_name=""):
This method allow to add apsnet farm
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
creds = {'username': 'Administrator', 'password': 'P@ssw0rd'}
post_body = {"type": "aspNetAppFarm", "domain": domain_name,
"availabilityZone": "nova", "name": "SomeApsFarm",
"adminPassword": "P@ssw0rd", "loadBalancerPort": 80,
"unitNamingPattern": "",
"osImage": {"type": "ws-2012-std", "name": self.windows,
"title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"},
"units": [{}, {}],
"credentials": creds, "flavor": "m1.medium"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_SQL(self, environment_id, session_id, domain_name=""):
This method allow to add SQL
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
post_body = {"type": "msSqlServer", "domain": domain_name,
"availabilityZone": "nova", "name": "SQLSERVER",
"adminPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"unitNamingPattern": "sqlinstance",
"saPassword": "P@ssw0rd", "mixedModeAuth": True,
"osImage": {"type": "ws-2012-std", "name": self.windows,
"title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"},
"units": [{}],
"credentials": {"username": "Administrator",
"password": "P@ssw0rd"},
"flavor": "m1.medium"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_SQL_cluster(self, environment_id, session_id, domain_name=""):
This method allow to add SQL cluster
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
AG = cfg.murano.agListnerIP
clIP = cfg.murano.clusterIP
post_body = {"domain": domain_name, "domainAdminPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"externalAD": False,
"sqlServiceUserName": "Administrator",
"sqlServicePassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"osImage": {"type": "ws-2012-std", "name": self.windows,
"title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"},
"agListenerName": "SomeSQL_AGListner",
"flavor": "m1.medium",
"agGroupName": "SomeSQL_AG",
"domainAdminUserName": "Administrator",
"agListenerIP": AG,
"clusterIP": clIP,
"type": "msSqlClusterServer", "availabilityZone": "nova",
"adminPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"clusterName": "SomeSQL", "mixedModeAuth": True,
"unitNamingPattern": "",
"units": [{"isMaster": True, "name": "node1",
"isSync": True},
{"isMaster": False, "name": "node2",
"isSync": True}],
"name": "Sqlname", "saPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"databases": ['NewDB']}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_linux_telnet(self, environment_id, session_id):
post_body = {"availabilityZone": "nova", "name": "LinuxTelnet",
"deployTelnet": True, "unitNamingPattern": "telnet",
"keyPair": "murano-lb-key",
"osImage": {"type": "linux", "name": self.linux,
"title": "Linux Image"},
"units": [{}],
"flavor": "m1.small", "type": "linuxTelnetService"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_linux_apache(self, environment_id, session_id):
post_body = {"availabilityZone": "nova", "name": "LinuxApache",
"deployApachePHP": True, "unitNamingPattern": "apache",
"keyPair": "murano-lb-key",
"instanceCount": [{}],
"osImage": {"type": "linux", "name": self.linux,
"title": "Linux Image"},
"units": [{}],
"flavor": "m1.small", "type": "linuxApacheService"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_demo_service(self, environment_id, session_id):
post_body = {"availabilityZone": "nova", "name": "demo",
"unitNamingPattern": "host",
"osImage": {"type": "cirros.demo", "name": self.demo,
"title": "Demo"},
"units": [{}], "flavor": "m1.small",
"configuration": "standalone", "type": "demoService"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def delete_service(self, environment_id, session_id, service_id):
This method allow to delete service
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
service_id - ID of needed service
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
self.client.delete('environments/' + str(environment_id)
+ '/services/' + str(service_id),
def get_list_services(self, environment_id, session_id):
This method allow to get list of services
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.get('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
return resp, json.loads(body)
def get_service_info(self, environment_id, session_id, service_id):
This method allow to get detailed service info
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
service_id - ID of needed service
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.get('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services/' + str(service_id),
return resp, json.loads(body)
def update_service(self, environment_id, session_id, service_id, s_body):
This method allows to update service
Input parameters:
environment_id - env's id
session_id - session_id where service is attach
service_id - service id of updating service
s_body - json obj
s_body['flavor'] = "m1.small"
post_body = json.dumps(s_body)
self.client.headers.update({'X-Configuration-Session': session_id})
resp, body = self.client.put('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/services/' + str(service_id),
post_body, self.client.headers)
return resp, json.loads(body)
def deploy_session(self, environment_id, session_id):
This method allow to send environment on deploy
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
session_id - ID of current session
post_body = None
resp = self.client.post('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/sessions/' + str(session_id) +
'/deploy', post_body, self.client.headers)
return resp
def get_deployments_list(self, environment_id):
This method allow to get list of deployments
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
resp, body = self.client.get('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/deployments', self.client.headers)
return resp, json.loads(body)
def get_deployment_info(self, environment_id, deployment_id):
This method allow to get detailed info about deployment
Input parameters:
environment_id - ID of current environment
deployment_id - ID of needed deployment
resp, body = self.client.get('environments/' + str(environment_id) +
'/deployments/' + str(deployment_id),
return resp, json.loads(body)
class MuranoMeta(tempest.test.BaseTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(MuranoMeta, cls).setUpClass()
if not cfg.murano.service_available:
raise cls.skipException("Murano tests is disabled")
user = cls.config.identity.admin_username
password = cls.config.identity.admin_password
tenant = cls.config.identity.admin_tenant_name
auth_url = cls.config.identity.uri
client_args = (cls.config, user, password, auth_url, tenant)
cls.client = rest_client.RestClient(*client_args)
cls.client.service = 'identity'
cls.token = cls.client.get_auth()
cls.client.base_url = cfg.murano.metadata_url
cls.objs = []
cls.services = []
def tearDown(self):
super(MuranoMeta, self).tearDown()
for obj in self.objs:
except Exception:
for service in self.services:
except Exception:
def get_ui_definitions(self):
resp, body = self.client.get('v1/client/ui', self.client.headers)
return resp, body
def get_conductor_metadata(self):
resp, body = self.client.get('v1/client/conductor',
return resp, body
def get_list_metadata_objects(self, path):
resp, body = self.client.get('v1/admin/' + path, self.client.headers)
return resp, body
def get_metadata_object(self, object):
resp, body = self.client.get('v1/admin/' + object, self.client.headers)
return resp, body
def upload_metadata_object(self, path, filename='testfile.txt'):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write("It's a test file")
files = {'file': open(filename, 'rb')}
headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.token}
resp = requests.post('%s/v1/admin/%s' % (self.client.base_url, path),
files=files, headers=headers)
return resp
def create_directory(self, path, name):
post_body = None
resp, body = self.client.put('v1/admin/' + path + name, post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def delete_metadata_obj_or_folder(self, object):
resp, body = self.client.delete('v1/admin/' + object,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def create_new_service(self, name):
post_body = {"name": name, "version": "0.1",
"full_service_name": name,
"service_display_name": name}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
resp, body = self.client.put('v1/admin/services/' + name, post_body,
return resp, body
def update_new_service(self, name):
post_body = {"name": name + "1", "version": "0.1",
"full_service_name": name,
"service_display_name": name + "1"}
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
resp, body = self.client.put('v1/admin/services/' + name,
post_body, self.client.headers)
return resp, body
def delete_service(self, name):
resp, body = self.client.delete('v1/admin/services/' + name,
return resp, body
def create_complex_service(self, name):
post_body = {"name": name, "version": "0.1",
"full_service_name": name,
"service_display_name": name,
"agent": ["CreatePrimaryDC.template",
"heat": ["RouterInterface.template",
"scripts": ["Install-RoleSecondaryDomainController.ps1",
"ui": ["ActiveDirectory.yaml"],
"workflows": ["AD.xml",
post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
resp, body = self.client.put('v1/admin/services/' + name, post_body,
return resp, body, json.loads(post_body)
def switch_service_parameter(self, service):
post_body = None
resp, body = self.client.post('v1/admin/services/%s/toggle_enabled' %
service, post_body, self.client.headers)
return resp, json.loads(body)
def reset_cache(self):
post_body = None
resp, body = self.client.post('v1/admin/reset_caches', post_body,
return resp, json.loads(body)
def get_list_of_meta_information_about_service(self, service):
resp, body = self.client.get('v1/admin/services/%s/info' % service,
return resp, json.loads(body)