Aggregate is similar to python's reduce() built-in Change-Id: If1e3ed20172c40344b771627ce20739348b80163
362 lines
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362 lines
9.8 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import collections
import random
import re
import string
import time
import types
import itertools
import jsonpatch
import jsonpointer
import yaql.context
import murano.common.config as cfg
import murano.dsl.helpers as helpers
_random_string_counter = None
def _transform_json(json, mappings):
if isinstance(json, types.ListType):
return [_transform_json(t, mappings) for t in json]
if isinstance(json, types.DictionaryType):
result = {}
for key, value in json.items():
result[_transform_json(key, mappings)] = \
_transform_json(value, mappings)
return result
elif isinstance(json, types.ListType):
result = []
for value in json:
result.append(_transform_json(value, mappings))
return result
elif isinstance(json, types.StringTypes) and json.startswith('$'):
value = _convert_macro_parameter(json[1:], mappings)
if value is not None:
return value
return json
def _convert_macro_parameter(macro, mappings):
replaced = [False]
def replace(match):
replaced[0] = True
return unicode(mappings.get(match.group(1)))
result = re.sub('{(\\w+?)}', replace, macro)
if replaced[0]:
return result
return mappings[macro]
@yaql.context.EvalArg('format', types.StringTypes)
def _format(format, *args):
return format.format(*[t() for t in args])
@yaql.context.EvalArg('src', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('substring', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _replace_str(src, substring, value):
return src.replace(substring, value)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('src', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('replacements', dict)
def _replace_dict(src, replacements):
for key, value in replacements.iteritems():
if isinstance(src, str):
src = src.replace(key, str(value))
src = src.replace(key, unicode(value))
return src
def _len(value):
return len(value())
def _coalesce(*args):
for t in args:
val = t()
if val:
return val
return None
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _base64encode(value):
return base64.b64encode(value)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _base64decode(value):
return base64.b64decode(value)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('group', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('setting', types.StringTypes)
def _config(group, setting):
return cfg.CONF[group][setting]
@yaql.context.EvalArg('setting', types.StringTypes)
def _config_default(setting):
return cfg.CONF[setting]
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _upper(value):
return value.upper()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _lower(value):
return value.lower()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('separator', types.StringTypes)
def _join(separator, collection):
return separator.join(str(t) for t in collection())
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('separator', types.StringTypes)
def _split(value, separator):
return value.split(separator)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('prefix', types.StringTypes)
def _startswith(value, prefix):
return value.startswith(prefix)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('suffix', types.StringTypes)
def _endswith(value, suffix):
return value.endswith(suffix)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _trim(value):
return value.strip()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('pattern', types.StringTypes)
def _mathces(value, pattern):
return re.match(pattern, value) is not None
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('index', int)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('length', int)
def _substr3(value, index, length):
if length < 0:
return value[index:]
return value[index:index + length]
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('index', int)
def _substr2(value, index):
return _substr3(value, index, -1)
def _str(value):
value = value()
if value is None:
return ''
elif value is True:
return 'true'
elif value is False:
return 'false'
return unicode(value)
def _int(value):
value = value()
if value is None:
return 0
return int(value)
def _pselect(collection, composer):
if isinstance(collection, types.ListType):
return helpers.parallel_select(collection, composer)
return helpers.parallel_select(collection(), composer)
def _patch(obj, patch):
obj = obj()
patch = patch()
if not isinstance(patch, types.ListType):
patch = [patch]
patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch)
return patch.apply(obj)
except jsonpointer.JsonPointerException:
return obj
def _int2base(x, base):
"""Converts decimal integers into another number base
from base-2 to base-36.
:param x: decimal integer
:param base: number base, max value is 36
:return: integer converted to the specified base
digs = string.digits + string.lowercase
if x < 0:
sign = -1
elif x == 0:
return '0'
sign = 1
x *= sign
digits = []
while x:
digits.append(digs[x % base])
x /= base
if sign < 0:
return ''.join(digits)
def _random_name():
"""Replace '#' char in pattern with supplied number, if no pattern is
supplied generate short and unique name for the host.
:param pattern: hostname pattern
:param number: number to replace with in pattern
:return: hostname
global _random_string_counter
counter = _random_string_counter or 1
# generate first 5 random chars
prefix = ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for _ in range(5))
# convert timestamp to higher base to shorten hostname string
# (up to 8 chars)
timestamp = _int2base(int(time.time() * 1000), 36)[:8]
# third part of random name up to 2 chars
# (1295 is last 2-digit number in base-36, 1296 is first 3-digit number)
suffix = _int2base(counter, 36)
_random_string_counter = (counter + 1) % 1296
return prefix + timestamp + suffix
@yaql.context.EvalArg('self', dict)
def _values(self):
return self.values()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('self', dict)
def _keys(self):
return self.keys()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('self', collections.Iterable)
def _flatten(self):
for i in self:
if isinstance(i, collections.Iterable):
for ii in i:
yield ii
yield i
@yaql.context.EvalArg('self', dict)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('other', dict)
def _merge_with(self, other):
return helpers.merge_dicts(self, other)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('collection', collections.Iterable)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('count', int)
def _skip(collection, count):
return itertools.islice(collection, count, None)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('collection', collections.Iterable)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('count', int)
def _take(collection, count):
return itertools.islice(collection, count)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('collection', collections.Iterable)
def _aggregate(collection, selector):
return reduce(selector, collection)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('collection', collections.Iterable)
def _aggregate_with_seed(collection, selector, seed):
return reduce(selector, collection, seed())
def register(context):
lambda json, mappings: _transform_json(json(), mappings()), 'bind')
context.register_function(_format, 'format')
context.register_function(_replace_str, 'replace')
context.register_function(_replace_dict, 'replace')
context.register_function(_len, 'len')
context.register_function(_coalesce, 'coalesce')
context.register_function(_base64decode, 'base64decode')
context.register_function(_base64encode, 'base64encode')
context.register_function(_config, 'config')
context.register_function(_config_default, 'config')
context.register_function(_lower, 'toLower')
context.register_function(_upper, 'toUpper')
context.register_function(_join, 'join')
context.register_function(_split, 'split')
context.register_function(_pselect, 'pselect')
context.register_function(_startswith, 'startsWith')
context.register_function(_endswith, 'endsWith')
context.register_function(_trim, 'trim')
context.register_function(_mathces, 'matches')
context.register_function(_substr2, 'substr')
context.register_function(_substr3, 'substr')
context.register_function(_str, 'str')
context.register_function(_int, 'int')
context.register_function(_patch, 'patch')
context.register_function(_random_name, 'randomName')
# Temporary workaround, these functions should be moved to YAQL
context.register_function(_keys, 'keys')
context.register_function(_values, 'values')
context.register_function(_flatten, 'flatten')
context.register_function(_merge_with, 'mergeWith')
context.register_function(_skip, 'skip')
context.register_function(_take, 'take')
context.register_function(_aggregate, 'aggregate')
context.register_function(_aggregate_with_seed, 'aggregate')