Alexander Tivelkov 62c1f10e7b Initial implementation of Plugable Classes
Adds a PluginLoader which loads classes defined as stevedore plugins at
io.murano.extension namespace and registers them as MuranoPL classes in
class loader.

Modifies the ClientManager class to make the _get_client method public,
so other code may use it to add custom clients. This is useful for
plugins which may define their own clients.

Modifies the configuration settings adding 'enabled_plugins' parameter to
control which of the installed plugins are active.

Adds an example plugin which encapsulates Glance interaction logic to:
	* List all available glance images
	* Get Image by ID
	* Get Image by Name
	* Output image info with murano-related metadata

Adds a demo application which demonstrates the usage of plugin. The app
consist of the following components:
	* An 'ImageValidatorMixin' class which inherits generic instance
	  class (io.murano.resources.Instance) and adds a method capable to
	  validate Instance's image for having appropriate murano metadata
	  type. This class may be used as a mixin when added to inheritance
	  hierarchy of concrete instance classes.
	* A concrete class called DemoInstance which inherits from
	  io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance and ImageValidatorMixin
	  to add the image validation logic to standard Murano-enabled
	  Linux-based instance.
	* An application which deploys a single VM using the DemoInstance
	  class if the tag on user-supplied image matches the user-supplied

The ImageValidatorMixin demonstrates the instantiation of
plugin-provided class and its usage, as well as handling of exception
which may be thrown if the plugin is not installed in the environment.

Change-Id: I978339d87033bbe38dad4c2102612d8f3a1eb3c3
Implements-blueprint: plugable-classes
2015-03-19 14:06:24 +00:00

41 lines
1.0 KiB

=: io.murano.apps.example.plugin
std: io.murano
res: io.murano.resources
sys: io.murano.system
Name: DemoApp
Extends: std:Application
Contract: $.string().notNull()
Contract: $.class(res:Instance).notNull()
- $.environment: $.find(std:Environment).require()
- If: !yaql "not bool($.getAttr(deployed))"
- $this.find(std:Environment)$this, 'Creating VM ')
- $securityGroupIngress:
- ToPort: 22
FromPort: 22
IpProtocol: tcp
External: True
- $.environment.securityGroupManager.addGroupIngress($securityGroupIngress)
- $.instance.deploy()
- $resources: new(sys:Resources)
- $this.find(std:Environment)$this, 'Test VM is installed')
- $.host: $.instance.ipAddresses[0]
- $.user: 'root'
- $.setAttr(deployed, True)