The 'is_different' utility function was relying on the sequence of dictionary keys when determining whether the objects are different or not, which is incorrect, since Python does not guarantee the order of keys in regular dictionaries. This was causing the function to report false inequalities after the Heat Stack is pushed, thus causing murano to re-push the stack even if it was not modified in between. The calls of the 'is_different' method were replaced with simple equality check which are guaranteed to return appropriate result. The only known limitation of such approach is its inability to check for circular references. However this is not the case for Murano-generate Heat snippets, since all the variables in MuranoPL are immutable and it's impossible to create a circular-referencing snippet with MuranoPL. Thus it is safe to completely remove 'is_different' method and all related code. The same patch also introduces a simple check which verifies that the HeatStack.update_template() method introduces an actual change into the template, or does not cause a subsequent push() call otherwise. Change-Id: Ia71b44ed62f39d9c89630c5a5c21b79c7c17ea9d Closes-bug: #1594451
569 lines
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569 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import re
import sys
import uuid
import weakref
import eventlet.greenpool
import eventlet.greenthread
import semantic_version
import six
from yaql.language import contexts
import yaql.language.exceptions
import yaql.language.expressions
from yaql.language import utils as yaqlutils
from murano.dsl import constants
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
from murano.dsl import exceptions
_threads_sequencer = 0
def evaluate(value, context, freeze=True):
list_type = tuple if freeze else list
dict_type = yaqlutils.FrozenDict if freeze else dict
set_type = frozenset if freeze else set
if isinstance(value, (dsl_types.YaqlExpression,
return value(context)
elif isinstance(value, yaqlutils.MappingType):
return dict_type(
(evaluate(d_key, context, freeze),
evaluate(d_value, context, freeze))
for d_key, d_value in six.iteritems(value))
elif yaqlutils.is_sequence(value):
return list_type(evaluate(t, context, freeze) for t in value)
elif isinstance(value, yaqlutils.SetType):
return set_type(evaluate(t, context, freeze) for t in value)
elif yaqlutils.is_iterable(value):
return list_type(
evaluate(t, context, freeze)
for t in yaqlutils.limit_iterable(
value, constants.ITERATORS_LIMIT))
elif isinstance(value, dsl_types.MuranoObjectInterface):
return value.object
return value
def merge_lists(list1, list2):
result = []
for item in list1 + list2:
exists = False
for old_item in result:
if item == old_item:
exists = True
if not exists:
return result
def merge_dicts(dict1, dict2, max_levels=0):
result = {}
for key, value1 in dict1.items():
result[key] = value1
if key in dict2:
value2 = dict2[key]
if type(value2) != type(value1):
if ((isinstance(value1,
six.string_types) or value1 is None) and
six.string_types) or value2 is None)):
raise TypeError()
if max_levels != 1 and isinstance(value2, dict):
result[key] = merge_dicts(
value1, value2,
0 if max_levels == 0 else max_levels - 1)
elif max_levels != 1 and isinstance(value2, list):
result[key] = merge_lists(value1, value2)
result[key] = value2
for key, value1 in dict2.items():
if key not in result:
result[key] = value1
return result
def generate_id():
return uuid.uuid4().hex
def parallel_select(collection, func, limit=1000):
# workaround for eventlet issue 232
# https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/232
context = get_context()
session = get_execution_session()
def wrapper(element):
with contextual(context):
with execution_session(session):
return func(element), False, None
except Exception as e:
return e, True, sys.exc_info()[2]
gpool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool(limit)
result = list(gpool.imap(wrapper, collection))
exception = next(t for t in result if t[1])
except StopIteration:
return map(lambda t: t[0], result)
six.reraise(exception[0], None, exception[2])
def enum(**enums):
return type('Enum', (), enums)
def get_context():
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
return getattr(current_thread, constants.TL_CONTEXT, None)
def get_executor(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
result = context[constants.CTX_EXECUTOR]
return None if not result else result()
def get_type(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_TYPE]
def get_execution_session(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
session = None
if context is not None:
session = context[constants.CTX_EXECUTION_SESSION]
if session is None:
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
session = getattr(current_thread, constants.TL_SESSION, None)
return session
def get_object_store(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
this = context[constants.CTX_THIS]
return this.object_store if isinstance(
this, dsl_types.MuranoObject) else None
def get_package_loader(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
result = context[constants.CTX_PACKAGE_LOADER]
return None if not result else result()
def get_this(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_THIS]
def get_caller_context(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CALLER_CONTEXT]
def get_attribute_store(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
store = context[constants.CTX_ATTRIBUTE_STORE]
return None if not store else store()
def get_current_instruction(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CURRENT_INSTRUCTION]
def get_current_method(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CURRENT_METHOD]
def get_yaql_engine(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_YAQL_ENGINE]
def get_current_exception(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CURRENT_EXCEPTION]
def are_property_modifications_allowed(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_ALLOW_PROPERTY_WRITES] or False
def get_names_scope(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE]
def get_class(name, context=None):
context = context or get_context()
murano_type = get_names_scope(context)
name = murano_type.namespace_resolver.resolve_name(name)
return murano_type.package.find_class(name)
def get_current_thread_id():
global _threads_sequencer
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
thread_id = getattr(current_thread, constants.TL_ID, None)
if thread_id is None:
thread_id = 'T' + str(_threads_sequencer)
_threads_sequencer += 1
setattr(current_thread, constants.TL_ID, thread_id)
return thread_id
def thread_local_attribute(name, value):
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
old_value = getattr(current_thread, name, None)
if value is not None:
setattr(current_thread, name, value)
elif hasattr(current_thread, name):
delattr(current_thread, name)
if old_value is not None:
setattr(current_thread, name, old_value)
elif hasattr(current_thread, name):
delattr(current_thread, name)
def contextual(ctx):
return thread_local_attribute(constants.TL_CONTEXT, ctx)
def execution_session(session):
return thread_local_attribute(constants.TL_SESSION, session)
def parse_version_spec(version_spec):
if isinstance(version_spec, semantic_version.Spec):
return normalize_version_spec(version_spec)
if isinstance(version_spec, semantic_version.Version):
return normalize_version_spec(
semantic_version.Spec('==' + str(version_spec)))
if not version_spec:
version_spec = '0'
version_spec = re.sub('\s+', '', str(version_spec))
if version_spec[0].isdigit():
version_spec = '==' + str(version_spec)
version_spec = semantic_version.Spec(version_spec)
return normalize_version_spec(version_spec)
def parse_version(version):
if isinstance(version, semantic_version.Version):
return version
if not version:
version = '0'
return semantic_version.Version.coerce(str(version))
def traverse(seed, producer=None, track_visited=True):
if not yaqlutils.is_iterable(seed):
seed = [seed]
visited = None if not track_visited else set()
queue = collections.deque(seed)
while queue:
item = queue.popleft()
if track_visited:
if item in visited:
produced = (yield item)
if produced is None and producer:
produced = producer(item)
if produced:
def cast(obj, murano_class, pov_or_version_spec=None):
if isinstance(obj, dsl_types.MuranoObjectInterface):
obj = obj.object
if isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, dsl_types.MuranoType):
pov_or_version_spec = pov_or_version_spec.package
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, six.string_types):
pov_or_version_spec = parse_version_spec(pov_or_version_spec)
if isinstance(murano_class, dsl_types.MuranoTypeReference):
murano_class = murano_class.type
if isinstance(murano_class, dsl_types.MuranoType):
if pov_or_version_spec is None:
pov_or_version_spec = parse_version_spec(murano_class.version)
murano_class = murano_class.name
candidates = []
for cls in itertools.chain((obj.type,), obj.type.ancestors()):
if cls.name != murano_class:
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, semantic_version.Version):
if cls.version != pov_or_version_spec:
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, semantic_version.Spec):
if cls.version not in pov_or_version_spec:
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, dsl_types.MuranoPackage):
requirement = pov_or_version_spec.requirements.get(
if requirement is None:
raise exceptions.NoClassFound(murano_class)
if cls.version not in requirement:
elif pov_or_version_spec is not None:
raise ValueError('pov_or_version_spec of unsupported '
'type {0}'.format(type(pov_or_version_spec)))
if not candidates:
raise exceptions.NoClassFound(murano_class)
elif len(candidates) > 1:
raise exceptions.AmbiguousClassName(murano_class)
return obj.cast(candidates[0])
def is_instance_of(obj, class_name, pov_or_version_spec=None):
cast(obj, class_name, pov_or_version_spec)
return True
except (exceptions.NoClassFound, exceptions.AmbiguousClassName):
return False
def memoize(func):
cache = {}
return get_memoize_func(func, cache)
def get_memoize_func(func, cache):
def wrap(*args):
if args not in cache:
result = func(*args)
cache[args] = result
return result
return cache[args]
return wrap
def normalize_version_spec(version_spec):
def coerce(v):
return semantic_version.Version('{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(
v.major, v.minor or 0, v.patch or 0
def increment(v):
# NOTE(ativelkov): replace these implementations with next_minor() and
# next_major() calls when the semantic_version is updated in global
# requirements.
if v.minor is None:
return semantic_version.Version(
'.'.join(str(x) for x in [v.major + 1, 0, 0]))
return semantic_version.Version(
'.'.join(str(x) for x in [v.major, v.minor + 1, 0]))
def extend(v):
return semantic_version.Version(str(v) + '-0')
transformations = {
'>': [('>=', (increment, extend))],
'>=': [('>=', (coerce,))],
'<': [('<', (coerce, extend))],
'<=': [('<', (increment, extend))],
'!=': [('>=', (increment, extend))],
'==': [('>=', (coerce,)), ('<', (increment, coerce, extend))]
new_parts = []
for item in version_spec.specs:
if item.kind == '*':
elif item.spec.patch is not None:
for op, funcs in transformations[item.kind]:
six.moves.reduce(lambda v, f: f(v), funcs, item.spec)
if not new_parts:
return semantic_version.Spec('*')
return semantic_version.Spec(*new_parts)
semver_to_api_map = {
'>': 'gt',
'>=': 'ge',
'<': 'lt',
'<=': 'le',
'!=': 'ne',
'==': 'eq'
def breakdown_spec_to_query(normalized_spec):
res = []
for item in normalized_spec.specs:
if item.kind == '*':
res.append("%s:%s" % (semver_to_api_map[item.kind],
return res
def link_contexts(parent_context, context):
if not context:
return parent_context
return contexts.LinkedContext(parent_context, context)
def inspect_is_static(cls, name):
m = cls.__dict__.get(name)
if m is None:
return False
return isinstance(m, staticmethod)
def inspect_is_classmethod(cls, name):
m = cls.__dict__.get(name)
if m is None:
return False
return isinstance(m, classmethod)
def inspect_is_method(cls, name):
m = getattr(cls, name, None)
if m is None:
return False
return ((inspect.isfunction(m) or inspect.ismethod(m)) and not
inspect_is_static(cls, name) and not
inspect_is_classmethod(cls, name))
def inspect_is_property(cls, name):
m = getattr(cls, name, None)
if m is None:
return False
return inspect.isdatadescriptor(m)
def updated_dict(d, val):
if d is None:
d = {}
d = d.copy()
if val is not None:
return d
def resolve_type(value, scope_type, return_reference=False):
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(scope_type, dsl_types.MuranoTypeReference):
scope_type = scope_type.type
if not isinstance(value, (dsl_types.MuranoType,
name = scope_type.namespace_resolver.resolve_name(value)
result = scope_type.package.find_class(name)
result = value
if isinstance(result, dsl_types.MuranoTypeReference):
if return_reference:
return result
return result.type
elif return_reference:
return result.get_reference()
return result
def instantiate(data, owner, object_store, context, scope_type,
if data is None:
data = {}
if not isinstance(data, yaqlutils.MappingType):
raise ValueError('Incorrect object initialization format')
default_type = resolve_type(default_type, scope_type)
if len(data) == 1:
key = next(iter(data.keys()))
ns_resolver = scope_type.namespace_resolver
if ns_resolver.is_typename(key, False) or isinstance(
key, (dsl_types.MuranoTypeReference, dsl_types.MuranoType)):
type_obj = resolve_type(key, scope_type)
props = yaqlutils.filter_parameters_dict(data[key] or {})
props = evaluate(props, context, freeze=False)
return type_obj.new(
owner, object_store, object_store.executor)(
context, **props)
data = evaluate(data, context, freeze=False)
if '?' not in data:
if not default_type:
raise ValueError('Type information is missing')
data.update({'?': {
'type': default_type.name,
'classVersion': str(default_type.version)
if 'id' not in data['?']:
data['?']['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
return object_store.load(data, owner, context)
def function(c):
if hasattr(c, 'im_func'):
return c.im_func
return c
def list_value(v):
if v is None:
return []
if not yaqlutils.is_sequence(v):
v = [v]
return v
def weak_proxy(obj):
if obj is None or isinstance(obj, weakref.ProxyType):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, weakref.ReferenceType):
obj = obj()
return weakref.proxy(obj)