M V P Nitesh 580677eedc Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
1.As mentioned in [1], we should avoid using six.iteritems to achieve
iterators. We can use dict.items instead, as it will return iterators
in PY3 as well. And dict.items/keys will more readable.
2.In py2, the performance about list should be negligible, see the
link [2].

Change-Id: I45fa65427318e1c35bb521de46e81ea12ca7b770
2017-05-03 09:17:18 +00:00

304 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import gc
import weakref
from oslo_log import log as logging
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
from murano.dsl import helpers
from murano.dsl import murano_object
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ObjectStore(object):
def __init__(self, executor, parent_store=None, weak_store=True):
self._parent_store = parent_store
self._store = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() if weak_store else {}
self._designer_attributes_store = {}
self._executor = weakref.ref(executor)
self._pending_destruction = set()
def executor(self):
return self._executor()
def get(self, object_id, check_parent_store=True):
result = self._store.get(object_id)
if not result and self._parent_store and check_parent_store:
return self._parent_store.get(object_id, check_parent_store)
return result
def has(self, object_id, check_parent_store=True):
if object_id in self._store:
return True
if check_parent_store and self._parent_store:
return self._parent_store.has(object_id, check_parent_store)
return False
def put(self, murano_object, object_id=None):
self._store[object_id or murano_object.object_id] = murano_object
def schedule_object_destruction(self, murano_object):
self._store[murano_object.object_id] = murano_object
def iterate(self):
return self._store.keys()
def remove(self, object_id):
def load(self, value, owner, default_type=None,
scope_type=None, context=None, keep_ids=False,
# do the object model load in a temporary object store and copy
# loaded objects here after that
model_store = InitializationObjectStore(
owner, self, keep_ids)
with helpers.with_object_store(model_store):
result = model_store.load(
value, owner, scope_type=scope_type,
default_type=default_type, context=context)
for obj_id in model_store.iterate():
obj = model_store.get(obj_id)
if obj.initialized:
if not bypass_store:
return result
def _get_designer_attributes(header):
return dict((k, v) for k, v in header.items()
if str(k).startswith('_'))
def designer_attributes(self, object_id):
return self._designer_attributes_store.get(object_id, {})
def initializing(self):
return False
def parent_store(self):
return self._parent_store
def cleanup(self):
LOG.debug('Cleaning up orphan objects')
with helpers.with_object_store(self):
n = self._collect_garbage()
LOG.debug('{} orphan objects were destroyed'.format(n))
return n
def prepare_finalize(self, used_objects):
used_objects = set(used_objects) if used_objects else []
sentenced_objects = [
obj for obj in self._store.values()
if obj not in used_objects
with helpers.with_object_store(self):
if sentenced_objects:
for __ in self._destroy_garbage(sentenced_objects):
def finalize(self):
with helpers.with_object_store(self):
for t in self._store.values():
def _collect_garbage(self):
repeat = True
count = 0
while repeat:
repeat = False
for obj in gc.garbage:
if (isinstance(obj, murano_object.RecyclableMuranoObject) and
obj.executor is self._executor()):
repeat = True
if obj.initialized and not obj.destroyed:
obj = None
del gc.garbage[:]
if self._pending_destruction:
for obj in self._destroy_garbage(self._pending_destruction):
if obj in self._pending_destruction:
repeat = True
count += 1
return count
def is_doomed(self, obj):
return obj.destroyed or obj in self._pending_destruction
def _destroy_garbage(self, sentenced_objects):
dd_graph = {}
# NOTE(starodubcevna): construct a graph which looks like:
# {
# obj1: [subscriber1, subscriber2],
# obj2: [subscriber2, subscriber3]
# }
for obj in sentenced_objects:
obj_subscribers = [obj.owner]
for dd in obj.destruction_dependencies:
subscriber = dd['subscriber']
if subscriber:
subscriber = subscriber()
if subscriber and subscriber not in obj_subscribers:
dd_graph[obj] = obj_subscribers
def topological(graph):
"""Topological sort implementation
This implementation will work even if we have cycle dependencies,
e.g. [a->b, b->c, c->a]. In this case the order of deletion will be
undefined and it's okay.
visited = collections.defaultdict(int)
indexes = collections.defaultdict(int)
def dfs(obj):
visited[obj] += 1
subscribers = graph.get(obj)
if subscribers is not None:
m = 0
for i, subscriber in enumerate(subscribers):
if i == 0 or not visited[subscriber]:
for t in dfs(subscriber):
yield t
m = max(m, indexes[subscriber])
if visited.get(obj, 0) <= 2:
visited[obj] += 1
indexes[obj] = m + 1
yield obj, m + 1
for i, obj in enumerate(graph.keys()):
if not visited[obj]:
for t in dfs(obj):
yield t
order = collections.defaultdict(list)
for obj, index in topological(dd_graph):
for key in sorted(order):
group = order[key]
for key in sorted(order, reverse=True):
group = order[key]
for t in group:
yield t
# Temporary ObjectStore to load object graphs. Does 2-phase load
# and maintains internal state on what phase is currently running
# as well as objects that are in the middle of initialization.
# Required in order to isolate semi-initialized objects from regular
# objects in main ObjectStore and internal state between graph loads
# in different threads. Once the load is done all objects are copied
# to the parent ObjectStore
class InitializationObjectStore(ObjectStore):
def __init__(self, root_owner, parent_store, keep_ids):
super(InitializationObjectStore, self).__init__(
parent_store.executor, parent_store, weak_store=False)
self._initializing = False
self._root_owner = root_owner
self._keep_ids = keep_ids
self._initializers = []
def initializing(self):
return self._initializing
def load(self, value, owner, default_type=None,
scope_type=None, context=None, **kwargs):
parsed = helpers.parse_object_definition(value, scope_type, context)
if not parsed:
raise ValueError('Invalid object representation format')
if owner is self._root_owner:
self._initializing = True
class_obj = parsed['type'] or default_type
if not class_obj:
raise ValueError(
'Invalid object representation: '
'no type information was provided')
if isinstance(class_obj, dsl_types.MuranoTypeReference):
class_obj = class_obj.type
object_id = parsed['id']
is_tmp_object = (object_id is None and
owner is not self._root_owner and
obj = None if object_id is None else self.get(
object_id, self._keep_ids)
if not obj:
if is_tmp_object or helpers.is_objects_dry_run_mode():
mo_type = murano_object.MuranoObject
mo_type = murano_object.RecyclableMuranoObject
obj = mo_type(
class_obj, owner,
object_id=object_id if self._keep_ids else None)
if parsed['destroyed']:
self.put(obj, object_id or obj.object_id)
system_value = ObjectStore._get_designer_attributes(
self._designer_attributes_store[object_id] = system_value
if context is None:
context = self.executor.create_object_context(obj)
def run_initialize():
obj.initialize(context, parsed['properties']))
if owner is self._root_owner:
self._initializing = False
if owner is self._root_owner:
with helpers.with_object_store(self.parent_store):
for fn in self._initializers:
return obj