1.As mentioned in [1], we should avoid using six.iteritems to achieve iterators. We can use dict.items instead, as it will return iterators in PY3 as well. And dict.items/keys will more readable. 2.In py2, the performance about list should be negligible, see the link [2]. [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Python3 [2] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-June/066391.html Change-Id: I45fa65427318e1c35bb521de46e81ea12ca7b770
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# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import six
from murano.dsl.contracts import contracts
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
from murano.dsl import executor
from murano.dsl import helpers
from murano.dsl import meta as meta_module
from murano.dsl import murano_type
def generate_schema(pkg_loader, context_manager,
class_name, method_names=None,
class_version=None, package_name=None):
"""Generate JSON schema
JSON Schema is generated either for the class with all model builders
or for specified model builders only. The return value is a dictionary
with keys being model builder names and the values are JSON schemas for
them. The class itself is represented by an empty string key.
if method_names and not isinstance(method_names, (list, tuple)):
method_names = (method_names,)
version = helpers.parse_version_spec(class_version)
if package_name:
package = pkg_loader.load_package(package_name, version)
package = pkg_loader.load_class_package(class_name, version)
cls = package.find_class(class_name, search_requirements=False)
exc = executor.MuranoDslExecutor(pkg_loader, context_manager)
with helpers.with_object_store(exc.object_store):
context = exc.create_object_context(cls)
model_builders = set(list_model_builders(cls, context))
method_names = model_builders.intersection(
method_names or model_builders)
result = {
name: generate_entity_schema(
get_entity(cls, name), context, cls,
get_meta(cls, name, context))
for name in method_names
return result
def list_model_builders(cls, context):
"""List model builder names of the class
Yield names of all model builders (static actions marked with appropriate
metadata) plus empty string for the class itself.
yield ''
for method_name in cls.all_method_names:
method = cls.find_single_method(method_name)
if not method.is_action or not method.is_static:
meta = meta_module.aggregate_meta(method, context)
is_builder = meta.get('io.murano.metadata.ModelBuilder')
if is_builder and is_builder.get_property('enabled'):
yield method.name
except Exception:
def get_meta(cls, method_name, context):
"""Get metadata dictionary for the method or class"""
if not method_name:
return meta_module.aggregate_meta(cls, context)
method = cls.find_single_method(method_name)
return meta_module.aggregate_meta(method, context)
def get_entity(cls, method_name):
"""Get MuranoMethod of the class by its name"""
if not method_name:
return cls
method = cls.find_single_method(method_name)
return method
def get_properties(entity):
"""Get properties/arg scheme of the class/method"""
if isinstance(entity, dsl_types.MuranoType):
properties = entity.all_property_names
result = {}
for prop_name in properties:
prop = entity.find_single_property(prop_name)
if prop.usage not in (dsl_types.PropertyUsages.In,
result[prop_name] = prop
return result
return entity.arguments_scheme
def generate_entity_schema(entity, context, declaring_type, meta):
"""Generate schema for single class or method by it DSL entity"""
properties = get_properties(entity)
type_weights = murano_type.weigh_type_hierarchy(declaring_type)
schema = {
'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
name: generate_property_schema(prop, context, type_weights)
for name, prop in properties.items()
'additionalProperties': False,
'formSections': generate_sections(meta, type_weights)
schema.update(generate_ui_hints(entity, context, type_weights))
return schema
def generate_sections(meta, type_weights):
"""Builds sections definitions for the schema
Sections are UI hint for UI for grouping inputs into tabs/group-boxes.
The code collects section definitions from type hierarchy considering that
the section might be redefined in ancestor with the different section
index and then re-enumerates them in a way that sections from the most
base classes in hierarchy will get lower index values and there be no
two sections with the same index.
section_list = meta.get('io.murano.metadata.forms.Section', [])
sections_map = {}
for section in section_list:
name = section.get_property('name')
ex_section = sections_map.get(name)
if not ex_section:
elif (type_weights[ex_section.declaring_type.name] <
elif (type_weights[ex_section.declaring_type.name] ==
index = section.get_property('index')
if index is None:
ex_index = ex_section.get_property('index')
if ex_index is not None and ex_index <= index:
sections_map[name] = section
ordered_sections, unordered_sections = sort_by_index(
sections_map.values(), type_weights)
sections = {}
index = 0
for section in ordered_sections:
name = section.get_property('name')
if name not in sections:
sections[name] = {
'title': section.get_property('title'),
'index': index
index += 1
for section in unordered_sections:
name = section.get_property('name')
if name not in sections:
sections[name] = {
'title': section.get_property('title')
return sections
def generate_property_schema(prop, context, type_weights):
"""Generate schema for single property/argument"""
schema = translate(prop.contract.spec, context,
if prop.has_default:
schema['default'] = prop.default
schema.update(generate_ui_hints(prop, context, type_weights))
return schema
def generate_ui_hints(entity, context, type_weights):
"""Translate know property/arg meta into json-schema UI hints"""
schema = {}
meta = meta_module.aggregate_meta(entity, context)
for cls_name, schema_prop, meta_prop in (
('io.murano.metadata.Title', 'title', 'text'),
('io.murano.metadata.Description', 'description', 'text'),
('io.murano.metadata.HelpText', 'helpText', 'text'),
('io.murano.metadata.forms.Hidden', 'visible', 'visible')):
value = meta.get(cls_name)
if value is not None:
schema[schema_prop] = value.get_property(meta_prop)
position = meta.get('io.murano.metadata.forms.Position')
if position:
schema['formSection'] = position.get_property('section')
index = position.get_property('index')
if index is not None:
schema['formIndex'] = (
(position.get_property('index') + 1) * len(type_weights) -
return schema
def sort_by_index(meta, type_weights, property_name='index'):
"""Sorts meta definitions by its distance in the class hierarchy"""
has_index = six.moves.filter(
lambda m: m.get_property(property_name) is not None, meta)
has_no_index = six.moves.filter(
lambda m: m.get_property(property_name) is None, meta)
return (
key=lambda m: (
(m.get_property(property_name) + 1) *
len(type_weights) -
def translate(contract, context, runtime_version):
"""Translates contracts into json-schema equivalents"""
if isinstance(contract, dict):
return translate_dict(contract, context, runtime_version)
elif isinstance(contract, list):
return translate_list(contract, context, runtime_version)
elif isinstance(contract, dsl_types.YaqlExpression):
return contracts.Contract.generate_expression_schema(
contract, context, runtime_version)
def translate_dict(contract, context, runtime_version):
"""Translates dictionary contracts into json-schema objects"""
properties = {}
additional_properties = False
for key, value in contract.items():
if isinstance(key, dsl_types.YaqlExpression):
additional_properties = translate(value, context, runtime_version)
properties[key] = translate(value, context, runtime_version)
return {
'type': 'object',
'properties': properties,
'additionalProperties': additional_properties
def translate_list(contract, context, runtime_version):
"""Translates list contracts into json-schema arrays"""
items = []
for value in contract:
if isinstance(value, int):
items.append(translate(value, context, runtime_version))
if len(items) == 0:
return {'type': 'array'}
elif len(items) == 1:
return {
'type': 'array',
'items': items[0],
return {
'type': 'array',
'items': items,
'additionalItems': items[-1]