* New method type: extension methods. Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without modifying the original type. Extension methods are a special kind of static method, but they are called as if they were instance methods on the extended type. Extension methods are identified by "Usage: Extension" and the type they extend is determined by their first argument contract. Thus such methods must have at lease one parameter. * New type-level keyword "Import" which can be either list or scalar that specifies type names which extensions methods should be imported into class context and thus become available to type members. Change-Id: If757327857376ac66784acd4bd29471e6f28b612
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279 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import weakref
import six
from murano.dsl import constants
from murano.dsl import dsl
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
from murano.dsl import exceptions
from murano.dsl import helpers
from murano.dsl import yaql_integration
class MuranoObject(dsl_types.MuranoObject):
def __init__(self, murano_class, owner, object_store, executor,
object_id=None, name=None, known_classes=None, this=None):
if known_classes is None:
known_classes = {}
self.__owner = owner.real_this if owner else None
self.__object_id = object_id or helpers.generate_id()
self.__type = murano_class
self.__properties = {}
self.__parents = {}
self.__this = this
self.__name = name
self.__extension = None
self.__object_store = \
None if object_store is None else weakref.ref(object_store)
self.__executor = weakref.ref(executor)
self.__config = murano_class.package.get_class_config(
if not isinstance(self.__config, dict):
self.__config = {}
known_classes[murano_class.name] = self
for parent_class in murano_class.parents(self.real_this.type):
name = parent_class.name
if name not in known_classes:
obj = parent_class.new(
owner, object_store, executor, object_id=self.__object_id,
known_classes=known_classes, this=self.real_this).object
self.__parents[name] = known_classes[name] = obj
self.__parents[name] = known_classes[name]
self.__initialized = False
def extension(self):
return self.__extension
def name(self):
return self.real_this.__name
def extension(self, value):
self.__extension = value
def object_store(self):
return None if self.__object_store is None else self.__object_store()
def executor(self):
return self.__executor()
def initialize(self, context, object_store, params):
if self.__initialized:
for property_name in self.__type.properties:
spec = self.__type.properties[property_name]
if spec.usage == dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Config:
if property_name in self.__config:
property_value = self.__config[property_name]
property_value = dsl.NO_VALUE
self.set_property(property_name, property_value)
init = self.type.methods.get('.init')
used_names = set()
names = set(self.__type.properties)
if init:
last_errors = len(names)
init_args = {}
while True:
errors = 0
for property_name in names:
if init and property_name in init.arguments_scheme:
spec = init.arguments_scheme[property_name]
is_init_arg = True
spec = self.__type.properties[property_name]
is_init_arg = False
if property_name in used_names:
if spec.usage in (dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Config,
if spec.usage == dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Runtime:
if not spec.has_default:
property_value = dsl.NO_VALUE
property_value = params.get(property_name, dsl.NO_VALUE)
if is_init_arg:
init_args[property_name] = property_value
property_name, property_value, context)
except exceptions.UninitializedPropertyAccessError:
errors += 1
except exceptions.ContractViolationException:
if spec.usage != dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Runtime:
if not errors:
if errors >= last_errors:
raise exceptions.CircularExpressionDependenciesError()
last_errors = errors
executor = helpers.get_executor(context)
if ((object_store is None or not object_store.initializing) and
self.__extension is None):
method = self.type.methods.get('__init__')
if method:
filtered_params = yaql_integration.filter_parameters(
method.body, **params)
self.__extension = method.invoke(
executor, self, filtered_params[0],
filtered_params[1], context)
for parent in self.__parents.values():
parent.initialize(context, object_store, params)
if (object_store is None or not object_store.initializing) and init:
context[constants.CTX_ARGUMENT_OWNER] = self.real_this
init.invoke(executor, self.real_this, (), init_args, context)
self.__initialized = True
def object_id(self):
return self.__object_id
def type(self):
return self.__type
def owner(self):
return self.__owner
def real_this(self):
return self.__this or self
def get_property(self, name, context=None):
start_type, derived = self.__type, False
caller_class = None if not context else helpers.get_type(context)
if caller_class is not None and caller_class.is_compatible(self):
start_type, derived = caller_class, True
if name in start_type.properties:
spec = start_type.properties[name]
if spec.usage == dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Static:
return spec.declaring_type.get_property(name, context)
return self.cast(start_type)._get_property_value(name)
spec = start_type.find_single_property(name)
if spec.usage == dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Static:
return spec.declaring_type.get_property(name, context)
return self.cast(spec.declaring_type).__properties[name]
except exceptions.NoPropertyFound:
if derived:
return self.cast(caller_class)._get_property_value(name)
raise exceptions.PropertyReadError(name, start_type)
def _get_property_value(self, name):
return self.__properties[name]
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.UninitializedPropertyAccessError(
name, self.__type)
def set_property(self, name, value, context=None):
start_type, derived = self.__type, False
caller_class = None if not context else helpers.get_type(context)
if caller_class is not None and caller_class.is_compatible(self):
start_type, derived = caller_class, True
declared_properties = start_type.find_properties(
lambda p: p.name == name)
if context is None:
context = self.executor.create_object_context(self)
if len(declared_properties) > 0:
declared_properties = self.type.find_properties(
lambda p: p.name == name)
values_to_assign = []
classes_for_static_properties = []
for spec in declared_properties:
if (caller_class is not None and not
helpers.are_property_modifications_allowed(context) and
(spec.usage not in dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Writable or
not derived)):
raise exceptions.NoWriteAccessError(name)
if spec.usage == dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Static:
default = self.__config.get(name, spec.default)
# default = helpers.evaluate(default, context)
obj = self.cast(spec.declaring_type)
values_to_assign.append((obj, spec.transform(
value, self.real_this,
self.real_this, context, default=default)))
for obj, value in values_to_assign:
obj.__properties[name] = value
for cls in classes_for_static_properties:
cls.set_property(name, value, context)
elif derived:
obj = self.cast(caller_class)
obj.__properties[name] = value
raise exceptions.PropertyWriteError(name, start_type)
def cast(self, cls):
for p in helpers.traverse(self, lambda t: t.__parents.values()):
if p.type is cls:
return p
raise TypeError('Cannot cast {0} to {1}'.format(self.type, cls))
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0}/{1} {2} ({3})>'.format(
self.type.name, self.type.version, self.object_id, id(self))
def to_dictionary(self, include_hidden=False):
result = {}
for parent in self.__parents.values():
result.update({'?': {
'type': self.type.name,
'id': self.object_id,
'name': self.name,
'classVersion': str(self.type.version),
'package': self.type.package.name
if include_hidden:
for property_name in self.type.properties:
if property_name in self.__properties:
spec = self.type.properties[property_name]
if spec.usage != dsl_types.PropertyUsages.Runtime:
result[property_name] = self.__properties[
return result