Murano has a garbage collector that destroys objects which were deleted in API after last deployment. However if objects were removed from object model during deployment (action execution) or were created and not saved there they left unnoticed by the engine causing resource leak. With this change all objects that are presented in object store but were not serialized to result object model are get destroyed. Change-Id: I107b34e3ae4e1b5835645e116f9445535dfb7636 Closes-Bug: #1562804
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172 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
from yaql import utils
from murano.dsl import dsl
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
class ObjRef(object):
def __init__(self, obj):
self.ref_obj = obj
def serialize(obj):
return serialize_model(obj, None, True)[0]['Objects']
def _serialize_object(root_object, designer_attributes, allow_refs):
serialized_objects = set()
obj = root_object
while True:
obj, need_another_pass = _pass12_serialize(
obj, None, serialized_objects, designer_attributes)
if not need_another_pass:
tree = [obj]
_pass3_serialize(tree, serialized_objects, allow_refs)
return tree[0], serialized_objects
def serialize_model(root_object, executor, allow_refs=False):
if executor is not None:
designer_attributes = executor.object_store.designer_attributes
designer_attributes = None
if root_object is None:
tree = None
tree_copy = None
attributes = []
serialized_objects = set()
tree, serialized_objects = _serialize_object(
root_object, designer_attributes, allow_refs)
tree_copy, _ = _serialize_object(root_object, None, allow_refs)
if executor is not None:
attributes = executor.attribute_store.serialize(serialized_objects)
attributes = []
return {
'Objects': tree,
'ObjectsCopy': tree_copy,
'Attributes': attributes
}, serialized_objects
def _serialize_available_action(obj, current_actions):
result = {}
actions = obj.type.find_methods(
lambda m: m.usage == dsl_types.MethodUsages.Action)
for action in actions:
action_id = '{0}_{1}'.format(obj.object_id, action.name)
entry = current_actions.get(action_id, {'enabled': True})
entry['name'] = action.name
result[action_id] = entry
return result
def _pass12_serialize(value, parent, serialized_objects,
if isinstance(value, dsl.MuranoObjectInterface):
value = value.object
if isinstance(value, (six.string_types,
int, float, bool)) or value is None:
return value, False
if isinstance(value, dsl_types.MuranoObject):
if value.owner is not parent or value.object_id in serialized_objects:
return ObjRef(value), True
elif isinstance(value, ObjRef):
if (value.ref_obj.object_id not in serialized_objects and
is_nested_in(value.ref_obj.owner, parent)):
value = value.ref_obj
return value, False
if isinstance(value, dsl_types.MuranoObject):
result = value.to_dictionary()
if designer_attributes_getter is not None:
# deserialize and merge list of actions
result['?']['_actions'] = _serialize_available_action(
value, result['?'].get('_actions', {}))
return _pass12_serialize(
result, value, serialized_objects, designer_attributes_getter)
elif isinstance(value, utils.MappingType):
result = {}
need_another_pass = False
for d_key, d_value in six.iteritems(value):
result_key = str(d_key)
result_value = _pass12_serialize(
d_value, parent, serialized_objects,
result[result_key] = result_value[0]
if result_value[1]:
need_another_pass = True
return result, need_another_pass
elif utils.is_sequence(value) or isinstance(value, utils.SetType):
need_another_pass = False
result = []
for t in value:
v, nmp = _pass12_serialize(
t, parent, serialized_objects, designer_attributes_getter)
if nmp:
need_another_pass = True
return result, need_another_pass
raise ValueError()
def _pass3_serialize(value, serialized_objects, allow_refs=False):
if isinstance(value, dict):
for d_key, d_value in value.items():
if isinstance(d_value, ObjRef):
if (d_value.ref_obj.object_id in serialized_objects or
value[d_key] = d_value.ref_obj.object_id
del value[d_key]
_pass3_serialize(d_value, serialized_objects, allow_refs)
elif isinstance(value, list):
index = 0
while index < len(value):
item = value[index]
if isinstance(item, ObjRef):
if item.ref_obj.object_id in serialized_objects or allow_refs:
value[index] = item.ref_obj.object_id
index -= 1
_pass3_serialize(item, serialized_objects, allow_refs)
index += 1
return value
def is_nested_in(obj, ancestor):
while True:
if obj is ancestor:
return True
if obj is None:
return False
obj = obj.owner