(Cherry-pick from Release-0.5) The problem was caused by the fact that the eventlet switching occurs not immediately when the event.send() is executed, but in some time afterwards (when some blocking operation is run). This time may be sufficient for the lock to be re-aquired by the same thread. For example, imagine there are two green threads A and B attempting to simultaneously run a method M of the same object. Consider the following scenario: 1) A is executed first and acquires the lock, then executes M 2) B detects that the lock is taken and awaits on the event.wait() 3) A is finished with M, releases the lock and calls event.send() to allow B to proceed 4) Switching does not happen immediately and A proceeds till some blocking operation 5) Switching occurs, B is activated and acquires the lock on M The problem happens because on the step (5) B assumes that the lock was indeed released by A on step (3). However, as some actions may take place during (4), they may include requiring the lock again. B does not recheck this, which causes the twin ownership of the lock. To resolve this B needs to always recheck the lock after re-activating from wait, and, if the lock is still taken, wait again. Closes-Bug: #1316551 Debugging and fixing of this issue required to add some logging, which may be useful for other debugging scenarios: the output contain the information about green-thread id, the method and the object it is run for. So, this partially targets blueprint improve-engine-logging Change-Id: I06ed15a2b3642da2f85a254526638ac05be060ce
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import functools
import inspect
import types
import uuid
import eventlet
import eventlet.event
import yaql.context
import muranoapi.dsl.attribute_store as attribute_store
import muranoapi.dsl.exceptions as exceptions
import muranoapi.dsl.expressions as expressions
import muranoapi.dsl.helpers as helpers
import muranoapi.dsl.murano_object as murano_object
import muranoapi.dsl.object_store as object_store
import muranoapi.dsl.yaql_functions as yaql_functions
from muranoapi.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MuranoDslExecutor(object):
def __init__(self, class_loader, environment=None):
self._class_loader = class_loader
self._object_store = object_store.ObjectStore(class_loader)
self._attribute_store = attribute_store.AttributeStore()
self._root_context = class_loader.create_root_context()
self._root_context.set_data(self, '?executor')
self._root_context.set_data(self._class_loader, '?classLoader')
self._root_context.set_data(environment, '?environment')
self._root_context.set_data(self._object_store, '?objectStore')
self._root_context.set_data(self._attribute_store, '?attributeStore')
self._locks = {}
self._root_context = yaql.context.Context(self._root_context)
def object_store(self):
return self._object_store
def attribute_store(self):
return self._attribute_store
def to_yaql_args(self, args):
if not args:
return tuple()
elif isinstance(args, types.TupleType):
return args
elif isinstance(args, types.ListType):
return tuple(args)
elif isinstance(args, types.DictionaryType):
return tuple(args.items())
raise ValueError()
def invoke_method(self, name, this, context, murano_class, *args):
if context is None:
context = self._root_context
implementations = this.type.find_method(name)
delegates = []
for declaring_class, name in implementations:
method = declaring_class.get_method(name)
if not method:
arguments_scheme = method.arguments_scheme
params = self._evaluate_parameters(
arguments_scheme, context, this, *args)
except Exception:
params = self._evaluate_parameters(
arguments_scheme, context, this, *args)
method, this, declaring_class, context, params))
except TypeError:
if len(delegates) < 1:
raise exceptions.NoMethodFound(name)
elif len(delegates) > 1:
raise exceptions.AmbiguousMethodName(name)
return delegates[0]()
def _invoke_method_implementation(self, method, this, murano_class,
context, params):
body = method.body
if not body:
return None
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
if not hasattr(current_thread, '_murano_dsl_thread_marker'):
thread_marker = current_thread._murano_dsl_thread_marker = \
thread_marker = current_thread._murano_dsl_thread_marker
method_id = id(body)
this_id = this.object_id
while True:
event, marker = self._locks.get((method_id, this_id), (None, None))
if event:
if marker == thread_marker:
return self._invoke_method_implementation_gt(
body, this, params, murano_class, context)
event = eventlet.event.Event()
self._locks[(method_id, this_id)] = (event, thread_marker)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
method_info = "{0}.{1} ({2})".format(murano_class.name, method._name,
hash((method_id, this_id)))
"{0}: Begin execution: {1}".format(thread_marker, method_info))
gt = eventlet.spawn(self._invoke_method_implementation_gt, body,
this, params, murano_class, context,
result = gt.wait()
del self._locks[(method_id, this_id)]
"{0}: End execution: {1}".format(thread_marker, method_info))
return result
def _invoke_method_implementation_gt(self, body, this,
params, murano_class, context,
if thread_marker:
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
current_thread._murano_dsl_thread_marker = thread_marker
if callable(body):
if '_context' in inspect.getargspec(body).args:
params['_context'] = self._create_context(
this, murano_class, context, **params)
if inspect.ismethod(body) and not body.__self__:
return body(this, **params)
return body(**params)
elif isinstance(body, expressions.DslExpression):
return self.execute(body, murano_class, this, context, **params)
raise ValueError()
def _evaluate_parameters(self, arguments_scheme, context, this, *args):
arg_names = list(arguments_scheme.keys())
parameter_values = {}
i = 0
for arg in args:
value = helpers.evaluate(arg, context)
if isinstance(value, types.TupleType) and len(value) == 2 and \
isinstance(value[0], types.StringTypes):
name = value[0]
value = value[1]
if name not in arguments_scheme:
raise TypeError()
if i >= len(arg_names):
raise TypeError()
name = arg_names[i]
i += 1
if callable(value):
value = value()
arg_spec = arguments_scheme[name]
parameter_values[name] = arg_spec.validate(
value, this, self._root_context, self._object_store)
for name, arg_spec in arguments_scheme.iteritems():
if name not in parameter_values:
if not arg_spec.has_default:
raise TypeError()
parameter_context = self._create_context(
this, this.type, context)
parameter_values[name] = arg_spec.validate(
helpers.evaluate(arg_spec.default, parameter_context),
this, self._root_context, self._object_store)
return parameter_values
def _create_context(self, this, murano_class, context, **kwargs):
new_context = self._class_loader.create_local_context(
new_context.set_data(this, 'this')
new_context.set_data(this, '?this')
new_context.set_data(murano_class, '?type')
new_context.set_data(context, '?callerContext')
@yaql.context.EvalArg('obj', arg_type=murano_object.MuranoObject)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('property_name', arg_type=str)
def obj_attribution(obj, property_name):
return obj.get_property(property_name, murano_class)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('prefix', str)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('name', str)
def validate(prefix, name):
return murano_class.namespace_resolver.resolve_name(
'%s:%s' % (prefix, name))
new_context.register_function(obj_attribution, '#operator_.')
new_context.register_function(validate, '#validate')
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
new_context.set_data(value, key)
return new_context
def execute(self, expression, murano_class, this, context, **kwargs):
new_context = self._create_context(
this, murano_class, context, **kwargs)
return expression.execute(new_context, murano_class)
def load(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, types.DictionaryType):
raise TypeError()
self._attribute_store.load(data.get('Attributes') or [])
result = self._object_store.load(data.get('Objects') or {},
None, self._root_context)
return result
def cleanup(self, data):
objects_copy = data.get('ObjectsCopy')
if not objects_copy:
gc_object_store = object_store.ObjectStore(self._class_loader)
gc_object_store.load(objects_copy, None, self._root_context)
objects_to_clean = []
for object_id in self._list_potential_object_ids(objects_copy):
if gc_object_store.has(object_id) \
and not self._object_store.has(object_id):
obj = gc_object_store.get(object_id)
if objects_to_clean:
backup = self._object_store
self._object_store = gc_object_store
for obj in objects_to_clean:
methods = obj.type.find_method('destroy')
for cls, method in methods:
cls.invoke(method, self, obj, {})
except Exception:
self._object_store = backup
def _list_potential_object_ids(self, data):
if isinstance(data, types.DictionaryType):
for val in data.values():
for res in self._list_potential_object_ids(val):
yield res
sys_dict = data.get('?')
if isinstance(sys_dict, types.DictionaryType) \
and sys_dict.get('id') \
and sys_dict.get('type'):
yield sys_dict['id']
elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(
data, types.StringTypes):
for val in data:
for res in self._list_potential_object_ids(val):
yield res