Change-Id: I36aca7466eb52cad732ffc37a043a8e7c6e59b38 Closes-Bug: #1602404
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446 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import contextlib
import itertools
import eventlet
import eventlet.event
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from yaql.language import exceptions as yaql_exceptions
from yaql.language import specs
from yaql.language import utils
from murano.common.i18n import _LW
from murano.dsl import attribute_store
from murano.dsl import constants
from murano.dsl import dsl
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
from murano.dsl import exceptions as dsl_exceptions
from murano.dsl import helpers
from murano.dsl import object_store
from murano.dsl.principal_objects import stack_trace
from murano.dsl import yaql_integration
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MuranoDslExecutor(object):
def __init__(self, package_loader, context_manager, session=None):
self._package_loader = package_loader
self._context_manager = context_manager
self._session = session
self._attribute_store = attribute_store.AttributeStore()
self._object_store = object_store.ObjectStore(self)
self._locks = {}
self._root_context_cache = {}
def object_store(self):
return self._object_store
def execution_session(self):
return self._session
def attribute_store(self):
return self._attribute_store
def package_loader(self):
return self._package_loader
def context_manager(self):
return self._context_manager
def invoke_method(self, method, this, context, args, kwargs,
if isinstance(this, dsl.MuranoObjectInterface):
this = this.object
kwargs = utils.filter_parameters_dict(kwargs)
runtime_version = method.declaring_type.package.runtime_version
yaql_engine = yaql_integration.choose_yaql_engine(runtime_version)
if context is None or not skip_stub:
actions_only = context is None and not method.name.startswith('.')
method_context = self.create_method_context(
self.create_object_context(this, context), method)
method_context[constants.CTX_SKIP_FRAME] = True
method_context[constants.CTX_ACTIONS_ONLY] = actions_only
stub = method.static_stub if isinstance(
this, dsl_types.MuranoType) else method.instance_stub
if stub is None:
raise ValueError(
'Method {0} cannot be called on receiver {1}'.format(
method, this))
real_this = this.real_this if isinstance(
this, dsl_types.MuranoObject) else this.get_reference()
return stub(yaql_engine, method_context, real_this)(
*args, **kwargs)
if context[constants.CTX_ACTIONS_ONLY] and not method.is_action:
raise dsl_exceptions.MethodNotExposed(
'{0} is not an action'.format(method.name))
if method.is_static:
obj_context = self.create_object_context(
method.declaring_type, context)
obj_context = self.create_object_context(this, context)
context = self.create_method_context(obj_context, method)
if isinstance(this, dsl_types.MuranoObject):
this = this.real_this
if method.arguments_scheme is not None:
args, kwargs = self._canonize_parameters(
method.arguments_scheme, args, kwargs, method.name, this)
this_lock = this
arg_values_for_lock = {}
method_meta = [m for m in method.get_meta(context)
if m.type.name == ('io.murano.metadata.'
if method_meta:
method_meta = method_meta[0]
if method_meta:
if not method_meta.get_property('onThis', context):
this_lock = None
for arg_name in method_meta.get_property('onArgs', context):
arg_val = kwargs.get(arg_name)
if arg_val is not None:
arg_values_for_lock[arg_name] = arg_val
arg_values_for_lock = utils.filter_parameters_dict(arg_values_for_lock)
with self._acquire_method_lock(method, this_lock, arg_values_for_lock):
for i, arg in enumerate(args, 2):
context[str(i)] = arg
for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
context[key] = value
def call():
if isinstance(method.body, specs.FunctionDefinition):
if isinstance(this, dsl_types.MuranoType):
native_this = this.get_reference()
native_this = dsl.MuranoObjectInterface(this.cast(
return method.body(
yaql_engine, context, native_this)(*args, **kwargs)
context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE] = \
return (None if method.body is None
else method.body.execute(context))
if (not isinstance(method.body, specs.FunctionDefinition) or
not method.body.meta.get(constants.META_NO_TRACE)):
with self._log_method(context, args, kwargs) as log:
result = call()
return result
return call()
def _acquire_method_lock(self, method, this, arg_val_dict):
if this is None:
if not arg_val_dict:
# if neither "this" nor argument values are set then no
# locking is needed
key = None
# if only the argument values are passed then find the lock
# list only by the method
key = (None, id(method))
if method.is_static:
# find the lock list by the type and method
key = (id(method.declaring_type), id(method))
# find the lock list by the object and method
key = (this.object_id, id(method))
thread_id = helpers.get_current_thread_id()
while True:
event, event_owner = None, None
if key is None: # no locking needed
lock_list = self._locks.setdefault(key, [])
# lock list contains a list of tuples:
# first item of each tuple is a dict with the values of locking
# arguments (it is used for argument values comparison),
# second item is an event to wait on,
# third one is the owner thread id
# If this lock list is empty it means no locks on this object and
# method at all.
for arg_vals, l_event, l_event_owner in lock_list:
if arg_vals == arg_val_dict:
event = l_event
event_owner = l_event_owner
if event:
if event_owner == thread_id:
# this means a re-entrant lock: the tuple with the same
# value of the first element exists in the list, but it was
# acquired by the same green thread. We may proceed with
# the call in this case
event = None
# this means either the lock list was empty or didn't contain a
# tuple with the first element equal to arg_val_dict.
# Then let's acquire a lock, i.e. create a new tuple and place
# it into the list
event = eventlet.event.Event()
event_owner = thread_id
lock_list.append((arg_val_dict, event, event_owner))
if event is not None:
lock_list.remove((arg_val_dict, event, event_owner))
if len(lock_list) == 0:
del self._locks[key]
def _log_method(self, context, args, kwargs):
method = helpers.get_current_method(context)
param_gen = itertools.chain(
(six.text_type(arg) for arg in args),
(u'{0} => {1}'.format(name, value)
for name, value in six.iteritems(kwargs)))
params_str = u', '.join(param_gen)
method_name = '::'.join((method.declaring_type.name, method.name))
thread_id = helpers.get_current_thread_id()
caller_str = ''
caller_ctx = helpers.get_caller_context(context)
if caller_ctx is not None:
frame = stack_trace.compose_stack_frame(caller_ctx)
if frame['location']:
caller_str = ' called from ' + stack_trace.format_frame(frame)
LOG.trace(u'{thread}: Begin execution {method}({params}){caller}'
.format(thread=thread_id, method=method_name,
params=params_str, caller=caller_str))
def log_result(result):
u'{thread}: End execution {method} with result '
thread=thread_id, method=method_name, result=result))
yield log_result
except Exception as e:
u'{thread}: End execution {method} with exception '
u'{exc}'.format(thread=thread_id, method=method_name, exc=e))
def _canonize_parameters(arguments_scheme, args, kwargs,
method_name, receiver):
arg_names = list(arguments_scheme.keys())
parameter_values = {}
varargs_arg = None
vararg_values = []
kwargs_arg = None
kwarg_values = {}
for name, definition in six.iteritems(arguments_scheme):
if definition.usage == dsl_types.MethodArgumentUsages.VarArgs:
varargs_arg = name
parameter_values[name] = vararg_values
elif definition.usage == dsl_types.MethodArgumentUsages.KwArgs:
kwargs_arg = name
parameter_values[name] = kwarg_values
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
name = None if i >= len(arg_names) else arg_names[i]
if name is None or name in (varargs_arg, kwargs_arg):
if varargs_arg:
raise yaql_exceptions.NoMatchingMethodException(
method_name, receiver)
parameter_values[name] = arg
for name, value in six.iteritems(utils.filter_parameters_dict(kwargs)):
if name in arguments_scheme and name not in (
varargs_arg, kwargs_arg):
parameter_values[name] = value
elif kwargs_arg:
kwarg_values[name] = value
raise yaql_exceptions.NoMatchingMethodException(
method_name, receiver)
return tuple(), parameter_values
def load(self, data):
with helpers.with_object_store(self.object_store):
return self._load(data)
def _load(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise TypeError()
self._attribute_store.load(data.get(constants.DM_ATTRIBUTES) or [])
model = data.get(constants.DM_OBJECTS)
if model is None:
return None
result = self._object_store.load(model, None, keep_ids=True)
return dsl.MuranoObjectInterface.create(result)
def cleanup(self, data):
objects_copy = data.get(constants.DM_OBJECTS_COPY)
if not objects_copy:
gc_object_store = object_store.ObjectStore(self)
with helpers.with_object_store(gc_object_store):
gc_object_store.load(objects_copy, None, keep_ids=True)
objects_to_clean = []
for object_id in self._list_potential_object_ids(objects_copy):
if (gc_object_store.has(object_id) and
not self._object_store.has(object_id)):
obj = gc_object_store.get(object_id)
if objects_to_clean:
for obj in objects_to_clean:
def cleanup_orphans(self, alive_object_ids):
orphan_ids = self._collect_orphans(alive_object_ids)
return len(orphan_ids)
def _collect_orphans(self, alive_object_ids):
orphan_ids = []
for obj_id in self._object_store.iterate():
if obj_id not in alive_object_ids:
return orphan_ids
def _destroy_orphans(self, orphan_ids):
with helpers.with_object_store(self.object_store):
for obj_id in orphan_ids:
def _destroy_object(self, obj):
methods = obj.type.find_methods(lambda m: m.name == '.destroy')
for method in methods:
method.invoke(obj, (), {}, None)
except Exception as e:
'Muted exception during execution of .destroy '
'on {0}: {1}').format(obj, e), exc_info=True)
def _list_potential_object_ids(self, data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
for val in six.itervalues(data):
for res in self._list_potential_object_ids(val):
yield res
sys_dict = data.get('?')
if (isinstance(sys_dict, dict) and
sys_dict.get('id') and sys_dict.get('type')):
yield sys_dict['id']
elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(
data, six.string_types):
for val in data:
for res in self._list_potential_object_ids(val):
yield res
def create_root_context(self, runtime_version):
context = self._root_context_cache.get(runtime_version)
if not context:
context = self.context_manager.create_root_context(runtime_version)
self._root_context_cache[runtime_version] = context
return context
def create_package_context(self, package):
root_context = self.create_root_context(package.runtime_version)
context = helpers.link_contexts(
return context
def create_type_context(self, murano_type, caller_context=None):
package_context = self.create_package_context(
context = helpers.link_contexts(
context[constants.CTX_TYPE] = murano_type
if caller_context:
context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE] = caller_context[
return context
def create_object_context(self, obj, caller_context=None):
if isinstance(obj, dsl_types.MuranoClass):
obj_type = obj
obj = None
obj_type = obj.type
class_context = self.create_type_context(obj_type)
if obj is not None:
context = helpers.link_contexts(
class_context, self.context_manager.create_object_context(
context[constants.CTX_THIS] = obj.real_this
context['this'] = obj.real_this
context[''] = obj.real_this
context = class_context.create_child_context()
type_ref = obj_type.get_reference()
context[constants.CTX_THIS] = type_ref
context['this'] = type_ref
context[''] = type_ref
if caller_context is not None:
caller = caller_context
while caller is not None and caller[constants.CTX_SKIP_FRAME]:
caller = caller[constants.CTX_CALLER_CONTEXT]
context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE] = caller_context[
context[constants.CTX_CALLER_CONTEXT] = caller
context[constants.CTX_ALLOW_PROPERTY_WRITES] = caller_context[
context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE] = obj_type
return context
def create_method_context(object_context, method):
context = object_context.create_child_context()
context[constants.CTX_CURRENT_METHOD] = method
return context
def run(self, cls, method_name, this, args, kwargs):
with helpers.with_object_store(self.object_store):
return cls.invoke(method_name, this, args, kwargs)