Serg Melikyan 1be3dbda6a Add status reports to HOT packages
Refactored stack name generation logic to attributes.

Change-Id: Ib3eaa41029e09dab5a404b0098af9a380f626d09
Closes-Bug: #1364922
2014-09-03 19:19:56 +04:00

408 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import shutil
import sys
import types
import yaml
from murano.dsl import yaql_expression
import murano.packages.application_package
from murano.packages import exceptions
YAQL = yaql_expression.YaqlExpression
class Dumper(yaml.Dumper):
def yaql_representer(dumper, data):
return dumper.represent_scalar(u'!yaql', str(data))
Dumper.add_representer(YAQL, yaql_representer)
class HotPackage(murano.packages.application_package.ApplicationPackage):
def __init__(self, source_directory, manifest, loader):
super(HotPackage, self).__init__(source_directory, manifest, loader)
self._translated_class = None
self._source_directory = source_directory
self._translated_ui = None
def classes(self):
return self.full_name,
def ui(self):
if not self._translated_ui:
self._translated_ui = self._translate_ui()
return self._translated_ui
def raw_ui(self):
ui_obj = self.ui
result = yaml.dump(ui_obj, Dumper=Dumper, default_style='"')
return result
def get_class(self, name):
if name != self.full_name:
raise exceptions.PackageClassLoadError(
name, 'Class not defined in this package')
if not self._translated_class:
return self._translated_class
def validate(self):
if not self._translated_ui:
self._translated_ui = self._translate_ui()
super(HotPackage, self).validate()
def _translate_class(self):
template_file = os.path.join(self._source_directory, 'template.yaml')
shutil.copy(template_file, self.get_resource(self.full_name))
if not os.path.isfile(template_file):
raise exceptions.PackageClassLoadError(
self.full_name, 'File with class definition not found')
with open(template_file) as stream:
hot = yaml.safe_load(stream)
if 'resources' not in hot:
raise exceptions.PackageFormatError('Not a HOT template')
translated = {
'Name': self.full_name,
'Extends': 'io.murano.Application'
parameters = HotPackage._translate_parameters(hot)
translated['Properties'] = parameters
self._translated_class = translated
def _translate_parameters(hot):
result = {
'generatedHeatStackName': {
'Contract': YAQL('$.string()'),
'Usage': 'Out'
for key, value in (hot.get('parameters') or {}).items():
result[key] = HotPackage._translate_parameter(value)
result['name'] = {'Usage': 'In',
'Contract': YAQL('$.string().notNull()')}
return result
def _translate_parameter(value):
contract = '$'
parameter_type = value['type']
if parameter_type == 'string':
contract += '.string()'
elif parameter_type == 'number':
contract += '.int()'
elif parameter_type == 'json':
contract += '.object()'
raise ValueError('Unsupported parameter type ' + parameter_type)
constraints = value.get('constraints') or []
for constraint in constraints:
translated = HotPackage._translate_constraint(constraint)
if translated:
contract += translated
result = {
'Contract': YAQL(contract),
"Usage": "In"
if 'default' in value:
result['Default'] = value['default']
return result
def _translate_outputs(hot):
result = {}
for key, value in (hot.get('outputs') or {}).items():
result[key] = {
"Contract": YAQL("$.string()"),
"Usage": "Out"
return result
def _translate_constraint(constraint):
if 'allowed_values' in constraint:
return HotPackage._translate_allowed_values_constraint(
elif 'length' in constraint:
return HotPackage._translate_length_constraint(
elif 'range' in constraint:
return HotPackage._translate_range_constraint(
elif 'allowed_pattern' in constraint:
return HotPackage._translate_allowed_pattern_constraint(
def _translate_allowed_pattern_constraint(value):
return ".check(matches($, '{0}'))".format(value)
def _translate_allowed_values_constraint(values):
return '.check($ in list({0}))'.format(
', '.join([HotPackage._format_value(v) for v in values]))
def _translate_length_constraint(value):
if 'min' in value and 'max' in value:
return '.check(len($) >= {0} and len($) <= {1})'.format(
int(value['min']), int(value['max']))
elif 'min' in value:
return '.check(len($) >= {0})'.format(int(value['min']))
elif 'max' in value:
return '.check(len($) <= {0})'.format(int(value['max']))
def _translate_range_constraint(value):
if 'min' in value and 'max' in value:
return '.check($ >= {0} and $ <= {1})'.format(
int(value['min']), int(value['max']))
elif 'min' in value:
return '.check($ >= {0})'.format(int(value['min']))
elif 'max' in value:
return '.check($ <= {0})'.format(int(value['max']))
def _format_value(value):
if isinstance(value, types.StringTypes):
return str("'" + value + "'")
return str(value)
def _generate_workflow(hot):
template_parameters = {}
for key, value in (hot.get('parameters') or {}).items():
template_parameters[key] = YAQL("$." + key)
deploy = [
{YAQL('$environment'): YAQL(
{YAQL('$reporter'): YAQL(
"new('io.murano.system.StatusReporter', "
"environment => $environment)")},
'If': YAQL('$.getAttr(generatedHeatStackName) = null'),
'Then': [
YAQL('$.setAttr(generatedHeatStackName, randomName())')
{YAQL('$stack'): YAQL(
"new('io.murano.system.HeatStack', "
"name => $.getAttr(generatedHeatStackName))")},
YAQL("$$this, "
"'Application deployment has started')"),
{YAQL('$resources'): YAQL("new('io.murano.system.Resources')")},
{YAQL('$template'): YAQL("$resources.yaml(type($this))")},
{YAQL('$parameters'): template_parameters},
YAQL("$$this, "
"'Stack creation has started')"),
{YAQL('$outputs'): YAQL('$stack.output()')},
YAQL("$$this, "
"'Stack was successfully created')"),
YAQL("$$this, "
"'Application deployment has finished')"),
for key, value in (hot.get('outputs') or {}).items():
deploy.append({YAQL('$.' + key): YAQL(
'$outputs.' + key)})
destroy = [
{YAQL('$stack'): YAQL(
"new('io.murano.system.HeatStack', "
"name => $.getAttr(generatedHeatStackName))")},
return {
'Workflow': {
'deploy': {
'Body': deploy
'destroy': {
'Body': destroy
def _translate_ui_parameters(hot, title):
result = [
'name': 'title',
'type': 'string',
'required': False,
'hidden': True,
'description': title
'name': 'name',
'type': 'string',
'label': 'Application Name',
'required': True,
'Enter a desired name for the application.'
' Just A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and dash are allowed'
for key, value in (hot.get('parameters') or {}).items():
result.append(HotPackage._translate_ui_parameter(key, value))
return result
def _translate_ui_parameter(name, parameter_spec):
translated = {
'name': name,
'label': name.title().replace('_', ' ')
parameter_type = parameter_spec['type']
if parameter_type == 'string':
translated['type'] = 'string'
elif parameter_type == 'number':
translated['type'] = 'integer'
if 'description' in parameter_spec:
translated['description'] = parameter_spec['description']
if 'default' in parameter_spec:
translated['initial'] = parameter_spec['default']
translated['required'] = False
translated['required'] = True
constraints = parameter_spec.get('constraints') or []
translated_constraints = []
for constraint in constraints:
if 'length' in constraint:
spec = constraint['length']
if 'min' in spec:
translated['minLength'] = max(
translated.get('minLength', -sys.maxint - 1),
if 'max' in spec:
translated['maxLength'] = min(
translated.get('maxLength', sys.maxint),
elif 'range' in constraint:
spec = constraint['range']
if 'min' in spec and 'max' in spec:
ui_constraint = {
'expr': YAQL('$ >= {0} and $ <= {1}'.format(
spec['min'], spec['max']))
elif 'min' in spec:
ui_constraint = {
'expr': YAQL('$ >= {0}'.format(spec['min']))
ui_constraint = {
'expr': YAQL('$ <= {0}'.format(spec['max']))
if 'description' in constraint:
ui_constraint['message'] = constraint['description']
elif 'allowed_values' in constraint:
values = constraint['allowed_values']
ui_constraint = {
'expr': YAQL('$ in list({0})'.format(', '.join(
[HotPackage._format_value(v) for v in values])))
if 'description' in constraint:
ui_constraint['message'] = constraint['description']
elif 'allowed_pattern' in constraint:
pattern = constraint['allowed_pattern']
ui_constraint = {
'expr': {
'regexpValidator': pattern
if 'description' in constraint:
ui_constraint['message'] = constraint['description']
if translated_constraints:
translated['validators'] = translated_constraints
return translated
def _generate_application_ui(hot, type_name):
app = {
'?': {
'type': type_name
for key in (hot.get('parameters') or {}).keys():
app[key] = YAQL('$.appConfiguration.' + key)
app['name'] = YAQL('$')
return app
def _translate_ui(self):
template_file = os.path.join(self._source_directory, 'template.yaml')
if not os.path.isfile(template_file):
raise exceptions.PackageClassLoadError(
self.full_name, 'File with class definition not found')
with open(template_file) as stream:
hot = yaml.safe_load(stream)
translated = {
'Version': 2,
'Application': HotPackage._generate_application_ui(
hot, self.full_name),
'Forms': [
'appConfiguration': {
'fields': HotPackage._translate_ui_parameters(
hot, self.description)
return translated