Ruslan Kamaldinov de71c50436 Merged in murano-common
In attempt to reduce number of Murano repositories to a sane minumum Murano
community decided to merge in murano-common repo to projects dependent on it:
* murano-api
* murano-agent

We hope that we will completely get rid of this code in Juno.

Partially-Implements: blueprint repository-reorganization

Change-Id: Ia18958c937b2c983d84b39a5a7849788ed9df6eb
2014-03-22 22:11:47 +04:00

142 lines
5.0 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
from muranoapi.common.helpers import token_sanitizer
from muranoapi.common import rpc
from muranoapi.db import models
from muranoapi.db import session as db_session
SessionState = collections.namedtuple('SessionState', [
'open', 'deploying', 'deployed'
open='open', deploying='deploying', deployed='deployed'
class SessionServices(object):
def get_sessions(environment_id, state=None):
Get list of sessions for specified environment
:param environment_id: Environment Id
:param state:
:return: Sessions for specified Environment, if SessionState is
not defined all sessions for specified environment is returned.
unit = db_session.get_session()
# Here we duplicate logic for reducing calls to database
# Checks for validation is same as in validate.
environment = unit.query(models.Environment).get(environment_id)
return unit.query(models.Session).filter(
#Get all session for this environment
models.Session.environment_id == environment_id,
#in this state, if state is not specified return in all states
if state is None else [state]),
#Only sessions with same version as current env version are valid
models.Session.version == environment.version
def create(environment_id, user_id):
Creates session object for specific environment for specified user.
:param environment_id: Environment Id
:param user_id: User Id
:return: Created session
unit = db_session.get_session()
environment = unit.query(models.Environment).get(environment_id)
session = models.Session()
session.environment_id =
session.user_id = user_id
session.state =
# used for checking if other sessions was deployed before this one
session.version = environment.version
# all changes to environment is stored here, and translated to
# environment only after deployment completed
session.description = environment.description
with unit.begin():
return session
def validate(session):
Session is valid only if no other session for same
environment was already deployed on in deploying state,
:param session: Session for validation
#if other session is deploying now current session is invalid
unit = db_session.get_session()
#if environment version is higher then version on which current session
#is created then other session was already deployed
current_env = unit.query(models.Environment).\
if current_env.version > session.version:
return False
#if other session is deploying now current session is invalid
other_is_deploying = unit.query(models.Session).filter_by(
environment_id=session.environment_id, state=SessionState.deploying
).count() > 0
if session.state == and other_is_deploying:
return False
return True
def deploy(session, unit, token):
Prepares environment for deployment and send deployment command to
orchestration engine
:param session: session that is going to be deployed
:param unit: SQLalchemy session
:param token: auth token that is going to be used by orchestration
#unit = get_session()
#Set X-Auth-Token for conductor
environment = session.description
environment['token'] = token
session.state = SessionState.deploying
deployment = models.Deployment()
deployment.environment_id = environment['id']
deployment.description = token_sanitizer.TokenSanitizer().sanitize(
status = models.Status()
status.text = "Deployment scheduled"
status.level = "info"
with unit.begin():