Since python 2.2, use of types module is not prefered way to access the type hence it is replaced by using names of built-in factory functions. Change-Id: Ibdcc1ae75204f67076edab5edcffe94a9f1f1d8e Implements: blueprint replace-types-module-with-new-style-classes
417 lines
12 KiB
417 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import re
import string
import sys
import uuid
import eventlet.greenpool
import eventlet.greenthread
import semantic_version
import yaql.language.exceptions
import yaql.language.expressions
from yaql.language import utils as yaqlutils
from murano.common import utils
from murano.dsl import constants
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
from murano.dsl import exceptions
KEYWORD_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(?!__)\b[^\W\d]\w*\b$')
_threads_sequencer = 0
def evaluate(value, context):
if isinstance(value, (dsl_types.YaqlExpression,
return value(context)
elif isinstance(value, yaqlutils.MappingType):
return yaqlutils.FrozenDict(
(evaluate(d_key, context),
evaluate(d_value, context))
for d_key, d_value in value.iteritems())
elif yaqlutils.is_sequence(value):
return tuple(evaluate(t, context) for t in value)
elif isinstance(value, yaqlutils.SetType):
return frozenset(evaluate(t, context) for t in value)
elif yaqlutils.is_iterable(value):
return tuple(
evaluate(t, context)
for t in yaqlutils.limit_iterable(
value, constants.ITERATORS_LIMIT))
elif isinstance(value, dsl_types.MuranoObjectInterface):
return value.object
return value
def merge_lists(list1, list2):
result = []
for item in list1 + list2:
exists = False
for old_item in result:
if not utils.is_different(item, old_item):
exists = True
if not exists:
return result
def merge_dicts(dict1, dict2, max_levels=0):
result = {}
for key, value1 in dict1.items():
result[key] = value1
if key in dict2:
value2 = dict2[key]
if type(value2) != type(value1):
if (isinstance(value1, basestring) and
isinstance(value2, basestring)):
raise TypeError()
if max_levels != 1 and isinstance(value2, dict):
result[key] = merge_dicts(
value1, value2,
0 if max_levels == 0 else max_levels - 1)
elif max_levels != 1 and isinstance(value2, list):
result[key] = merge_lists(value1, value2)
result[key] = value2
for key, value1 in dict2.items():
if key not in result:
result[key] = value1
return result
def generate_id():
return uuid.uuid4().hex
def parallel_select(collection, func, limit=1000):
# workaround for eventlet issue 232
# https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/232
def wrapper(element):
with contextual(get_context()):
return func(element), False, None
except Exception as e:
return e, True, sys.exc_info()[2]
gpool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool(limit)
result = list(gpool.imap(wrapper, collection))
exception = next(t for t in result if t[1])
except StopIteration:
return map(lambda t: t[0], result)
raise exception[0], None, exception[2]
def enum(**enums):
return type('Enum', (), enums)
def get_context():
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
return getattr(current_thread, '__murano_context', None)
def get_executor(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
result = context[constants.CTX_EXECUTOR]
return None if not result else result()
def get_type(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_TYPE]
def get_environment(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_ENVIRONMENT]
def get_object_store(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_THIS].object_store
def get_package_loader(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
result = context[constants.CTX_PACKAGE_LOADER]
return None if not result else result()
def get_this(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_THIS]
def get_caller_context(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CALLER_CONTEXT]
def get_attribute_store(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
store = context[constants.CTX_ATTRIBUTE_STORE]
return None if not store else store()
def get_current_instruction(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CURRENT_INSTRUCTION]
def get_current_method(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CURRENT_METHOD]
def get_yaql_engine(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_YAQL_ENGINE]
def get_current_exception(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_CURRENT_EXCEPTION]
def are_property_modifications_allowed(context=None):
context = context or get_context()
return context[constants.CTX_ALLOW_PROPERTY_WRITES] or False
def get_class(name, context=None):
context = context or get_context()
murano_class = get_type(context)
return murano_class.package.find_class(name)
def is_keyword(text):
return KEYWORD_REGEX.match(text) is not None
def get_current_thread_id():
global _threads_sequencer
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
thread_id = getattr(current_thread, '__thread_id', None)
if thread_id is None:
thread_id = 'T' + str(_threads_sequencer)
_threads_sequencer += 1
setattr(current_thread, '__thread_id', thread_id)
return thread_id
def contextual(ctx):
current_thread = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
current_context = getattr(current_thread, '__murano_context', None)
if ctx:
setattr(current_thread, '__murano_context', ctx)
if current_context:
setattr(current_thread, '__murano_context', current_context)
elif hasattr(current_thread, '__murano_context'):
delattr(current_thread, '__murano_context')
def parse_version_spec(version_spec):
if isinstance(version_spec, semantic_version.Spec):
return normalize_version_spec(version_spec)
if isinstance(version_spec, semantic_version.Version):
return normalize_version_spec(
semantic_version.Spec('==' + str(version_spec)))
if not version_spec:
version_spec = '0'
version_spec = str(version_spec).translate(None, string.whitespace)
if version_spec[0].isdigit():
version_spec = '==' + str(version_spec)
version_spec = semantic_version.Spec(version_spec)
return normalize_version_spec(version_spec)
def parse_version(version):
if isinstance(version, semantic_version.Version):
return version
if not version:
version = '0'
return semantic_version.Version.coerce(str(version))
def traverse(seed, producer=None, track_visited=True):
if not yaqlutils.is_iterable(seed):
seed = [seed]
visited = None if not track_visited else set()
queue = collections.deque(seed)
while queue:
item = queue.popleft()
if track_visited:
if item in visited:
produced = (yield item)
if produced is None and producer:
produced = producer(item)
if produced:
def cast(obj, murano_class, pov_or_version_spec=None):
if isinstance(obj, dsl_types.MuranoObjectInterface):
obj = obj.object
if isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, dsl_types.MuranoClass):
pov_or_version_spec = pov_or_version_spec.package
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, basestring):
pov_or_version_spec = parse_version_spec(pov_or_version_spec)
if isinstance(murano_class, dsl_types.MuranoClass):
if pov_or_version_spec is None:
pov_or_version_spec = parse_version_spec(murano_class.version)
murano_class = murano_class.name
candidates = []
for cls in obj.type.ancestors():
if cls.name != murano_class:
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, semantic_version.Version):
if cls.version != pov_or_version_spec:
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, semantic_version.Spec):
if cls.version not in pov_or_version_spec:
elif isinstance(pov_or_version_spec, dsl_types.MuranoPackage):
requirement = pov_or_version_spec.requirements.get(
if requirement is None:
raise exceptions.NoClassFound(murano_class)
if cls.version not in requirement:
elif pov_or_version_spec is not None:
raise ValueError('pov_or_version_spec of unsupported '
'type {0}'.format(type(pov_or_version_spec)))
if not candidates:
raise exceptions.NoClassFound(murano_class)
elif len(candidates) > 1:
raise exceptions.AmbiguousClassName(murano_class)
return obj.cast(candidates[0])
def is_instance_of(obj, class_name, pov_or_version_spec=None):
cast(obj, class_name, pov_or_version_spec)
return True
except (exceptions.NoClassFound, exceptions.AmbiguousClassName):
return False
def filter_parameters_dict(parameters):
parameters = parameters.copy()
for name in parameters.keys():
if not is_keyword(name):
del parameters[name]
return parameters
def memoize(func):
cache = {}
def wrap(*args):
if args not in cache:
result = func(*args)
cache[args] = result
return result
return cache[args]
return wrap
def normalize_version_spec(version_spec):
def coerce(v):
return semantic_version.Version('{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(
v.major, v.minor or 0, v.patch or 0
def increment(v):
# NOTE(ativelkov): replace these implementations with next_minor() and
# next_major() calls when the semantic_version is updated in global
# requirements.
if v.minor is None:
return semantic_version.Version(
'.'.join(str(x) for x in [v.major + 1, 0, 0]))
return semantic_version.Version(
'.'.join(str(x) for x in [v.major, v.minor + 1, 0]))
def extend(v):
return semantic_version.Version(str(v) + '-0')
transformations = {
'>': [('>=', (increment, extend))],
'>=': [('>=', (coerce,))],
'<': [('<', (coerce, extend))],
'<=': [('<', (increment, extend))],
'!=': [('>=', (increment, extend))],
'==': [('>=', (coerce,)), ('<', (increment, coerce, extend))]
new_parts = []
for item in version_spec.specs:
if item.kind == '*':
elif item.spec.patch is not None:
for op, funcs in transformations[item.kind]:
reduce(lambda v, f: f(v), funcs, item.spec)
if not new_parts:
return semantic_version.Spec('*')
return semantic_version.Spec(*new_parts)
semver_to_api_map = {
'>': 'gt',
'>=': 'ge',
'<': 'lt',
'<=': 'le',
'!=': 'ne',
'==': 'eq'
def breakdown_spec_to_query(normalized_spec):
res = []
for item in normalized_spec.specs:
if item.kind == '*':
res.append("%s:%s" % (semver_to_api_map[item.kind],
return res