New framework for MuranoPL contracts was written. Now instead of several independent implementations of the same yaql methods (string(), class() etc.) all implementations of the same method are combined into single class so no we have class per contract method. This also simplifies development of new contracts. Each such class can provide methods for data transformation (default contract usqage), validation that is used to decide if the method can be considered an extension method for the value, and json schema generation method that were moved from the schema generator script. Previously for when the class used to override property from the parent class assigned value were stored separately for both of them transformed by each of the contracts. Thus each class saw the value by its contract. In absolute majority of the cases the observed value was the same. However if the contracts were compatible on the provided value (say int() and string() contracts on the value "123") they were different. This is considered to be a bad pattern. Now the value is stored only once per object and transformed by the contract defined in the actual object type. All base contracts are used to validate the transformed object thus the this pattern will not work anymore. The value that is stored in the object's properties is obtained by executing special "finalize" contract implementation which usually returns the input value unmodified. Because validation happens on the transformed value before it gets finalized it is possible for transformation to return a value that will pass the validation though the final value won't. This is used to relax the template() contract limitation that prevented child class to exclude additional properties from the template. string() contracts is no longer converts to string anythin possible but only the scalar values. Previous behavior caused string() property accept lists and convert them to their Python string representation which is clearly not what developers expected. Due to the refactoring contracts work a little bit faster because there is no more need to generate yaql function definition of each contract method on each call. Change-Id: If0e21c2a8c545c4a0419e0ec58e5d129318bb4c2
413 lines
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413 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import weakref
import six
import yaql
from yaql.language import contexts
from yaql.language import conventions
from yaql.language import factory
from yaql.language import specs
from yaql.language import utils
from yaql.language import yaqltypes
from yaql import legacy
from murano.dsl import constants
from murano.dsl import dsl
from murano.dsl import dsl_types
from murano.dsl import helpers
from murano.dsl import yaql_functions
'yaql.limitIterators': constants.ITERATORS_LIMIT,
'yaql.memoryQuota': constants.EXPRESSION_MEMORY_QUOTA,
'yaql.convertSetsToLists': True,
'yaql.convertTuplesToLists': True,
'yaql.iterableDicts': True
'yaql.limitIterators': constants.ITERATORS_LIMIT,
'yaql.memoryQuota': constants.EXPRESSION_MEMORY_QUOTA,
'yaql.convertSetsToLists': True,
'yaql.convertTuplesToLists': True
def _add_operators(engine_factory):
'>', True, 'is', factory.OperatorType.BINARY_LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE, False)
None, True, ':', factory.OperatorType.BINARY_LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE, True)
':', True, ':', factory.OperatorType.PREFIX_UNARY, False)
engine_factory.operators.insert(0, ())
def _create_engine(runtime_version):
engine_factory = factory.YaqlFactory()
options = (ENGINE_10_OPTIONS
if runtime_version <= constants.RUNTIME_VERSION_1_1
return engine_factory.create(options=options)
def _finalize(obj, context):
return helpers.evaluate(obj, context)
CONVENTION = conventions.CamelCaseConvention()
ENGINE_10 = _create_engine(constants.RUNTIME_VERSION_1_0)
ENGINE_12 = _create_engine(constants.RUNTIME_VERSION_1_2)
ROOT_CONTEXT_10 = legacy.create_context(
convention=CONVENTION, finalizer=_finalize)
ROOT_CONTEXT_12 = yaql.create_context(
convention=CONVENTION, finalizer=_finalize)
class ContractedValue(yaqltypes.GenericType):
def __init__(self, value_spec, with_check=False):
def converter(value, receiver, context, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(receiver, dsl_types.MuranoObject):
this = receiver.real_this
this = receiver
return value_spec.transform(
value, this, context[constants.CTX_ARGUMENT_OWNER],
def checker(value, context, *args, **kwargs):
return value_spec.check_type(value, context)
super(ContractedValue, self).__init__(
True, checker if with_check else None, converter)
def convert(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
if value is None:
return self.converter(value, *args, **kwargs)
return super(ContractedValue, self).convert(value, *args, **kwargs)
def create_empty_context():
context = contexts.Context(convention=CONVENTION)
return context
def create_context(runtime_version):
if runtime_version <= constants.RUNTIME_VERSION_1_1:
context = ROOT_CONTEXT_10.create_child_context()
context = ROOT_CONTEXT_12.create_child_context()
context[constants.CTX_YAQL_ENGINE] = choose_yaql_engine(runtime_version)
return yaql_functions.register(context, runtime_version)
def choose_yaql_engine(runtime_version):
return (ENGINE_10 if runtime_version <= constants.RUNTIME_VERSION_1_1
else ENGINE_12)
def parse(expression, runtime_version):
return choose_yaql_engine(runtime_version)(expression)
def call_func(__context, __name, *args, **kwargs):
engine = __context[constants.CTX_YAQL_ENGINE]
return __context(__name, engine)(
**{CONVENTION.convert_parameter_name(key): value
for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs)})
def _infer_parameter_type(name, class_name):
if name == 'context':
return yaqltypes.Context()
if name == 'this':
return dsl.ThisParameter()
if name == 'interfaces':
return dsl.InterfacesParameter()
if name == 'yaql_engine':
return yaqltypes.Engine()
if name.startswith('__'):
return _infer_parameter_type(name[2:], class_name)
if class_name and name.startswith('_{0}__'.format(class_name)):
return _infer_parameter_type(name[3 + len(class_name):], class_name)
def get_function_definition(func, murano_method, original_name):
cls = murano_method.declaring_type.extension_class
param_type_func = \
lambda name: None if not cls else _infer_parameter_type(
name, cls.__name__)
body = func
if (cls is None or helpers.inspect_is_method(cls, original_name) or
helpers.inspect_is_classmethod(cls, original_name)):
body = helpers.function(func)
fd = specs.get_function_definition(
body, convention=CONVENTION,
fd.is_method = True
fd.is_function = False
if not cls or helpers.inspect_is_method(cls, original_name):
if cls and helpers.inspect_is_classmethod(cls, original_name):
body = func
name = getattr(func, '__murano_name', None)
if name:
fd.name = name
'?1', yaqltypes.Context(), 0))
is_static = cls and (
helpers.inspect_is_static(cls, original_name) or
helpers.inspect_is_classmethod(cls, original_name))
if is_static:
'?2', yaqltypes.PythonType(object), 1))
def payload(__context, __self, *args, **kwargs):
with helpers.contextual(__context):
__context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE] = \
return body(__self.extension, *args, **kwargs)
def static_payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
with helpers.contextual(__context):
__context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE] = \
return body(*args, **kwargs)
if is_static:
fd.payload = static_payload
fd.payload = payload
fd.meta[constants.META_MURANO_METHOD] = murano_method
return fd
def _remove_first_parameter(fd):
first_param = None
first_param_name = None
for p_name, p in fd.parameters.items():
if isinstance(p.value_type, yaqltypes.HiddenParameterType):
if p.position is None:
if first_param is None or p.position < first_param.position:
first_param = p
first_param_name = p_name
if first_param:
del fd.parameters[first_param_name]
for p_name, p in fd.parameters.items():
if p.position is not None and p.position > first_param.position:
p.position -= 1
def build_stub_function_definitions(murano_method):
if isinstance(murano_method.body, specs.FunctionDefinition):
return _build_native_stub_function_definitions(murano_method)
return _build_mpl_stub_function_definitions(murano_method)
def _build_native_stub_function_definitions(murano_method):
runtime_version = murano_method.declaring_type.package.runtime_version
engine = choose_yaql_engine(runtime_version)
@specs.meta(constants.META_MURANO_METHOD, murano_method)
@specs.parameter('__receiver', yaqltypes.NotOfType(
def payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
args = tuple(dsl.to_mutable(arg, engine) for arg in args)
kwargs = dsl.to_mutable(kwargs, engine)
return helpers.evaluate(murano_method.invoke(
__receiver, args, kwargs, __context, True), __context)
@specs.meta(constants.META_MURANO_METHOD, murano_method)
@specs.parameter('__receiver', yaqltypes.NotOfType(
def extension_payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
args = tuple(dsl.to_mutable(arg, engine) for arg in args)
kwargs = dsl.to_mutable(kwargs, engine)
return helpers.evaluate(murano_method.invoke(
murano_method.declaring_type, (__receiver,) + args, kwargs,
__context, True), __context)
@specs.meta(constants.META_MURANO_METHOD, murano_method)
@specs.parameter('__receiver', dsl_types.MuranoTypeReference)
def static_payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
args = tuple(dsl.to_mutable(arg, engine) for arg in args)
kwargs = dsl.to_mutable(kwargs, engine)
return helpers.evaluate(murano_method.invoke(
__receiver, args, kwargs, __context, True), __context)
if murano_method.usage in dsl_types.MethodUsages.InstanceMethods:
return specs.get_function_definition(payload), None
elif murano_method.usage == dsl_types.MethodUsages.Static:
return (specs.get_function_definition(payload),
elif murano_method.usage == dsl_types.MethodUsages.Extension:
return (specs.get_function_definition(extension_payload),
raise ValueError('Unknown method usage ' + murano_method.usage)
def _build_mpl_stub_function_definitions(murano_method):
if murano_method.usage in dsl_types.MethodUsages.InstanceMethods:
return _create_instance_mpl_stub(murano_method), None
elif murano_method.usage == dsl_types.MethodUsages.Static:
return (_create_instance_mpl_stub(murano_method),
elif murano_method.usage == dsl_types.MethodUsages.Extension:
return (_create_extension_mpl_stub(murano_method),
raise ValueError('Unknown method usage ' + murano_method.usage)
def _create_instance_mpl_stub(murano_method):
def payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
return murano_method.invoke(__receiver, args, kwargs, __context, True)
fd = _create_basic_mpl_stub(murano_method, 1, payload, False)
receiver_type = dsl.MuranoObjectParameter(
weakref.proxy(murano_method.declaring_type), decorate=False)
fd.set_parameter(specs.ParameterDefinition('__receiver', receiver_type, 1))
return fd
def _create_static_mpl_stub(murano_method):
def payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
return murano_method.invoke(__receiver, args, kwargs, __context, True)
fd = _create_basic_mpl_stub(murano_method, 1, payload, False)
receiver_type = dsl.MuranoTypeParameter(
weakref.proxy(murano_method.declaring_type), resolve_strings=False)
fd.set_parameter(specs.ParameterDefinition('__receiver', receiver_type, 1))
return fd
def _create_extension_mpl_stub(murano_method):
def payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
return murano_method.invoke(
murano_method.declaring_type, (__receiver,) + args, kwargs,
__context, True)
return _create_basic_mpl_stub(murano_method, 0, payload, True)
def _create_basic_mpl_stub(murano_method, reserve_params, payload,
fd = specs.FunctionDefinition(
murano_method.name, payload, is_function=False, is_method=True)
i = reserve_params + 1
varargs = False
kwargs = False
for name, arg_spec in six.iteritems(murano_method.arguments_scheme):
position = i
if arg_spec.usage == dsl_types.MethodArgumentUsages.VarArgs:
name = '*'
varargs = True
elif arg_spec.usage == dsl_types.MethodArgumentUsages.KwArgs:
name = '**'
position = None
kwargs = True
p = specs.ParameterDefinition(
name, ContractedValue(arg_spec, with_check=check_first_arg),
position=position, default=dsl.NO_VALUE)
check_first_arg = False
fd.parameters[name] = p
i += 1
if not varargs:
fd.parameters['*'] = specs.ParameterDefinition(
value_type=yaqltypes.PythonType(object, nullable=True),
if not kwargs:
fd.parameters['**'] = specs.ParameterDefinition(
'**', value_type=yaqltypes.PythonType(object, nullable=True))
'__context', yaqltypes.Context(), 0))
fd.meta[constants.META_MURANO_METHOD] = murano_method
return fd
def get_class_factory_definition(cls, murano_class):
runtime_version = murano_class.package.runtime_version
engine = choose_yaql_engine(runtime_version)
def payload(__context, __receiver, *args, **kwargs):
args = tuple(dsl.to_mutable(arg, engine) for arg in args)
kwargs = dsl.to_mutable(kwargs, engine)
with helpers.contextual(__context):
__context[constants.CTX_NAMES_SCOPE] = murano_class
result = helpers.evaluate(cls(*args, **kwargs), __context)
__receiver.object.extension = result
fd = specs.get_function_definition(
parameter_type_func=lambda name: _infer_parameter_type(
name, cls.__name__),
except AttributeError:
# __init__ is a slot wrapper inherited from object or other C type
fd = specs.get_function_definition(lambda self: None)
fd.meta[constants.META_NO_TRACE] = True
'?1', yaqltypes.Context(), position=0))
fd.is_method = True
fd.is_function = False
fd.name = '__init__'
fd.payload = payload
return fd
def filter_parameters(__fd, *args, **kwargs):
if '*' not in __fd.parameters:
position_args = 0
for p in six.itervalues(__fd.parameters):
if p.position is not None:
position_args += 1
args = args[:position_args]
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
for name in list(kwargs.keys()):
if not utils.is_keyword(name):
del kwargs[name]
if '**' not in __fd.parameters:
names = {p.alias or p.name for p in six.itervalues(__fd.parameters)}
for name in list(kwargs.keys()):
if name not in names:
del kwargs[name]
return args, kwargs