/* * noVNC: HTML5 VNC client * Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Martin * Copyright (C) 2016 Samuel Mannehed for Cendio AB * Licensed under MPL 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt) * * See README.md for usage and integration instructions. */ /* jslint white: false, browser: true */ /* global window, $D, Util, WebUtil, RFB, Display */ var UI; (function () { "use strict"; // Load supporting scripts window.onscriptsload = function () { UI.load(); }; Util.load_scripts(["webutil.js", "base64.js", "websock.js", "des.js", "keysymdef.js", "keyboard.js", "input.js", "display.js", "rfb.js", "keysym.js", "inflator.js"]); UI = { rfb_state: 'loaded', resizeTimeout: null, popupStatusTimeout: null, hideKeyboardTimeout: null, settingsOpen: false, connSettingsOpen: false, clipboardOpen: false, keyboardVisible: false, isTouchDevice: false, isSafari: false, rememberedClipSetting: null, lastKeyboardinput: null, defaultKeyboardinputLen: 100, shiftDown: false, ctrlDown: false, altDown: false, altGrDown: false, // Setup rfb object, load settings from browser storage, then call // UI.init to setup the UI/menus load: function(callback) { WebUtil.initSettings(UI.start, callback); }, // Render default UI and initialize settings menu start: function(callback) { UI.isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; // Stylesheet selection dropdown var sheet = WebUtil.selectStylesheet(); var sheets = WebUtil.getStylesheets(); var i; for (i = 0; i < sheets.length; i += 1) { UI.addOption($D('noVNC_setting_stylesheet'),sheets[i].title, sheets[i].title); } // Logging selection dropdown var llevels = ['error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug']; for (i = 0; i < llevels.length; i += 1) { UI.addOption($D('noVNC_setting_logging'),llevels[i], llevels[i]); } // Settings with immediate effects UI.initSetting('logging', 'warn'); WebUtil.init_logging(UI.getSetting('logging')); UI.initSetting('stylesheet', 'default'); WebUtil.selectStylesheet(null); // call twice to get around webkit bug WebUtil.selectStylesheet(UI.getSetting('stylesheet')); // if port == 80 (or 443) then it won't be present and should be // set manually var port = window.location.port; if (!port) { if (window.location.protocol.substring(0,5) == 'https') { port = 443; } else if (window.location.protocol.substring(0,4) == 'http') { port = 80; } } /* Populate the controls if defaults are provided in the URL */ UI.initSetting('host', window.location.hostname); UI.initSetting('port', port); UI.initSetting('password', ''); UI.initSetting('encrypt', (window.location.protocol === "https:")); UI.initSetting('true_color', true); UI.initSetting('cursor', !UI.isTouchDevice); UI.initSetting('resize', 'off'); UI.initSetting('shared', true); UI.initSetting('view_only', false); UI.initSetting('path', 'websockify'); UI.initSetting('repeaterID', ''); UI.initSetting('token', ''); var autoconnect = WebUtil.getConfigVar('autoconnect', false); if (autoconnect === 'true' || autoconnect == '1') { autoconnect = true; UI.connect(); } else { autoconnect = false; } UI.updateVisualState(); $D('noVNC_setting_host').focus(); // Show mouse selector buttons on touch screen devices if (UI.isTouchDevice) { // Show mobile buttons $D('noVNC_mobile_buttons').style.display = "inline"; UI.setMouseButton(); // Remove the address bar setTimeout(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 1); }, 100); UI.forceSetting('clip', true); } else { UI.initSetting('clip', false); } UI.setViewClip(); UI.setBarPosition(); Util.addEvent(window, 'resize', function () { UI.applyResizeMode(); UI.setViewClip(); UI.updateViewDrag(); UI.setBarPosition(); } ); UI.isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1); // Only show the button if fullscreen is properly supported // * Safari doesn't support alphanumerical input while in fullscreen if (!UI.isSafari && (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen || document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen || document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen || document.body.msRequestFullscreen)) { $D('fullscreenButton').style.display = "inline"; Util.addEvent(window, 'fullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); Util.addEvent(window, 'mozfullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); Util.addEvent(window, 'webkitfullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); Util.addEvent(window, 'msfullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); } Util.addEvent(window, 'load', UI.keyboardinputReset); Util.addEvent(window, 'beforeunload', function () { if (UI.rfb && UI.rfb_state === 'normal') { return "You are currently connected."; } } ); // Show description by default when hosted at for kanaka.github.com if (location.host === "kanaka.github.io") { // Open the description dialog $D('noVNC_description').style.display = "block"; } else { // Show the connect panel on first load unless autoconnecting if (autoconnect === UI.connSettingsOpen) { UI.toggleConnectPanel(); } } // Add mouse event click/focus/blur event handlers to the UI UI.addMouseHandlers(); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(UI.rfb); } }, initRFB: function() { try { UI.rfb = new RFB({'target': $D('noVNC_canvas'), 'onUpdateState': UI.updateState, 'onXvpInit': UI.updateXvpButton, 'onClipboard': UI.clipboardReceive, 'onFBUComplete': UI.initialResize, 'onFBResize': UI.updateViewDrag, 'onDesktopName': UI.updateDocumentTitle}); return true; } catch (exc) { UI.updateState(null, 'fatal', null, 'Unable to create RFB client -- ' + exc); return false; } }, addMouseHandlers: function() { // Setup interface handlers that can't be inline $D("noVNC_view_drag_button").onclick = UI.toggleViewDrag; $D("noVNC_mouse_button0").onclick = function () { UI.setMouseButton(1); }; $D("noVNC_mouse_button1").onclick = function () { UI.setMouseButton(2); }; $D("noVNC_mouse_button2").onclick = function () { UI.setMouseButton(4); }; $D("noVNC_mouse_button4").onclick = function () { UI.setMouseButton(0); }; $D("showKeyboard").onclick = UI.showKeyboard; $D("keyboardinput").oninput = UI.keyInput; $D("keyboardinput").onblur = UI.hideKeyboard; $D("keyboardinput").onsubmit = function () { return false; }; $D("toggleExtraKeysButton").onclick = UI.toggleExtraKeys; $D("toggleCtrlButton").onclick = UI.toggleCtrl; $D("toggleAltButton").onclick = UI.toggleAlt; $D("sendTabButton").onclick = UI.sendTab; $D("sendEscButton").onclick = UI.sendEsc; $D("sendCtrlAltDelButton").onclick = UI.sendCtrlAltDel; $D("xvpShutdownButton").onclick = function() { UI.rfb.xvpShutdown(); }, $D("xvpRebootButton").onclick = function() { UI.rfb.xvpReboot(); }, $D("xvpResetButton").onclick = function() { UI.rfb.xvpReset(); }, $D("noVNC_status").onclick = UI.popupStatus; $D("noVNC_popup_status").onclick = UI.closePopup; $D("xvpButton").onclick = UI.toggleXvpPanel; $D("clipboardButton").onclick = UI.toggleClipboardPanel; $D("fullscreenButton").onclick = UI.toggleFullscreen; $D("settingsButton").onclick = UI.toggleSettingsPanel; $D("connectButton").onclick = UI.toggleConnectPanel; $D("disconnectButton").onclick = UI.disconnect; $D("descriptionButton").onclick = UI.toggleConnectPanel; $D("noVNC_clipboard_text").onfocus = UI.displayBlur; $D("noVNC_clipboard_text").onblur = UI.displayFocus; $D("noVNC_clipboard_text").onchange = UI.clipboardSend; $D("noVNC_clipboard_clear_button").onclick = UI.clipboardClear; $D("noVNC_settings_menu").onmouseover = UI.displayBlur; $D("noVNC_settings_menu").onmouseover = UI.displayFocus; $D("noVNC_settings_apply").onclick = UI.settingsApply; $D("noVNC_connect_button").onclick = UI.connect; $D("noVNC_setting_resize").onchange = UI.enableDisableViewClip; }, /* ------^------- * /INIT * ============== * VISUAL * ------v------*/ updateState: function(rfb, state, oldstate, msg) { UI.rfb_state = state; var klass; switch (state) { case 'failed': case 'fatal': klass = "noVNC_status_error"; break; case 'normal': klass = "noVNC_status_normal"; break; case 'disconnected': $D('noVNC_logo').style.display = "block"; $D('noVNC_screen').style.display = "none"; /* falls through */ case 'loaded': klass = "noVNC_status_normal"; break; case 'password': UI.toggleConnectPanel(); $D('noVNC_connect_button').value = "Send Password"; $D('noVNC_connect_button').onclick = UI.setPassword; $D('noVNC_setting_password').focus(); klass = "noVNC_status_warn"; break; default: klass = "noVNC_status_warn"; break; } if (typeof(msg) !== 'undefined') { $D('noVNC-control-bar').setAttribute("class", klass); $D('noVNC_status').innerHTML = msg; } UI.updateVisualState(); }, // Disable/enable controls depending on connection state updateVisualState: function() { var connected = UI.rfb && UI.rfb_state === 'normal'; //Util.Debug(">> updateVisualState"); $D('noVNC_setting_encrypt').disabled = connected; $D('noVNC_setting_true_color').disabled = connected; if (Util.browserSupportsCursorURIs()) { $D('noVNC_setting_cursor').disabled = connected; } else { UI.updateSetting('cursor', !UI.isTouchDevice); $D('noVNC_setting_cursor').disabled = true; } UI.enableDisableViewClip(); $D('noVNC_setting_resize').disabled = connected; $D('noVNC_setting_shared').disabled = connected; $D('noVNC_setting_view_only').disabled = connected; $D('noVNC_setting_path').disabled = connected; $D('noVNC_setting_repeaterID').disabled = connected; if (connected) { UI.setViewClip(); UI.setMouseButton(1); $D('clipboardButton').style.display = "inline"; $D('showKeyboard').style.display = "inline"; $D('noVNC_extra_keys').style.display = ""; $D('sendCtrlAltDelButton').style.display = "inline"; } else { UI.setMouseButton(); $D('clipboardButton').style.display = "none"; $D('showKeyboard').style.display = "none"; $D('noVNC_extra_keys').style.display = "none"; $D('sendCtrlAltDelButton').style.display = "none"; UI.updateXvpButton(0); } // State change disables viewport dragging. // It is enabled (toggled) by direct click on the button UI.updateViewDrag(false); switch (UI.rfb_state) { case 'fatal': case 'failed': case 'disconnected': $D('connectButton').style.display = ""; $D('disconnectButton').style.display = "none"; UI.connSettingsOpen = false; UI.toggleConnectPanel(); break; case 'loaded': $D('connectButton').style.display = ""; $D('disconnectButton').style.display = "none"; break; default: $D('connectButton').style.display = "none"; $D('disconnectButton').style.display = ""; break; } //Util.Debug("<< updateVisualState"); }, popupStatus: function(text) { var psp = $D('noVNC_popup_status'); clearTimeout(UI.popupStatusTimeout); if (typeof text === 'string') { psp.innerHTML = text; } else { psp.innerHTML = $D('noVNC_status').innerHTML; } psp.style.display = "block"; psp.style.left = window.innerWidth/2 - parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(psp).width)/2 -30 + "px"; // Show the popup for a maximum of 1.5 seconds UI.popupStatusTimeout = setTimeout(function() { UI.closePopup(); }, 1500); }, closePopup: function() { clearTimeout(UI.popupStatusTimeout); $D('noVNC_popup_status').style.display = "none"; }, /* ------^------- * /VISUAL * ============== * SETTINGS * ------v------*/ // Initial page load read/initialization of settings initSetting: function(name, defVal) { // Check Query string followed by cookie var val = WebUtil.getConfigVar(name); if (val === null) { val = WebUtil.readSetting(name, defVal); } UI.updateSetting(name, val); return val; }, // Update cookie and form control setting. If value is not set, then // updates from control to current cookie setting. updateSetting: function(name, value) { // Save the cookie for this session if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { WebUtil.writeSetting(name, value); } // Update the settings control value = UI.getSetting(name); var ctrl = $D('noVNC_setting_' + name); if (ctrl.type === 'checkbox') { ctrl.checked = value; } else if (typeof ctrl.options !== 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < ctrl.options.length; i += 1) { if (ctrl.options[i].value === value) { ctrl.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } else { /*Weird IE9 error leads to 'null' appearring in textboxes instead of ''.*/ if (value === null) { value = ""; } ctrl.value = value; } }, // Save control setting to cookie saveSetting: function(name) { var val, ctrl = $D('noVNC_setting_' + name); if (ctrl.type === 'checkbox') { val = ctrl.checked; } else if (typeof ctrl.options !== 'undefined') { val = ctrl.options[ctrl.selectedIndex].value; } else { val = ctrl.value; } WebUtil.writeSetting(name, val); //Util.Debug("Setting saved '" + name + "=" + val + "'"); return val; }, // Force a setting to be a certain value forceSetting: function(name, val) { UI.updateSetting(name, val); return val; }, // Read form control compatible setting from cookie getSetting: function(name) { var ctrl = $D('noVNC_setting_' + name); var val = WebUtil.readSetting(name); if (typeof val !== 'undefined' && val !== null && ctrl.type === 'checkbox') { if (val.toString().toLowerCase() in {'0':1, 'no':1, 'false':1}) { val = false; } else { val = true; } } return val; }, // Save/apply settings when 'Apply' button is pressed settingsApply: function() { //Util.Debug(">> settingsApply"); UI.saveSetting('encrypt'); UI.saveSetting('true_color'); if (Util.browserSupportsCursorURIs()) { UI.saveSetting('cursor'); } UI.saveSetting('resize'); if (UI.getSetting('resize') === 'downscale' || UI.getSetting('resize') === 'scale') { UI.forceSetting('clip', false); } UI.saveSetting('clip'); UI.saveSetting('shared'); UI.saveSetting('view_only'); UI.saveSetting('path'); UI.saveSetting('repeaterID'); UI.saveSetting('stylesheet'); UI.saveSetting('logging'); // Settings with immediate (non-connected related) effect WebUtil.selectStylesheet(UI.getSetting('stylesheet')); WebUtil.init_logging(UI.getSetting('logging')); UI.setViewClip(); UI.updateViewDrag(); //Util.Debug("<< settingsApply"); }, // Open menu openSettingsMenu: function() { // Close the description panel $D('noVNC_description').style.display = "none"; // Close clipboard panel if open if (UI.clipboardOpen === true) { UI.toggleClipboardPanel(); } // Close connection settings if open if (UI.connSettingsOpen === true) { UI.toggleConnectPanel(); } // Close XVP panel if open if (UI.xvpOpen === true) { UI.toggleXvpPanel(); } $D('noVNC_settings').style.display = "block"; $D('settingsButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.settingsOpen = true; }, // Close menu (without applying settings) closeSettingsMenu: function() { $D('noVNC_settings').style.display = "none"; $D('settingsButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.settingsOpen = false; }, // Toggle the settings menu: // On open, settings are refreshed from saved cookies. // On close, settings are applied toggleSettingsPanel: function() { // Close the description panel $D('noVNC_description').style.display = "none"; if (UI.settingsOpen) { UI.settingsApply(); UI.closeSettingsMenu(); } else { UI.updateSetting('encrypt'); UI.updateSetting('true_color'); if (Util.browserSupportsCursorURIs()) { UI.updateSetting('cursor'); } else { UI.updateSetting('cursor', !UI.isTouchDevice); $D('noVNC_setting_cursor').disabled = true; } UI.updateSetting('clip'); UI.updateSetting('resize'); UI.updateSetting('shared'); UI.updateSetting('view_only'); UI.updateSetting('path'); UI.updateSetting('repeaterID'); UI.updateSetting('stylesheet'); UI.updateSetting('logging'); UI.openSettingsMenu(); } }, /* ------^------- * /SETTINGS * ============== * XVP * ------v------*/ // Show the XVP panel toggleXvpPanel: function() { // Close the description panel $D('noVNC_description').style.display = "none"; // Close settings if open if (UI.settingsOpen === true) { UI.settingsApply(); UI.closeSettingsMenu(); } // Close connection settings if open if (UI.connSettingsOpen === true) { UI.toggleConnectPanel(); } // Close clipboard panel if open if (UI.clipboardOpen === true) { UI.toggleClipboardPanel(); } // Toggle XVP panel if (UI.xvpOpen === true) { $D('noVNC_xvp').style.display = "none"; $D('xvpButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.xvpOpen = false; } else { $D('noVNC_xvp').style.display = "block"; $D('xvpButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.xvpOpen = true; } }, // Disable/enable XVP button updateXvpButton: function(ver) { if (ver >= 1) { $D('xvpButton').style.display = 'inline'; } else { $D('xvpButton').style.display = 'none'; // Close XVP panel if open if (UI.xvpOpen === true) { UI.toggleXvpPanel(); } } }, /* ------^------- * /XVP * ============== * CLIPBOARD * ------v------*/ // Show the clipboard panel toggleClipboardPanel: function() { // Close the description panel $D('noVNC_description').style.display = "none"; // Close settings if open if (UI.settingsOpen === true) { UI.settingsApply(); UI.closeSettingsMenu(); } // Close connection settings if open if (UI.connSettingsOpen === true) { UI.toggleConnectPanel(); } // Close XVP panel if open if (UI.xvpOpen === true) { UI.toggleXvpPanel(); } // Toggle Clipboard Panel if (UI.clipboardOpen === true) { $D('noVNC_clipboard').style.display = "none"; $D('clipboardButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.clipboardOpen = false; } else { $D('noVNC_clipboard').style.display = "block"; $D('clipboardButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.clipboardOpen = true; } }, clipboardReceive: function(rfb, text) { Util.Debug(">> UI.clipboardReceive: " + text.substr(0,40) + "..."); $D('noVNC_clipboard_text').value = text; Util.Debug("<< UI.clipboardReceive"); }, clipboardClear: function() { $D('noVNC_clipboard_text').value = ""; UI.rfb.clipboardPasteFrom(""); }, clipboardSend: function() { var text = $D('noVNC_clipboard_text').value; Util.Debug(">> UI.clipboardSend: " + text.substr(0,40) + "..."); UI.rfb.clipboardPasteFrom(text); Util.Debug("<< UI.clipboardSend"); }, /* ------^------- * /CLIPBOARD * ============== * CONNECTION * ------v------*/ // Show the connection settings panel/menu toggleConnectPanel: function() { // Close the description panel $D('noVNC_description').style.display = "none"; // Close connection settings if open if (UI.settingsOpen === true) { UI.settingsApply(); UI.closeSettingsMenu(); $D('connectButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; } // Close clipboard panel if open if (UI.clipboardOpen === true) { UI.toggleClipboardPanel(); } // Close XVP panel if open if (UI.xvpOpen === true) { UI.toggleXvpPanel(); } // Toggle Connection Panel if (UI.connSettingsOpen === true) { $D('noVNC_controls').style.display = "none"; $D('connectButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.connSettingsOpen = false; UI.saveSetting('host'); UI.saveSetting('port'); UI.saveSetting('token'); //UI.saveSetting('password'); } else { $D('noVNC_controls').style.display = "block"; $D('connectButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.connSettingsOpen = true; $D('noVNC_setting_host').focus(); } }, connect: function() { UI.closeSettingsMenu(); UI.toggleConnectPanel(); var host = $D('noVNC_setting_host').value; var port = $D('noVNC_setting_port').value; var password = $D('noVNC_setting_password').value; var token = $D('noVNC_setting_token').value; var path = $D('noVNC_setting_path').value; //if token is in path then ignore the new token variable if (token) { path = WebUtil.injectParamIfMissing(path, "token", token); } if ((!host) || (!port)) { throw new Error("Must set host and port"); } if (!UI.initRFB()) return; UI.rfb.set_encrypt(UI.getSetting('encrypt')); UI.rfb.set_true_color(UI.getSetting('true_color')); UI.rfb.set_local_cursor(UI.getSetting('cursor')); UI.rfb.set_shared(UI.getSetting('shared')); UI.rfb.set_view_only(UI.getSetting('view_only')); UI.rfb.set_repeaterID(UI.getSetting('repeaterID')); UI.rfb.connect(host, port, password, path); //Close dialog. setTimeout(function () { UI.setBarPosition; } ); $D('noVNC_logo').style.display = "none"; $D('noVNC_screen').style.display = "inline"; }, disconnect: function() { UI.closeSettingsMenu(); UI.rfb.disconnect(); // Restore the callback used for initial resize UI.rfb.set_onFBUComplete(UI.initialResize); $D('noVNC_logo').style.display = "block"; $D('noVNC_screen').style.display = "none"; // Don't display the connection settings until we're actually disconnected }, setPassword: function() { UI.rfb.sendPassword($D('noVNC_setting_password').value); //Reset connect button. $D('noVNC_connect_button').value = "Connect"; $D('noVNC_connect_button').onclick = UI.connect; //Hide connection panel. UI.toggleConnectPanel(); return false; }, /* ------^------- * /CONNECTION * ============== * FULLSCREEN * ------v------*/ toggleFullscreen: function() { if (document.fullscreenElement || // alternative standard method document.mozFullScreenElement || // currently working methods document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement) { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } } else { if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) { document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } else if (document.body.msRequestFullscreen) { document.body.msRequestFullscreen(); } } UI.enableDisableViewClip(); UI.updateFullscreenButton(); }, updateFullscreenButton: function() { if (document.fullscreenElement || // alternative standard method document.mozFullScreenElement || // currently working methods document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ) { $D('fullscreenButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; } else { $D('fullscreenButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; } }, /* ------^------- * /FULLSCREEN * ============== * RESIZE * ------v------*/ // Apply remote resizing or local scaling applyResizeMode: function() { if (!UI.rfb) return; var screen = UI.screenSize(); if (screen && UI.rfb_state === 'normal' && UI.rfb.get_display()) { var display = UI.rfb.get_display(); var resizeMode = UI.getSetting('resize'); if (resizeMode === 'remote') { // Request changing the resolution of the remote display to // the size of the local browser viewport. // In order to not send multiple requests before the browser-resize // is finished we wait 0.5 seconds before sending the request. clearTimeout(UI.resizeTimeout); UI.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ // Limit the viewport to the size of the browser window display.set_maxWidth(screen.w); display.set_maxHeight(screen.h); Util.Debug('Attempting setDesktopSize(' + screen.w + ', ' + screen.h + ')'); // Request a remote size covering the viewport UI.rfb.setDesktopSize(screen.w, screen.h); }, 500); } else if (resizeMode === 'scale' || resizeMode === 'downscale') { var downscaleOnly = resizeMode === 'downscale'; var scaleRatio = display.autoscale(screen.w, screen.h, downscaleOnly); UI.rfb.get_mouse().set_scale(scaleRatio); Util.Debug('Scaling by ' + UI.rfb.get_mouse().get_scale()); } } }, // The screen is always the same size as the available viewport // in the browser window minus the height of the control bar screenSize: function() { var screen = $D('noVNC_screen'); // Hide the scrollbars until the size is calculated screen.style.overflow = "hidden"; var pos = Util.getPosition(screen); var w = pos.width; var h = pos.height; screen.style.overflow = "visible"; if (isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)) { return false; } else { return {w: w, h: h}; } }, // Normally we only apply the current resize mode after a window resize // event. This means that when a new connection is opened, there is no // resize mode active. // We have to wait until the first FBU because this is where the client // will find the supported encodings of the server. Some calls later in // the chain is dependant on knowing the server-capabilities. initialResize: function(rfb, fbu) { UI.applyResizeMode(); // After doing this once, we remove the callback. UI.rfb.set_onFBUComplete(function() { }); }, /* ------^------- * /RESIZE * ============== * CLIPPING * ------v------*/ // Set and configure viewport clipping setViewClip: function(clip) { var display; if (UI.rfb) { display = UI.rfb.get_display(); } else { UI.forceSetting('clip', clip); return; } var cur_clip = display.get_viewport(); if (typeof(clip) !== 'boolean') { // Use current setting clip = UI.getSetting('clip'); } if (clip && !cur_clip) { // Turn clipping on UI.updateSetting('clip', true); } else if (!clip && cur_clip) { // Turn clipping off UI.updateSetting('clip', false); display.set_viewport(false); // Disable max dimensions display.set_maxWidth(0); display.set_maxHeight(0); display.viewportChangeSize(); } if (UI.getSetting('clip')) { // If clipping, update clipping settings display.set_viewport(true); var size = UI.screenSize(); if (size) { display.set_maxWidth(size.w); display.set_maxHeight(size.h); // Hide potential scrollbars that can skew the position $D('noVNC_screen').style.overflow = "hidden"; // The x position marks the left margin of the canvas, // remove the margin from both sides to keep it centered var new_w = size.w - (2 * Util.getPosition($D('noVNC_canvas')).x); $D('noVNC_screen').style.overflow = "visible"; display.viewportChangeSize(new_w, size.h); } } }, // Handle special cases where clipping is forced on/off or locked enableDisableViewClip: function() { var resizeSetting = $D('noVNC_setting_resize'); var connected = UI.rfb && UI.rfb_state === 'normal'; if (UI.isSafari) { // Safari auto-hides the scrollbars which makes them // impossible to use in most cases UI.setViewClip(true); $D('noVNC_setting_clip').disabled = true; } else if (resizeSetting.value === 'downscale' || resizeSetting.value === 'scale') { // Disable clipping if we are scaling UI.setViewClip(false); $D('noVNC_setting_clip').disabled = true; } else if (document.msFullscreenElement) { // The browser is IE and we are in fullscreen mode. // - We need to force clipping while in fullscreen since // scrollbars doesn't work. UI.popupStatus("Forcing clipping mode since scrollbars aren't supported by IE in fullscreen"); UI.rememberedClipSetting = UI.getSetting('clip'); UI.setViewClip(true); $D('noVNC_setting_clip').disabled = true; } else if (document.body.msRequestFullscreen && UI.rememberedClip !== null) { // Restore view clip to what it was before fullscreen on IE UI.setViewClip(UI.rememberedClipSetting); $D('noVNC_setting_clip').disabled = connected || UI.isTouchDevice; } else { $D('noVNC_setting_clip').disabled = connected || UI.isTouchDevice; if (UI.isTouchDevice) { UI.setViewClip(true); } } }, /* ------^------- * /CLIPPING * ============== * VIEWDRAG * ------v------*/ // Update the viewport drag state updateViewDrag: function(drag) { if (!UI.rfb) return; var viewDragButton = $D('noVNC_view_drag_button'); // Check if viewport drag is possible. It is only possible // if the remote display is clipping the client display. if (UI.rfb_state === 'normal' && UI.rfb.get_display().get_viewport() && UI.rfb.get_display().clippingDisplay()) { viewDragButton.style.display = "inline"; viewDragButton.disabled = false; } else { // The size of the remote display is the same or smaller // than the client display. Make sure viewport drag isn't // active when it can't be used. if (UI.rfb.get_viewportDrag) { viewDragButton.className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.rfb.set_viewportDrag(false); } // The button is disabled instead of hidden on touch devices if (UI.rfb_state === 'normal' && UI.isTouchDevice) { viewDragButton.style.display = "inline"; viewDragButton.disabled = true; } else { viewDragButton.style.display = "none"; } return; } if (typeof(drag) !== "undefined" && typeof(drag) !== "object") { if (drag) { viewDragButton.className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.rfb.set_viewportDrag(true); } else { viewDragButton.className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.rfb.set_viewportDrag(false); } } }, toggleViewDrag: function() { if (!UI.rfb) return; var viewDragButton = $D('noVNC_view_drag_button'); if (UI.rfb.get_viewportDrag()) { viewDragButton.className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.rfb.set_viewportDrag(false); } else { viewDragButton.className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.rfb.set_viewportDrag(true); } }, /* ------^------- * /VIEWDRAG * ============== * KEYBOARD * ------v------*/ // On touch devices, show the OS keyboard showKeyboard: function() { var kbi = $D('keyboardinput'); var skb = $D('showKeyboard'); var l = kbi.value.length; if(UI.keyboardVisible === false) { kbi.focus(); try { kbi.setSelectionRange(l, l); } // Move the caret to the end catch (err) {} // setSelectionRange is undefined in Google Chrome UI.keyboardVisible = true; skb.className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; } else if(UI.keyboardVisible === true) { kbi.blur(); skb.className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.keyboardVisible = false; } }, hideKeyboard: function() { $D('showKeyboard').className = "noVNC_status_button"; //Weird bug in iOS if you change keyboardVisible //here it does not actually occur so next time //you click keyboard icon it doesnt work. UI.hideKeyboardTimeout = setTimeout(function() { UI.keyboardVisible = false; },100); }, keepKeyboard: function() { clearTimeout(UI.hideKeyboardTimeout); if(UI.keyboardVisible === true) { $D('keyboardinput').focus(); $D('showKeyboard').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; } else if(UI.keyboardVisible === false) { $D('keyboardinput').blur(); $D('showKeyboard').className = "noVNC_status_button"; } }, keyboardinputReset: function() { var kbi = $D('keyboardinput'); kbi.value = new Array(UI.defaultKeyboardinputLen).join("_"); UI.lastKeyboardinput = kbi.value; }, // When normal keyboard events are left uncought, use the input events from // the keyboardinput element instead and generate the corresponding key events. // This code is required since some browsers on Android are inconsistent in // sending keyCodes in the normal keyboard events when using on screen keyboards. keyInput: function(event) { if (!UI.rfb) return; var newValue = event.target.value; if (!UI.lastKeyboardinput) { UI.keyboardinputReset(); } var oldValue = UI.lastKeyboardinput; var newLen; try { // Try to check caret position since whitespace at the end // will not be considered by value.length in some browsers newLen = Math.max(event.target.selectionStart, newValue.length); } catch (err) { // selectionStart is undefined in Google Chrome newLen = newValue.length; } var oldLen = oldValue.length; var backspaces; var inputs = newLen - oldLen; if (inputs < 0) { backspaces = -inputs; } else { backspaces = 0; } // Compare the old string with the new to account for // text-corrections or other input that modify existing text var i; for (i = 0; i < Math.min(oldLen, newLen); i++) { if (newValue.charAt(i) != oldValue.charAt(i)) { inputs = newLen - i; backspaces = oldLen - i; break; } } // Send the key events for (i = 0; i < backspaces; i++) { UI.rfb.sendKey(XK_BackSpace); } for (i = newLen - inputs; i < newLen; i++) { UI.rfb.sendKey(newValue.charCodeAt(i)); } // Control the text content length in the keyboardinput element if (newLen > 2 * UI.defaultKeyboardinputLen) { UI.keyboardinputReset(); } else if (newLen < 1) { // There always have to be some text in the keyboardinput // element with which backspace can interact. UI.keyboardinputReset(); // This sometimes causes the keyboard to disappear for a second // but it is required for the android keyboard to recognize that // text has been added to the field event.target.blur(); // This has to be ran outside of the input handler in order to work setTimeout(function() { UI.keepKeyboard(); }, 0); } else { UI.lastKeyboardinput = newValue; } }, toggleExtraKeys: function() { UI.keepKeyboard(); if(UI.extraKeysVisible === false) { $D('toggleCtrlButton').style.display = "inline"; $D('toggleAltButton').style.display = "inline"; $D('sendTabButton').style.display = "inline"; $D('sendEscButton').style.display = "inline"; $D('toggleExtraKeysButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.extraKeysVisible = true; } else if(UI.extraKeysVisible === true) { $D('toggleCtrlButton').style.display = ""; $D('toggleAltButton').style.display = ""; $D('sendTabButton').style.display = ""; $D('sendEscButton').style.display = ""; $D('toggleExtraKeysButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.extraKeysVisible = false; } }, sendEsc: function() { UI.keepKeyboard(); UI.rfb.sendKey(XK_Escape); }, sendTab: function() { UI.keepKeyboard(); UI.rfb.sendKey(XK_Tab); }, toggleCtrl: function() { UI.keepKeyboard(); if(UI.ctrlOn === false) { UI.rfb.sendKey(XK_Control_L, true); $D('toggleCtrlButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.ctrlOn = true; } else if(UI.ctrlOn === true) { UI.rfb.sendKey(XK_Control_L, false); $D('toggleCtrlButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.ctrlOn = false; } }, toggleAlt: function() { UI.keepKeyboard(); if(UI.altOn === false) { UI.rfb.sendKey(XK_Alt_L, true); $D('toggleAltButton').className = "noVNC_status_button_selected"; UI.altOn = true; } else if(UI.altOn === true) { UI.rfb.sendKey(XK_Alt_L, false); $D('toggleAltButton').className = "noVNC_status_button"; UI.altOn = false; } }, sendCtrlAltDel: function() { UI.rfb.sendCtrlAltDel(); }, /* ------^------- * /KEYBOARD * ============== * MISC * ------v------*/ setMouseButton: function(num) { if (typeof num === 'undefined') { // Disable mouse buttons num = -1; } if (UI.rfb) { UI.rfb.get_mouse().set_touchButton(num); } var blist = [0, 1,2,4]; for (var b = 0; b < blist.length; b++) { var button = $D('noVNC_mouse_button' + blist[b]); if (blist[b] === num) { button.style.display = ""; } else { button.style.display = "none"; } } }, displayBlur: function() { if (!UI.rfb) return; UI.rfb.get_keyboard().set_focused(false); UI.rfb.get_mouse().set_focused(false); }, displayFocus: function() { if (!UI.rfb) return; UI.rfb.get_keyboard().set_focused(true); UI.rfb.get_mouse().set_focused(true); }, // Display the desktop name in the document title updateDocumentTitle: function(rfb, name) { document.title = name + " - noVNC"; }, //Helper to add options to dropdown. addOption: function(selectbox, text, value) { var optn = document.createElement("OPTION"); optn.text = text; optn.value = value; selectbox.options.add(optn); }, setBarPosition: function() { $D('noVNC-control-bar').style.top = (window.pageYOffset) + 'px'; $D('noVNC_mobile_buttons').style.left = (window.pageXOffset) + 'px'; var vncwidth = $D('noVNC_container').style.offsetWidth; $D('noVNC-control-bar').style.width = vncwidth + 'px'; } /* ------^------- * /MISC * ============== */ }; })();