Solly Ross 1284169a43 Add support for Travis CI and SauceLabs Testing
This adds support for Travis CI and SauceLabs
testing.  Testing on SauceLabs in done via
the Karma test runner.  Note that encrypted
Sauce username and access key values need
to be inserted into .travis.yml as global
environment variables.  Additionally, the
local test runner (which is still useful
for debugging tests and code) was updated
to reflect that the 'node_modules' folder
now gets placed in the root directory.
2014-09-15 16:46:02 -04:00

103 lines
3.5 KiB

var Spooky = require('spooky');
var path = require('path');
var phantom_path = require('phantomjs').path;
var casper_path = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/casperjs/bin/casperjs');
process.env.PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE = phantom_path;
var casper_opts = {
child: {
transport: 'http',
command: casper_path
casper: {
logLevel: 'debug',
verbose: true
var provide_emitter = function(file_paths) {
var spooky = new Spooky(casper_opts, function(err) {
if (err) {
if (err.stack) console.warn(err.stack);
else console.warn(err);
file_paths.forEach(function(file_path, path_ind) {
spooky.waitFor(function() {
return this.getGlobal('__mocha_done') === true;
[{ path_ind: path_ind }, function() {
var res_json = {
file_ind: path_ind
res_json.num_tests = this.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelectorAll('li.test').length; });
res_json.num_passes = this.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelectorAll('li.test.pass').length; });
res_json.num_fails = this.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelectorAll('').length; });
res_json.num_slow = this.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelectorAll('li.test.pass:not(.fast):not(.pending)').length; });
res_json.num_skipped = this.evaluate(function () { return document.querySelectorAll('li.test.pending').length; });
res_json.duration = this.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('li.duration em').textContent; });
res_json.suites = this.evaluate(function() {
var traverse_node = function(elem) {
var res;
if (elem.classList.contains('suite')) {
res = {
type: 'suite',
name: elem.querySelector('h1').textContent,
has_subfailures: elem.querySelectorAll('').length > 0,
var child_elems = elem.querySelector('ul').children;
res.children =, traverse_node);
return res;
else {
var h2_content = elem.querySelector('h2').childNodes;
res = {
type: 'test',
text: h2_content[0].textContent,
if (elem.classList.contains('pass')) {
res.pass = true;
if (elem.classList.contains('pending')) {
res.slow = false;
res.skipped = true;
else {
res.slow = !elem.classList.contains('fast');
res.skipped = false;
res.duration = h2_content[1].textContent;
else {
res.error = elem.querySelector('pre.error').textContent;
return res;
var top_suites = document.querySelectorAll('#mocha-report > li.suite');
return, traverse_node);
res_json.replay = this.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('a.replay').textContent; });
this.emit('test_ready', res_json);
return spooky;
module.exports = {
provide_emitter: provide_emitter,
name: 'SpookyJS (CapserJS on PhantomJS)'