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241 lines
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//MooTools More, <http://mootools.net/more>. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Aaron Newton <http://clientcide.com/>, Valerio Proietti <http://mad4milk.net> & the MooTools team <http://mootools.net/developers>, MIT Style License.
script: More.js
description: MooTools More
license: MIT-style license
- Guillermo Rauch
- Thomas Aylott
- Scott Kyle
- core:1.2.4/MooTools
provides: [MooTools.More]
MooTools.More = {
'version': '',
'build': '6f6057dc645fdb7547689183b2311063bd653ddf'
script: String.QueryString.js
description: Methods for dealing with URI query strings.
license: MIT-style license
- Sebastian Markbåge, Aaron Newton, Lennart Pilon, Valerio Proietti
- core:1.2.4/Array
- core:1.2.4/String
- /MooTools.More
provides: [String.QueryString]
parseQueryString: function(){
var vars = this.split(/[&;]/), res = {};
if (vars.length) vars.each(function(val){
var index = val.indexOf('='),
keys = index < 0 ? [''] : val.substr(0, index).match(/[^\]\[]+/g),
value = decodeURIComponent(val.substr(index + 1)),
obj = res;
keys.each(function(key, i){
var current = obj[key];
if(i < keys.length - 1)
obj = obj[key] = current || {};
else if($type(current) == 'array')
obj[key] = $defined(current) ? [current, value] : value;
return res;
cleanQueryString: function(method){
return this.split('&').filter(function(val){
var index = val.indexOf('='),
key = index < 0 ? '' : val.substr(0, index),
value = val.substr(index + 1);
return method ? method.run([key, value]) : $chk(value);
script: URI.js
description: Provides methods useful in managing the window location and uris.
license: MIT-style license
- Sebastian Markbåge
- Aaron Newton
- core:1.2.4/Selectors
- /String.QueryString
provides: URI
var URI = new Class({
Implements: Options,
options: {
/*base: false*/
regex: /^(?:(\w+):)?(?:\/\/(?:(?:([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)?(\.\.?$|(?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/,
parts: ['scheme', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'directory', 'file', 'query', 'fragment'],
schemes: {http: 80, https: 443, ftp: 21, rtsp: 554, mms: 1755, file: 0},
initialize: function(uri, options){
var base = this.options.base || URI.base;
if(!uri) uri = base;
if (uri && uri.parsed) this.parsed = $unlink(uri.parsed);
else this.set('value', uri.href || uri.toString(), base ? new URI(base) : false);
parse: function(value, base){
var bits = value.match(this.regex);
if (!bits) return false;
return this.merge(bits.associate(this.parts), base);
merge: function(bits, base){
if ((!bits || !bits.scheme) && (!base || !base.scheme)) return false;
if (base){
if (bits[part]) return false;
bits[part] = base[part] || '';
return true;
bits.port = bits.port || this.schemes[bits.scheme.toLowerCase()];
bits.directory = bits.directory ? this.parseDirectory(bits.directory, base ? base.directory : '') : '/';
return bits;
parseDirectory: function(directory, baseDirectory) {
directory = (directory.substr(0, 1) == '/' ? '' : (baseDirectory || '/')) + directory;
if (!directory.test(URI.regs.directoryDot)) return directory;
var result = [];
directory.replace(URI.regs.endSlash, '').split('/').each(function(dir){
if (dir == '..' && result.length > 0) result.pop();
else if (dir != '.') result.push(dir);
return result.join('/') + '/';
combine: function(bits){
return bits.value || bits.scheme + '://' +
(bits.user ? bits.user + (bits.password ? ':' + bits.password : '') + '@' : '') +
(bits.host || '') + (bits.port && bits.port != this.schemes[bits.scheme] ? ':' + bits.port : '') +
(bits.directory || '/') + (bits.file || '') +
(bits.query ? '?' + bits.query : '') +
(bits.fragment ? '#' + bits.fragment : '');
set: function(part, value, base){
if (part == 'value'){
var scheme = value.match(URI.regs.scheme);
if (scheme) scheme = scheme[1];
if (scheme && !$defined(this.schemes[scheme.toLowerCase()])) this.parsed = { scheme: scheme, value: value };
else this.parsed = this.parse(value, (base || this).parsed) || (scheme ? { scheme: scheme, value: value } : { value: value });
} else if (part == 'data') {
} else {
this.parsed[part] = value;
return this;
get: function(part, base){
case 'value': return this.combine(this.parsed, base ? base.parsed : false);
case 'data' : return this.getData();
return this.parsed[part] || '';
go: function(){
document.location.href = this.toString();
toURI: function(){
return this;
getData: function(key, part){
var qs = this.get(part || 'query');
if (!$chk(qs)) return key ? null : {};
var obj = qs.parseQueryString();
return key ? obj[key] : obj;
setData: function(values, merge, part){
if (typeof values == 'string'){
data = this.getData();
data[arguments[0]] = arguments[1];
values = data;
} else if (merge) {
values = $merge(this.getData(), values);
return this.set(part || 'query', Hash.toQueryString(values));
clearData: function(part){
return this.set(part || 'query', '');
URI.prototype.toString = URI.prototype.valueOf = function(){
return this.get('value');
URI.regs = {
endSlash: /\/$/,
scheme: /^(\w+):/,
directoryDot: /\.\/|\.$/
URI.base = new URI(document.getElements('base[href]', true).getLast(), {base: document.location});
toURI: function(options){
return new URI(this, options);
}); |