Joel Martin e371597016 test/*.html: use "../include" instead of symlink.
This allows tests to work on the github pages site.
2011-03-14 19:05:42 -05:00

136 lines
4.4 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Cursor Change test</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type='text/javascript'
<script src="../include/util.js"></script>
<script src="../include/webutil.js"></script>
<script src="../include/base64.js"></script>
<script src="../include/canvas.js"></script>
<h1>Roll over the buttons to test cursors</h1>
<input id=button1 type="button" value="Cursor from file (smiley face)">
<input id=button2 type="button" value="Data URI cursor (crosshair)">
<textarea id="debug" style="font-size: 9px;" cols=80 rows=25></textarea>
<canvas id="testcanvas" width="100px" height="20px">
Canvas not supported.
function debug(str) {
cell = $D('debug');
cell.innerHTML += str + "\n";
cell.scrollTop = cell.scrollHeight;
function makeCursor() {
var arr = [], x, y, w = 32, h = 32, hx = 16, hy = 16;
var IHDRsz = 40;
var ANDsz = w * h * 4;
var XORsz = Math.ceil( (w * h) / 8.0 );
// Push multi-byte little-endian values
arr.push16le = function (num) {
this.push((num ) & 0xFF,
(num >> 8) & 0xFF );
arr.push32le = function (num) {
this.push((num ) & 0xFF,
(num >> 8) & 0xFF,
(num >> 16) & 0xFF,
(num >> 24) & 0xFF );
// Main header
arr.push16le(0); // Reserved
arr.push16le(2); // .CUR type
arr.push16le(1); // Number of images, 1 for non-animated arr
// Cursor #1
arr.push(w); // width
arr.push(h); // height
arr.push(0); // colors, 0 -> true-color
arr.push(0); // reserved
arr.push16le(hx); // hotspot x coordinate
arr.push16le(hy); // hotspot y coordinate
arr.push32le(IHDRsz + XORsz + ANDsz); // cursor data byte size
arr.push32le(22); // offset of cursor data in the file
// Infoheader for Cursor #1
arr.push32le(IHDRsz); // Infoheader size
arr.push32le(w); // Cursor width
arr.push32le(h*2); // XOR+AND height
arr.push16le(1); // number of planes
arr.push16le(32); // bits per pixel
arr.push32le(0); // type of compression
arr.push32le(XORsz + ANDsz); // Size of Image
// XOR/color data
for (y = h-1; y >= 0; y--) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
//if ((x === hx) || (y === (h-hy-1))) {
if ((x === hx) || (y === hy)) {
arr.push(0xe0); // blue
arr.push(0x00); // green
arr.push(0x00); // red
arr.push(0xff); // alpha
} else {
arr.push(0x05); // blue
arr.push(0xe6); // green
arr.push(0x00); // red
arr.push(0x80); // alpha
// AND/bitmask data (seems to be ignored)
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < Math.ceil(w / 8); x++) {
debug("cursor generated");
return arr;
window.onload = function() {
var canvas, cross, cursor, cursor64;
canvas = new Canvas({'target' : $D("testcanvas")});
debug("canvas indicates Data URI cursor support is: " + canvas.get_cursor_uri());
$D('button1').style.cursor="url(face.png), default";
cursor = makeCursor();
cursor64 = Base64.encode(cursor);
//debug("cursor: " + cursor.slice(0,100) + " (" + cursor.length + ")");
//debug("cursor64: " + cursor64.slice(0,100) + " (" + cursor64.length + ")");
$D('button2').style.cursor="url(data:image/x-icon;base64," + cursor64 + "), default";
debug("onload complete");