Pull c33f0b52e7 from websockify. - Fix for python2.4 with URL parsing. - Set binaryType earlier in Opera 12.10 to avoid receiving a blob. - Re-order client and target processing so that pending client data has an opportunity to be sent when the target closes.
394 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
394 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
A WebSocket to TCP socket proxy with support for "wss://" encryption.
Copyright 2011 Joel Martin
Licensed under LGPL version 3 (see docs/LICENSE.LGPL-3)
You can make a cert/key with openssl using:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out self.pem -keyout self.pem
as taken from http://docs.python.org/dev/library/ssl.html#certificates
import signal, socket, optparse, time, os, sys, subprocess
from select import select
import websocket
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
from cgi import parse_qs
from urlparse import urlparse
class WebSocketProxy(websocket.WebSocketServer):
Proxy traffic to and from a WebSockets client to a normal TCP
socket server target. All traffic to/from the client is base64
encoded/decoded to allow binary data to be sent/received to/from
the target.
buffer_size = 65536
traffic_legend = """
Traffic Legend:
} - Client receive
}. - Client receive partial
{ - Target receive
> - Target send
>. - Target send partial
< - Client send
<. - Client send partial
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Save off proxy specific options
self.target_host = kwargs.pop('target_host', None)
self.target_port = kwargs.pop('target_port', None)
self.wrap_cmd = kwargs.pop('wrap_cmd', None)
self.wrap_mode = kwargs.pop('wrap_mode', None)
self.unix_target = kwargs.pop('unix_target', None)
self.ssl_target = kwargs.pop('ssl_target', None)
self.target_cfg = kwargs.pop('target_cfg', None)
# Last 3 timestamps command was run
self.wrap_times = [0, 0, 0]
if self.wrap_cmd:
rebinder_path = ['./', os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])]
self.rebinder = None
for rdir in rebinder_path:
rpath = os.path.join(rdir, "rebind.so")
if os.path.exists(rpath):
self.rebinder = rpath
if not self.rebinder:
raise Exception("rebind.so not found, perhaps you need to run make")
self.rebinder = os.path.abspath(self.rebinder)
self.target_host = "" # Loopback
# Find a free high port
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('', 0))
self.target_port = sock.getsockname()[1]
"LD_PRELOAD": self.rebinder,
"REBIND_OLD_PORT": str(kwargs['listen_port']),
"REBIND_NEW_PORT": str(self.target_port)})
if self.target_cfg:
self.target_cfg = os.path.abspath(self.target_cfg)
websocket.WebSocketServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def run_wrap_cmd(self):
print("Starting '%s'" % " ".join(self.wrap_cmd))
self.cmd = subprocess.Popen(
self.wrap_cmd, env=os.environ, preexec_fn=_subprocess_setup)
self.spawn_message = True
def started(self):
Called after Websockets server startup (i.e. after daemonize)
# Need to call wrapped command after daemonization so we can
# know when the wrapped command exits
if self.wrap_cmd:
dst_string = "'%s' (port %s)" % (" ".join(self.wrap_cmd), self.target_port)
elif self.unix_target:
dst_string = self.unix_target
dst_string = "%s:%s" % (self.target_host, self.target_port)
if self.target_cfg:
msg = " - proxying from %s:%s to targets in %s" % (
self.listen_host, self.listen_port, self.target_cfg)
msg = " - proxying from %s:%s to %s" % (
self.listen_host, self.listen_port, dst_string)
if self.ssl_target:
msg += " (using SSL)"
print(msg + "\n")
if self.wrap_cmd:
def poll(self):
# If we are wrapping a command, check it's status
if self.wrap_cmd and self.cmd:
ret = self.cmd.poll()
if ret != None:
self.vmsg("Wrapped command exited (or daemon). Returned %s" % ret)
self.cmd = None
if self.wrap_cmd and self.cmd == None:
# Response to wrapped command being gone
if self.wrap_mode == "ignore":
elif self.wrap_mode == "exit":
elif self.wrap_mode == "respawn":
now = time.time()
avg = sum(self.wrap_times)/len(self.wrap_times)
if (now - avg) < 10:
# 3 times in the last 10 seconds
if self.spawn_message:
print("Command respawning too fast")
self.spawn_message = False
# Routines above this point are run in the master listener
# process.
# Routines below this point are connection handler routines and
# will be run in a separate forked process for each connection.
def new_client(self):
Called after a new WebSocket connection has been established.
# Checks if we receive a token, and look
# for a valid target for it then
if self.target_cfg:
(self.target_host, self.target_port) = self.get_target(self.target_cfg, self.path)
# Connect to the target
if self.wrap_cmd:
msg = "connecting to command: '%s' (port %s)" % (" ".join(self.wrap_cmd), self.target_port)
elif self.unix_target:
msg = "connecting to unix socket: %s" % self.unix_target
msg = "connecting to: %s:%s" % (
self.target_host, self.target_port)
if self.ssl_target:
msg += " (using SSL)"
tsock = self.socket(self.target_host, self.target_port,
connect=True, use_ssl=self.ssl_target, unix_socket=self.unix_target)
if self.verbose and not self.daemon:
# Start proxying
if tsock:
self.vmsg("%s:%s: Closed target" %(
self.target_host, self.target_port))
def get_target(self, target_cfg, path):
Parses the path, extracts a token, and looks for a valid
target for that token in the configuration file(s). Sets
target_host and target_port if successful
# The files in targets contain the lines
# in the form of token: host:port
# Extract the token parameter from url
args = parse_qs(urlparse(path)[4]) # 4 is the query from url
if not args.has_key('token') or not len(args['token']):
raise self.EClose("Token not present")
token = args['token'][0].rstrip('\n')
# target_cfg can be a single config file or directory of
# config files
if os.path.isdir(target_cfg):
cfg_files = [os.path.join(target_cfg, f)
for f in os.listdir(target_cfg)]
cfg_files = [target_cfg]
targets = {}
for f in cfg_files:
for line in [l.strip() for l in file(f).readlines()]:
if line and not line.startswith('#'):
ttoken, target = line.split(': ')
targets[ttoken] = target.strip()
self.vmsg("Target config: %s" % repr(targets))
if targets.has_key(token):
return targets[token].split(':')
raise self.EClose("Token '%s' not found" % token)
def do_proxy(self, target):
Proxy client WebSocket to normal target socket.
cqueue = []
c_pend = 0
tqueue = []
rlist = [self.client, target]
while True:
wlist = []
if tqueue: wlist.append(target)
if cqueue or c_pend: wlist.append(self.client)
ins, outs, excepts = select(rlist, wlist, [], 1)
if excepts: raise Exception("Socket exception")
if self.client in outs:
# Send queued target data to the client
c_pend = self.send_frames(cqueue)
cqueue = []
if self.client in ins:
# Receive client data, decode it, and queue for target
bufs, closed = self.recv_frames()
if closed:
# TODO: What about blocking on client socket?
self.vmsg("%s:%s: Client closed connection" %(
self.target_host, self.target_port))
raise self.CClose(closed['code'], closed['reason'])
if target in outs:
# Send queued client data to the target
dat = tqueue.pop(0)
sent = target.send(dat)
if sent == len(dat):
# requeue the remaining data
tqueue.insert(0, dat[sent:])
if target in ins:
# Receive target data, encode it and queue for client
buf = target.recv(self.buffer_size)
if len(buf) == 0:
self.vmsg("%s:%s: Target closed connection" %(
self.target_host, self.target_port))
raise self.CClose(1000, "Target closed")
def _subprocess_setup():
# Python installs a SIGPIPE handler by default. This is usually not what
# non-Python successfulbprocesses expect.
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
def websockify_init():
usage = "\n %prog [options]"
usage += " [source_addr:]source_port [target_addr:target_port]"
usage += "\n %prog [options]"
usage += " [source_addr:]source_port -- WRAP_COMMAND_LINE"
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true",
help="verbose messages and per frame traffic")
help="record sessions to FILE.[session_number]", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("--daemon", "-D",
dest="daemon", action="store_true",
help="become a daemon (background process)")
parser.add_option("--run-once", action="store_true",
help="handle a single WebSocket connection and exit")
parser.add_option("--timeout", type=int, default=0,
help="after TIMEOUT seconds exit when not connected")
parser.add_option("--idle-timeout", type=int, default=0,
help="server exits after TIMEOUT seconds if there are no "
"active connections")
parser.add_option("--cert", default="self.pem",
help="SSL certificate file")
parser.add_option("--key", default=None,
help="SSL key file (if separate from cert)")
parser.add_option("--ssl-only", action="store_true",
help="disallow non-encrypted client connections")
parser.add_option("--ssl-target", action="store_true",
help="connect to SSL target as SSL client")
help="connect to unix socket target", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("--web", default=None, metavar="DIR",
help="run webserver on same port. Serve files from DIR.")
parser.add_option("--wrap-mode", default="exit", metavar="MODE",
choices=["exit", "ignore", "respawn"],
help="action to take when the wrapped program exits "
"or daemonizes: exit (default), ignore, respawn")
parser.add_option("--prefer-ipv6", "-6",
action="store_true", dest="source_is_ipv6",
help="prefer IPv6 when resolving source_addr")
parser.add_option("--target-config", metavar="FILE",
help="Configuration file containing valid targets "
"in the form 'token: host:port' or, alternatively, a "
"directory containing configuration files of this form")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Sanity checks
if len(args) < 2 and not (opts.target_cfg or opts.unix_target):
parser.error("Too few arguments")
if sys.argv.count('--'):
opts.wrap_cmd = args[1:]
opts.wrap_cmd = None
if len(args) > 2:
parser.error("Too many arguments")
if not websocket.ssl and opts.ssl_target:
parser.error("SSL target requested and Python SSL module not loaded.");
if opts.ssl_only and not os.path.exists(opts.cert):
parser.error("SSL only and %s not found" % opts.cert)
# Parse host:port and convert ports to numbers
if args[0].count(':') > 0:
opts.listen_host, opts.listen_port = args[0].rsplit(':', 1)
opts.listen_host = opts.listen_host.strip('[]')
opts.listen_host, opts.listen_port = '', args[0]
try: opts.listen_port = int(opts.listen_port)
except: parser.error("Error parsing listen port")
if opts.wrap_cmd or opts.unix_target or opts.target_cfg:
opts.target_host = None
opts.target_port = None
if args[1].count(':') > 0:
opts.target_host, opts.target_port = args[1].rsplit(':', 1)
opts.target_host = opts.target_host.strip('[]')
parser.error("Error parsing target")
try: opts.target_port = int(opts.target_port)
except: parser.error("Error parsing target port")
# Create and start the WebSockets proxy
server = WebSocketProxy(**opts.__dict__)
if __name__ == '__main__':