**DO NOT ADD a __init__.py file in this directory** "Why not?" you ask; read on! 1. If we're running asyncio tests, we can't ever call txaio.use_twisted() 2. If we're running twisted tests, we can't ever call txaio.use_asycnio()... 3. ...and these are decided/called at import time 4. so: we can't *import* any of the autobahn.asyncio.* modules if we're running twisted tests (or vice versa) 5. ...but test-runners (py.test and trial) import things automagically (to "discover" tests) 6. We use py.test to run asyncio tests; see "setup.cfg" where we tell it "norecursedirs = autobahn/twisted/*" so it doesn't ipmort twisted stuff (and hence call txaio.use_twisted()) 7. We use trial to run twisted tests; the lack of __init__ in here stops it from trying to import this (and hence the parent package). (The only files matching test_*.py are in this directory.) *Therefore*, we don't put a __init__ file in this directory.