.PHONY: test docs pep8 all: @echo "Targets:" @echo "" @echo " clean Cleanup" @echo " install Local install" @echo " publish Clean build, register and publish to PyPi" @echo " test Run unit tests" @echo " flake8 Run flake8 code checking" @echo "" # install locally install: # enforce use of bundled libsodium export SODIUM_INSTALL=bundled pip install --upgrade -e .[all,dev] # cleanup everything clean: rm -rf ./docs/build rm -rf ./.cache rm -rf ./autobahn.egg-info rm -rf ./build rm -rf ./dist rm -rf ./temp rm -rf ./_trial_temp rm -rf ./.tox rm -rf ./.eggs rm -f ./twisted/plugins/dropin.cache find . -name "*dropin.cache.new" -type f -exec rm -f {} \; find . -name "*.tar.gz" -type f -exec rm -f {} \; find . -name "*.egg" -type f -exec rm -f {} \; find . -name "*.pyc" -type f -exec rm -f {} \; # Learn to love the shell! http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/115869/52500 find . \( -name "*__pycache__" -type d \) -prune -exec rm -rf {} + # publish to PyPI publish: clean python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/* docs: cd docs && make html spelling: cd docs && sphinx-build -b spelling . _spelling test_styleguide: flake8 --statistics --max-line-length=119 -qq autobahn # direct test via pytest (only here because of setuptools test integration) test_pytest: python -m pytest -rsx autobahn/ # test via setuptools command test_setuptools: python setup.py test test: flake8 test_twisted test_asyncio # test under Twisted test_twisted: USE_TWISTED=1 trial autobahn #WAMP_ROUTER_URL="ws://" USE_TWISTED=1 trial autobahn test_twisted_coverage: -rm .coverage USE_TWISTED=1 coverage run --omit=*/test/* --source=autobahn `which trial` autobahn # coverage -a -d annotated_coverage coverage html coverage report --show-missing test_coverage: -rm .coverage tox -e py27-twcurrent,py27-trollius,py34-asyncio coverage combine coverage html coverage report --show-missing # test under asyncio test_asyncio: USE_ASYNCIO=1 python -m pytest -rsx autobahn #WAMP_ROUTER_URL="ws://" USE_ASYNCIO=1 python -m pytest -rsx test1: USE_TWISTED=1 trial autobahn.wamp.test.test_auth # USE_TWISTED=1 python -m pytest -s -v autobahn/wamp/test/test_auth.py # USE_TWISTED=1 python -m pytest -s -v autobahn/wamp/test/test_router.py # USE_ASYNCIO=1 python -m pytest -s -v autobahn/wamp/test/test_router.py test2: # USE_TWISTED=1 python -m pytest -s -v autobahn/wamp/test/test_router.py USE_ASYNCIO=1 python -m pytest -s -v autobahn/wamp/test/test_router.py # trial autobahn # trial autobahn.websocket.test # trial autobahn.wamp.test # trial autobahn.wamp.test.test_component # trial autobahn.wamp.test.test_message # trial autobahn.wamp.test.test_protocol # trial autobahn.wamp.test.test_protocol_peer # trial autobahn.wamp.test.test_serializer # trial autobahn.wamp.test.test_uri_pattern pyflakes: pyflakes . # run PEP8 check and print statistics pep8: pep8 --statistics --ignore=E501 -qq autobahn # run PEP8 check and show source for offending code pep8show: pep8 --show-source --ignore=E501 autobahn # run autopep8 to automatically transform offending code autopep8: autopep8 -ri --aggressive autobahn # This will run pep8, pyflakes and can skip lines that end with # noqa flake8: flake8 --ignore=E402,E501,N801,N802,N803,N805,N806 autobahn # run PyLint pylint: pylint -d line-too-long,invalid-name autobahn # on Unix, check for files with Windows line endings find_windows_files: find . -name "*" -exec file {} \; | grep "CRLF" # on Windows (Git Bash), check for files with Unix lines endings find_unix_files: find . -name "*" -exec dos2unix -tv {} \; 2>&1 | grep "Unix" find_tavendo: find . -path ./.git -prune -o -type f -exec grep -Hi "tavendo" {} \; | grep -v "Copyright (c) Tavendo"