############################################################################### # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) Tavendo GmbH # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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""" @abc.abstractmethod def onConnect(self, requestOrResponse): """ Callback fired during WebSocket opening handshake when a client connects (to a server with request from client) or when server connection established (by a client with response from server). :param requestOrResponse: Connection request (for servers) or response (for clients). :type requestOrResponse: Instance of :class:`autobahn.websocket.protocol.ConnectionRequest` or :class:`autobahn.websocket.protocol.ConnectionResponse`. :returns: When this callback is fired on a WebSocket server, you may return one of the following: 1. ``None``: Connection accepted (no subprotocol) 2. ``str``: Connection accepted with given subprotocol 3. ``(subprotocol, headers)``: Connection accepted with given ``subprotocol`` (which also may be ``None``) and set the given HTTP ``headers`` (e.g. cookies). ``headers`` must be a ``dict`` with ``str`` keys and values for the HTTP header values to set. If a given header value is a non-string iterable (e.g. list or tuple), a separate header line will be sent for each item in the iterable. If the client announced one or multiple subprotocols, the server MUST select one of the given list. """ @abc.abstractmethod def onOpen(self): """ Callback fired when the initial WebSocket opening handshake was completed. You now can send and receive WebSocket messages. """ @abc.abstractmethod def sendMessage(self, payload, isBinary=False, fragmentSize=None, sync=False, doNotCompress=False): """ Send a WebSocket message over the connection to the peer. :param payload: The message payload. :type payload: bytes :param isBinary: ``True`` when payload is binary, else the payload must be UTF-8 encoded text. :type isBinary: bool :param fragmentSize: Fragment message into WebSocket fragments of this size (the last frame potentially being shorter). :type fragmentSize: int :param sync: If ``True``, try to force data onto the wire immediately. .. warning:: Do NOT use this feature for normal applications. Performance likely will suffer significantly. This feature is mainly here for use by Autobahn|Testsuite. :type sync: bool :param doNotCompress: Iff ``True``, never compress this message. This only applies to Hybi-Mode and only when WebSocket compression has been negotiated on the WebSocket connection. Use when you know the payload incompressible (e.g. encrypted or already compressed). :type doNotCompress: bool """ @abc.abstractmethod def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary): """ Callback fired when a complete WebSocket message was received. :param payload: Message payload (UTF-8 encoded text or binary). Can also be empty when the WebSocket message contained no payload. :type payload: bytes :param isBinary: ``True`` iff payload is binary, else the payload is UTF-8 encoded text. :type isBinary: bool """ @abc.abstractmethod def sendClose(self, code=None, reason=None): """ Starts a WebSocket closing handshake tearing down the WebSocket connection. :param code: An optional close status code (``1000`` for normal close or ``3000-4999`` for application specific close). :type code: int :param reason: An optional close reason (a string that when present, a status code MUST also be present). :type reason: str """ @abc.abstractmethod def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason): """ Callback fired when the WebSocket connection has been closed (WebSocket closing handshake has been finished or the connection was closed uncleanly). :param wasClean: ``True`` iff the WebSocket connection was closed cleanly. :type wasClean: bool :param code: Close status code (as sent by the WebSocket peer). :type code: int or None :param reason: Close reason (as sent by the WebSocket peer). :type reason: unicode or None """ @abc.abstractmethod def sendPreparedMessage(self, preparedMsg): """ Send a message that was previously prepared with :func:`autobahn.websocket.protocol.WebSocketFactory.prepareMessage`. :param prepareMessage: A previously prepared message. :type prepareMessage: Instance of :class:`autobahn.websocket.protocol.PreparedMessage`. """ @abc.abstractmethod def sendPing(self, payload=None): """ Send a WebSocket ping to the peer. A peer is expected to pong back the payload a soon as "practical". When more than one ping is outstanding at a peer, the peer may elect to respond only to the last ping. :param payload: An (optional) arbitrary payload of length **less than 126** octets. :type payload: bytes or None """ @abc.abstractmethod def onPing(self, payload): """ Callback fired when a WebSocket ping was received. A default implementation responds by sending a WebSocket pong. :param payload: Payload of ping (when there was any). Can be arbitrary, up to `125` octets. :type payload: bytes """ @abc.abstractmethod def sendPong(self, payload=None): """ Send a WebSocket pong to the peer. A WebSocket pong may be sent unsolicited. This serves as a unidirectional heartbeat. A response to an unsolicited pong is "not expected". :param payload: An (optional) arbitrary payload of length < 126 octets. :type payload: bytes """ @abc.abstractmethod def onPong(self, payload): """ Callback fired when a WebSocket pong was received. A default implementation does nothing. :param payload: Payload of pong (when there was any). Can be arbitrary, up to 125 octets. :type payload: bytes """ class IWebSocketChannelFrameApi(IWebSocketChannel): """ Frame-based API to a WebSocket channel. """ @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageBegin(self, isBinary): """ Callback fired when receiving of a new WebSocket message has begun. :param isBinary: ``True`` if payload is binary, else the payload is UTF-8 encoded text. :type isBinary: bool """ @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrame(self, payload): """ Callback fired when a complete WebSocket message frame for a previously begun WebSocket message has been received. :param payload: Message frame payload (a list of chunks received). :type payload: list of bytes """ @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageEnd(self): """ Callback fired when a WebSocket message has been completely received (the last WebSocket frame for that message has been received). """ @abc.abstractmethod def beginMessage(self, isBinary=False, doNotCompress=False): """ Begin sending a new WebSocket message. :param isBinary: ``True`` if payload is binary, else the payload must be UTF-8 encoded text. :type isBinary: bool :param doNotCompress: If ``True``, never compress this message. This only applies to Hybi-Mode and only when WebSocket compression has been negotiated on the WebSocket connection. Use when you know the payload incompressible (e.g. encrypted or already compressed). :type doNotCompress: bool """ @abc.abstractmethod def sendMessageFrame(self, payload, sync=False): """ When a message has been previously begun, send a complete message frame in one go. :param payload: The message frame payload. When sending a text message, the payload must be UTF-8 encoded already. :type payload: bytes :param sync: If ``True``, try to force data onto the wire immediately. .. warning:: Do NOT use this feature for normal applications. Performance likely will suffer significantly. This feature is mainly here for use by Autobahn|Testsuite. :type sync: bool """ @abc.abstractmethod def endMessage(self): """ End a message previously begun message. No more frames may be sent (for that message). You have to begin a new message before sending again. """ class IWebSocketChannelStreamingApi(IWebSocketChannelFrameApi): """ Streaming API to a WebSocket channel. """ @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrameBegin(self, length): """ Callback fired when receiving a new message frame has begun. A default implementation will prepare to buffer message frame data. :param length: Payload length of message frame which is subsequently received. :type length: int """ @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrameData(self, payload): """ Callback fired when receiving data within a previously begun message frame. A default implementation will buffer data for frame. :param payload: Partial payload for message frame. :type payload: bytes """ @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrameEnd(self): """ Callback fired when a previously begun message frame has been completely received. A default implementation will flatten the buffered frame data and fire `onMessageFrame`. """ @abc.abstractmethod def beginMessageFrame(self, length): """ Begin sending a new message frame. :param length: Length of the frame which is to be started. Must be less or equal **2^63**. :type length: int """ @abc.abstractmethod def sendMessageFrameData(self, payload, sync=False): """ Send out data when within a message frame (message was begun, frame was begun). Note that the frame is automatically ended when enough data has been sent. In other words, there is no ``endMessageFrame``, since you have begun the frame specifying the frame length, which implicitly defined the frame end. This is different from messages, which you begin *and* end explicitly , since a message can contain an unlimited number of frames. :param payload: Frame payload to send. :type payload: bytes :param sync: If ``True``, try to force data onto the wire immediately. .. warning:: Do NOT use this feature for normal applications. Performance likely will suffer significantly. This feature is mainly here for use by Autobahn|Testsuite. :type sync: bool :returns: When the currently sent message frame is still incomplete, returns octets remaining to be sent. When the frame is complete, returns **0**. Otherwise the amount of unconsumed data in payload argument is returned. :rtype: int """